Thursday 14 January 2021

The power behind the puppet theatre


The fact that lies operate openly without being held to account is principally the effect of the power behind the puppet theatre.

Banking or financial leverage is the ability to starve credit - along with unimaginable influence and 'fronts' by which to leverage by hook or by crook.

But without sending an imagination into the 'black box' of what is either hidden or set out of bounds, it is clearly coercion, and the pretext that such coercion is anything to do with any kind of concern for our health, wealth or happiness is at best a form of mind control through those so terrified as to have lost or foregone all reason for compliance under coercion, that then serves as the community support for that which terrorises them with 'solutions' that lock into fear driven hate, and degrade capacity to question or reflect.

Mind capture is not at all a fanciful idea but the fear, hate and denial of our own mind in exchange for a mask by which to seem to escape or mitigate. That 'solutions' are offered by the team that induces hysteria is a well oiled machine that is used all the time in ways that are largely hidden in the 'normal' social order in place of conscious responsibility for communication and outcomes or decision.

My sense is that this choking of freedom to live and move and know our being, will proceed in the direction of destroying the conditions that support life, until inherent responsibilities awaken that re-align within life.

The human mind has a capacity for modelling its reality, and to use the modelling as a vicarious and imaginary substitute for experiencing Reality. Dissociation is clearly possible in mind but not in Reality.

This is to say our self-imaged 'Models' can become so out of sync with Reality as to become a demand for sacrifice of awareness of Reality to its demands.

The 'system' thus becomes the demand for sacrifice of life, in place of being a system conceived and believed to serve life.

It isnt just the Economy of banking sector, but the whole 'worldview' that is in the above sense corrupted and split off as a dissociated and compartmentalised 'house of cards' that is without true foundation and yet deemed too big to fail.

The issues are so deep seated and fundamental as to bring down the tower of Babel - regarding both our sense of communication and coherent reality - and so they are only more deeply denied, evaded and ingeniously pushed out in repackaged society of redistributed blame and pain - along with normalisation to hate as the alignment in the power to 'make you safe' and socially 'responsible'.

However there is always another way of looking at anything than as through a mind locked into fear and conditioned reaction. And this opens through a willingness to see and own fear and conditioned reaction as a current set of choices that we find wilingness to look upon - rather than react to, from the habit of seeking to escape by separating from or dissociating from the hated and feared. To my understanding, only a willingness to heal can release the persistence of a self-reinforcing negative looping experience. And the attempt to mask in the form of virtue will always prove that love is dead - because it seeks to replace life with a hollow parody demanding sacrifice, for its own self-reinforcement and vindication. Love of truth shall uncover the truth of love. The virtues of life are directly known as qualities of being that then inspire and align our thought, word and deed.

It is the nature of the entangled to struggle within entanglement. Fear's reaction sets a mind that then takes priority in fight or flight, as a physical reflex for protection at the physical level. This operates a dissociation at the psychic level as a result of 'physicalising' our thought, or to put it the other way, around; investing identity in an object model or system made and lived as social currency.

When the system breaks down for reasons indicated above, its pattern is to remake or reset itself as the re-establishing of 'control' over life feared as chaos or pain of loss. Power struggle for positions of authority within the emerging order.

The current events show an intent to pre-empt collapse by controlled demolition running as a lockstepping of deemed essential services for the basis from which to discard and remake the world in the image of the old split minded paradigm of fear and control.

There is a deeper reintegration to life as the discerning of order within chaos - rather than seeking order set over and apart from fear of pain of loss. There IS a choice as to where we shall look and listen for what identifies us truly and therefore how we perceive, experience and act. But it is not IN the frame of choice set in and by fear masking as control. There is no love in the mask of coercive deceits. There is no true joy in the life it claims to protect or deliver us to. This is a simple and direct recognition in the heart of honesty. It needs no 'expert authority' to be Human.




 And what about all the various charities also. How come they aren’t out in force about what is being done to us.


Charities and NGOs run in the corporate-sphere.

Note that corporations are no less muted and meek in their downsizing or destruction - though the insiders are all stuffing their snouts in the trough.

Carney said of the new green deal that those not complying WILL go out of business. It came across as a threat and not a prediction.

In 2008 the banks were deemed too big to fail.

By politicians who deemed that they should do what they were told by banking.

So everyone else is set to fail to save the control system.

China is the region most 'freely' developed for the control system.

Is covid a Xi-op?

Ultimately - it is what you do to yourself that counts.

This cant be understood from a sense of grievance and blame.

But we can own what is ours and release what does not belong to us.

Meanwhile by deceits are the sins of the few repackaged and 'sold' to the many. Sin (as self-illusion set over and against truth), works an active death cult that must gain worshippers for its priestly rite to set the rules.

Who is without self illusion?

But sin is not error so much as persisting investment in errors by hiding and concealing them in active lies. Correction is not a matter of eradicating or stamping out 'sinners', but of uncovering and undoing the errors.

This must always firstly be awakening and aligning in our own responsibilities, else the sin stamps out its error on the face of its relationships, its world and its children's children.

'Sweeping out the Temple' relates to our own life.

It can also be seen as releasing or dis investing of whatever has no true belonging in your devotions. The mind that made the error cannot be the arbiter of your true desire - for that is simply error replication or garbage in; garbage out.

Reclaiming our thought is recognising and releasing 'propaganda for fear set in deceit'. It is also always now that we are able to recognise anything. The mind has the capacity to fragment and dissociate in ways that are effectively AWOL or drifting along various and conflicted purposes.

You can wait for others to turn up and speak out or act on your behalf, but what if you are also likewise for on in ways you and they are unaware?

If your mind reacts in thought instead of stilling to listen in the heart, then you are so mind-busy as to be 'engaged' or off to lunch. Without reflection, thinking operates as a jamming signal. Looking within is really a shift of perspective - upstream to 'thinking'.



The key theme I join with is the way that the mind is framed or structured by its own linguistic patterns and definitions.

The manipulation of mind - which is what is running beneath the 'narrative' pretexts for the right to judge reality so as to frame the claim for official funding, support and reaction - is all in the realm of language as a weapon or leverage or indeed masking over and redistribution of meanings.

So of all directions for freedom this is the most fundamental - for running under a false identity is a state of being phished or locked out of your true account by a stolen or mis-taken identity.

Everything is contracting or compressing to Now.

As part of a larger cycle of psychic regeneration.

For as you have rightly said, everything is always a Now - even in that our experience of past and future is a re-collect or anticipate - now).

However the now of a fleeting moment connecting past and future is when presence is so masked over by mental activity as to be 'forgotten' or displaced from a split or compartmentalised sense of awareness - and walled out as an interference to a focus given priority. 

  1. Not now God - cant you see I'm busy!
  2. Don't shine on me while I am in such a terrible state!
  3. Darkness is the new normal.

I cant of course qualify the numbers in my next statement, but for the gist of it I suggest we are using 100% of our brain or intelligence to construct the experience of having only 0.01% available. The idea of the brain as a filtering down of an Infinite is not new.

Looking within is not indulging our thinking as if it will find anything but more to think about, but going 'upstream' to the habit-normal of our thinking processes, is the shift of intuitive recognition which if accepted, opens a perspective from which to live.

The last proviso is against the temptation to marketise and weaponise the 'New Wine' of insight for the invested self-image. See how good ideas or insights are subverted by the need of 'self-lack' to mask in seeming to have substance or signal virtue.

Its a form of addiction that only true Connection and Communication can undo, and only as there is willingness to heal.

Many reading here can relate to deeply disturbing experience of a world gone mad, but are still looking OUT THERE for the connection and communication of Sanity or Answer.

This is not to say there is no help in the world - but that its nature is also a resonance with truth within ourselves and that is a quality of presence and perspective that changes everything as a result of an expansion of perspective. Living from the changed perspective is where valuing ourself and life has to replace old habits. Free will in a realm of 'split choice' means we have to WANT what we truly are. (As a result of masking in who we are not as an identity in a world of forgetting - that can no less serve as a world of remembering).

Questioning our thinking enables Consciousness. A term used like so many to denote anything BUT its original Meaning.

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