Friday 8 January 2021

First they came for the smokers

I don't choose to defend smoking - but point out that the 'defeat' of the tobacco lobby* opened the means to a more insidious ploy - for the medical intervention of State as the removal of rights and freedoms came in via 'smoking' - and worked a fear a guily media campaign that funded and supported the findings that drobe a narrative such that where once fags were the currency of sharing they became a symbol of craven social outcasts, who had no lobby of public support at all when the regulatory structure ratcheted up to ban it. The arguments for passive smoking are pushed such as to almost lock down smokers.

The fusion of a socially nurtured emotional narrative with a top down 'making you safe' worked as far as I know without a whimper.

The pathological ability to direct a negative focus on one thing to the exclusion or subordination of all else is the demonisation from which to claim virtue as Protector. The evidence that is found is what is wanted to be found and much research was already framed - as with climate science or virology - to address an already framed arena in which turning up the wrong (sic) results woould be counter to social acceptance and ongoing funding or career prospects.

The healthy body is also a detoxifier.

The toxin here may be considered a trade off with a stimulant, pleasure or ritual - as with driving and fumes, alcholol, or screen based pathways of communication or play.

Guilt and fear are effectively toxic in biochemical effects.

Junk food is lacking nutrients and contains chemical poisons or grossly imbalanced demands on the body - ie high sugar content.

So the tobacco element was made special, demonised and 'defeated' as a way to provide the leveraging not just to deny human rights under state regulations, but to a state endorsed safe moral high ground to call on for bolstering any argument - as is persistently done by the climate scam of the 'defeat' of the evil energy cartels and the 'Capitalism' they symbolise by Billionaire clubs wielding Al Gore ithms that mine and harvest our psychology so as to use it against us.

I found it ironic that one of the ways to evade the 'covid complications risk is to be a smoker. It was found by mountain climbers in the old days that one cigarette would allay altitude sickness for about 3 hours as nicotine aids the oxygenation of the blood. No I do not smoke or intend to, but I hold that information about nicotine in mind. One can simply pop a supplement if needed and unlike Vit D doesn't take a couple of weeks to become actively available for those T cells to do their thing.

The binary good v evil mind created evil by judgements that limit and divide or specially select to inherently reject and deny the discards - and then bolsters its selection in defence set against the perceived evil of unwanted and unrecognised feedback.

'Resist ye not evil' makes no sense to the masking in virtue signalling. But nor does persisting in or aligning in it to a love of Life. And does not prohibit self defence as the right to be. The crux is in not falling into the hate that seeks to live upon the death and denial of the hated, or we become the thing we thought to defend against. We can teach ourselves this sorry fact over and over, over and the attempt to escape a hate or fear falsely flagged or assigned to a symptom - as if to 'escape us' from loss of face in a realm of masking personae made real by the measuring stick of blame, under narratives of its redistribution.

Blame substitutes for an awakening responsibility that IS and knows freedom regardless the outer symptoms or circumstances. Regaining a living discernment requires releasing the blame and shame to a genuine curiosity within a willingness to heal.

(*I focus this term on on pesticide soaked and chemically treated ultra processed 'tobacco').

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