Sunday 18 July 2021

Narrative interpretations as basis for application & funding technologised science

 Mythic or narrative interpretations that become a basis for application and funding are a large part of all technologised science and so I agree that the propensity to 'understand' or interpret through an already fooled mind is easier that to question our mind-in-the-act of its persistence through a new perspective.

Virology reveals a false basis in projections of fear to external agents in the belief of susceptibility to such agents, calling for armour and intervention. Hence a new 'church of allopathy' set on eradicating 'germs' (life).

Genetics feels very much to me to be a shifted investment of such 'wish for the role of control' that is no less founded in artefacts of its own seeking. The model is wrong and reflects the mind of its proponents/investment and not biotic reality.

Cellular field interactions and dynamics is the bio-electromagnetic appreciation of life - even to the abiotic structures of which and through which we experience coherent perspective (and dissonance).

The mythic or image-based self is set in weaponising and marketising its domain as an expression of possession and control, because such identity operates dispossession from awareness of the Embracing Field of Communication that is of a different Order to 'control' as a synchrony.

The nanotechological intervention to the interface with EMR represents the persistence of the 'ego' of acknowledging ONLY that which is utilised for its function - which effects a blocking signal to Communication, such as to generate a realm of 'control' distanced from and locked down to lockstep in   a filtered and distorted weaponisation of communication, set as narrative dictate or mythic 'creation' through which to lens an experience of private thought and communication in alignment with others under lack-driven control as the basis of life in a body or object universe of things seeking external fulfilment under external threat - ie struggle, pain and death.

The belief in the body as distance and lockdown in survival runs contra to the capacity of Consciousness to attune to the Field. Such belief will operate to deny, distort and pervert a Field Recognition as if its own extinction. But a belief is in the mind of its believer and never truly in the externalised modelling of such a psychic survival. Recognising beliefs released Reality to be Itself, as Self-Revealing.

The original impulse of this post was invite awareness of the framing of invested 'control' as the as yet largely hidden great investment hope of the 'stakeholders' who must include those aligned in the same mindshare as apparent opposition.

Insofar as evils are recognised, they need be looked on and not used to generate a mask of virtue over hatred locked in thereby. New choices replace old habits in freedom. The model of destruction as the means of change is a mindset in denial, that then does as was done by, but knowing not what it does.

Alignment in the Field of being rises of itself from the recognition /release of what no longer belongs or serves purpose to a Current appreciation of integral Reality, as distinct from a mind modelling given priority and left running.

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