Sunday 10 January 2021

Where we look to find our Self is our choosing


I see a lockdown of people so as to suppress coordinated response against mass 'vaccination' or the narrative manipulations for its 'deployment'.

The horror of genocidal scenarios is not in the numbers of dead but in the cold and methodical industrial and technological efficiency and inhuman logic to their setting up, implementation and carrying out as a socially engineered degradation and death.

The additional development of mind control leads to the means to induce people to willingly choose and comply in their own degradation as a moral sacrifice or mask of protective social credit by which to mitigate awareness of pain of loss as a social norm.

The farming of death in the living is not necessarily immediately the loss of life, but the loss of awareness of life as freedom of being to a spiritual death running as an operating system for the playing out of fantasies set over and upon the bodies of the living.

Who would save 'their life' shall lose it, but who would yield such a 'life' to Me shall know Life eternal. A fear-driven existence knows not that is has, and in lack and fear of loss seeks to add to itself and can never 'get' enough. But to them who truly have, more shall appreciate, while those who have not shall lose even the little that they have. This is not punishment, but the law of appreciation or 'what you appreciate, appreciates'. A negative appreciation also goes forth and multiplies as the fruit or result of its predicates. As you sow, so shall you reap.

The spiritual realm is of qualitative meaning that has quantitative forms of expression as our 'world'. The exclusion and reduction to determinism of a quantitative model is a lockdown of the mind to a distanced object 'reality' in which true relational being is denied for the mask of not knowing the fear or conflict that runs beneath.

In this way a mind is en-tranced to a narrative identity or masking persona within a collective willingness or intent to not feel and know the truth of That you are, but through a 'glass darkly' - that is through a multi-layered strategy of defences against disclosure to the underlying complex of fear that has woven its own spell as a web of 'meanings' cast out upon its world.

While we give identity of Self to a narrative, it has all the power we give it to direct our thought and maintain its 'dissociation' of a world from relational being - which Is Communication, which Is relationship - before even Abraham was.

Fear speaks to your mind as "I will make you safe".

Love speaks your being as "You are safe".

There is a stark choice here as to who you accept yourself to be, but once given to a 'mind of thinking', its conflict and division works to rule out listening in the heart of being.

You have to actively want or be willing for the love that is your birthright as a result of having learned a 'new normal' that replaced and masked over love's awareness now.

No matter what it promises, the mind of thinking or 'modelling and propaganda' cannot deliver anything but more of the same conflict - regardless how ingeniously packaged. This is in the nature of a fundamental ignorance of its own origin. The 'mask' cannot know what it was made to cast out or eradicate and deny from awareness. But nor does it actually do so, Fears and denials are merely 'hidden' in a world that runs out of ways and means to evade, hide and persist in, so as to in a sense 'come home to roost'.

Awakening responsibility is from a point of integrity of being - not a claim of personal merit or achievement set over or against others. Fear of blame and penalty shuts down the mind from its true nature in the Formless and Creative - that I called qualitative source of meaning - that is heart and mind as one or working in unison. This is the power of Life - but it does not oppose, and so we cannot reccognise ourselves in opposition and polarised narrative reaction. But where we look to find our Self is our choosing, and our capacity to recognise our freedom in being.

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