Wednesday 13 January 2021

# Thought Experiment #



- Thought Experiment -

Without backing from extremely powerful and wealthy interests how much of any of the covid operation would or could have stood?

Without such unspoken and largely unreported backing, how differently would critical opposition have mobilised to hold deceitful intent to account and destructive behaviour in check?

How much is a process of intended incentivisation via psychological conditioning to normalise chaos as the condition for totalitarian control/subjection the leveraging of wealth and power as funded leverage? So as to mask in helplessness and incompetence seeking clarity - when it is working as deliberate disinformation of obfuscation and delay?

Be sure it is not wealth that is accountable here but the narrative of its focus and use for leveraging masked agenda rather than fulfilling openly accepted need and desire.

The 'Economic Hit Man' is the 'offer you cant refuse' in the sense of backroom criminal coercion, spelled out or insinuated to the understanding of 'incentives' imposed as 'choice'. Carney indicates a more open assurance of 'power' in the declaration that if you do not comply with the 'Green New Deal' (sic), you WILL go out of business.

Banking and financial controls ultimately operate a choke or a flow of life support. This market capture as a masked and systemic bias expands and extends to likewise control energy dependence and supply, medical dependence and supply and so on as a broad spectrum dominance of dependence and supply on a corporate dominance that is itself hostage to legal and financial 'leveraging' by a weaponised 'law'.

I expect that those who believe they are in control of the world are compelled to attempt to do so, under the model of the world that they are wilfully 'locked into' that distances or dissociates them from a truly felt fully human reality. This dissociation or cognitive dissonance is simply evident as 'mind capture' in the hollow parody of life being presented as 'authority' of either scientific and reasoned evaluations or morally justified imperatives.

Our lack of capacity to recognise, articulate and communicate truth effectively is itself a result of a long term degradation and depreciation of consciousness by means of a capture and framing of educational dependency and supply.

I see that we are framed in dilemma from which we cannot escape except by choosing for wholeness of being, instead of persisting in repackaging the conflict down the generations as a seeming escape in denials masking as 'power over Life' set in the very few by the very many. But such denials and masking deceit operates as TO deny awareness of choice, under the allure of a fantasy fulfilment, and in fear of utter humiliation and invalidation as loss of face, loss of self and loss of control.

Fear operates as Fact believed BY invested reaction from such interpretation given status of 'reality'. Fear is then protected against its own re-evaluation under mask of 'survival necessity' that takes priority over all else as moral right.

To be wilfully locked into a death mask - or indeed death spiral - is fear defined, and fear driven. The Call to Live is true willing presence of relational communication, but the call to dissociation and control is a lock down into narratives of Self evasion - demanding compliance and support - without which they cannot stand.

Curiosity is our Native Intelligence, regardless what then covers over and shapes it, or 'explains it away' as a social masking conformity. No matter how dark and dire our experience, the movement or stirring of curiosity is of a quality of ourselves that is not IN such a frame but able to observe it, and move immediately to where answer reveals.

However this calls for release of the mind of fear and control to a receptive willingness. And there we may also see our invested identity revealed as demands and conditions currently locked in but brought to awareness instead of running under denial or 'unconscious'. This changes everything. You cannot really un-know even if you seek to eradicate the awareness by re-setting narrative controls.

Bringing conflicts and denials to light is how they are transformed and released to reveal truth that can be covered over but never altogether lost. We all have our own time and timing in uncovering willingness and yet are also part of each others experience of unfolding to a recognition of life that cannot be quantified or measured and set as rules. But insofar as patterns of living become structures through which to live they need serve the living or else will 'die'. We can choke off our own Good for the sake of an idealised or idolised structure of seeming 'control' - perhaps to repeat down through generations. Until we change our mind about our mind. That is to say step out of a masking dictate and live from a quality of life recognised, appreciated and loved.


That our experience Is supported as our 'world' suggests a freedom to both teach and learn - that is to set up a learning experience by which to grow or unfold perspectives that serve a greater purpose than is evident to the 'learner' of a limited and distorted reality reflection.


Firstly as I commented on this page already as "# thought experiment #" - wealth as leverage buys the means for compliance or muting defiance.

Emotion does not prove anything. But a firmly communicated conviction can integrate a passionate conviction as a clearly recognisable presence. It is this quality of communication and relationship that is 'under attack' because it is shares the conditions in which lies can no longer mask as if true or valid as a basis from which to think, act or live.

We may note that the 'narratives' that serve the intent to shape and control our minds are given protection and nurture - regardless of veracity, while those that impede or obstruct such a 'mindset' are demonised, denied and attacked. If you should counter attack you will 'prove' that you are in fact the hateful thing this 'Mob' has marked you out as.

When hate and fear are triggerred and nurtured in otherwise ordinary people, you will see vicious and despicable behaviour.

To regain or reclaim our mind from fear-conditioning is not a popular movement. Most want to 'make the bad thing go away' and under extremity will sign up to almost anything if it 'delivers them' from what they have no readiness or willingness to face, own or move through and release. The mind is creative - but set in fear is its own 'destructive' - as illusion of 'making new' or resetting to tighter controls by means of choking, limiting, conflicting and normalising to fear, pain and loss.

Hence the human conditioning (verb) is generally regarded as The Human Condition (noun). Emotional disturbance is implicitly part of denial and controls set to make or break our lives as we then be-live them. There is all the difference between sympathy and compassion. Mind control profiles and target 'sympathies' to set a narrative 'identity' that masks as 'virtue'. Compassion extends a recognition of another AS ourself. This is love - but not as love is socially masked and manipulated to conform and comply.


Most would defer the specifics to the power that protects them. Just as with every other ugly reflection of a loveless existence.

This 'escape' works as the shifting of blame under some claim of mitigation or self justification. The 'power' is then shaped by the unowned mind seeking to deny fear rather than face it.

If you can glimpse this you get a sense that we are generally living a coded reversal of reality that assigns Cause and Authority outside or external to a Self-denial.

“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". ~ Michael Ellner.


  1. You hit the nail on the head. It's fear, and also, it's never enough. No matter the sacrifices we make, we won't attain freedom. Every day this goes on, we are at a higher risk of never gaining back what we lost.

    1. That's why we live from freedom and don't wait another moment. Where is it? It is not in the mindtrap of the carrot and stick.


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