Saturday, 9 January 2021

Our mind can run as a 'psyop' - question 'reality'

 Scepticism is an intelligent response to the questionable when it asserts as presumption to be truth.

When all this started the manner of its tiggering and employment fear and guilt keverage told me what I needed to know; firstly that the sources were manipulative and without integrity or worthiness and secondly that the global nature of the propaganda was orchestrated by a common purpose pushing one core agenda.

I had already learned during my education in life about financial and pharmaceutical fraud and regulatory capture along with much else that allows a recognition of the use of a captive and controlled media to push narrative manipulations. Other instances have revealed the Media is either compelled or bought by top down agenda under whatever narratives induce them to comply and support official lies as mainstream fodder.

Once it became clear that the unparalleled propaganda had found its target and tipping point, I stopped ignoring it and became willing to look at the claims being made and took on the research to uncover what is going on in any way that pertains - ie biology or politics as well as social and spiritual dimensions.

Once certain truths are established in my understanding, there is no basis to be 'sceptical' or persist in futile lines of thought and communication failure. To put it simply there is no point in parley with a liar and the father of it. In this case this is the decision to use the narrative as a necessary lever to 'agenda' that I find loveless, deceitful and inhuman.

That those whose identity is targeted and captured or garnered from the lie 'believe it' is then their 'necessity' to mask over, mask out, mitigate and protect their fear - as a dissociation given all the power of their emotional conflict.

In this sense there are those who employ the lie and those who are are framed by and become used by the lie. The lie is the 'psyop' and whether anyone really wields the lie is questionable, because it to do so an expression of the father of the lie - which is the wish that truth be different than its is - given priority over truth and thus at war with or as attack on truth.

Those who take their identity from a false sense of self and reality are running a mistaken identity as if it is true and thus believing what it gives them as if self-evident. Invested identity can run as automatic habit without any conscious intimacy or connection with Life.

It is then programmed by conditioned response to adapt and conform to social dictates, demands or rules - most of which are tacitly learned from behaviours.

Questioning our experience is only possible from a willingness to look at the thoughts and beliefs that are running. While incongruity can prompt reason to seek for the self-contradictions and resolve them, it can only do so within the frame of its presumed reality and in the courage to question its own predicates or presumptions and beliefs even though encountering self-conflict, fear and deep prejudice against asking the question and listening or receiving answer. The other approach is intuitive as a recognition of a fundamental dissonance that is unacceptable in the heart of honesty of being, and yet this can be sidetracked by seemingly more true or hopeful identities in which the dissonance has been masked over, and so only a persistent discipline in love of life or intimacy of being will challenge such 'identity' or groupthink, to release the seeming virtue for a direct appreciation of the source of virtue which is living truth as distinct from formulated, imaged or conceptualised 'truths'.

All of this relates to our heart and mind and to that our mind can run as a 'psyop' with or without Billionaire clubs and mainstreamed 'identity'.

If 'sceptic' becomes identity, one is lost to self-illusion no less than to cynical disregard for truth set as gloat or sightless and hollow assertion.

The gullibility is to our own thinking - as the belief it represents our true will and true thought. Thinking in the heart is DIFFERENT to the automatic conditioned response. It is not difficult as such but goes against all that we have learned or been trained to use as a masking identity running as defence against disclosure to truth FEARED.

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