Saturday 17 July 2021

Electro-Magnetism and Communication in God

 Beliefs usually refer to thoughts or emotional convictions about reality as an personal overlay to a shared external world.

But beliefs operates AS our reality until its status is brought into question from a point outside its framework of thought.
Such is true Science as an empirical extension to Spiritual enquiry.

We are already operating a 'normalised reality-experience' as a deeper personal/social masking 'reality', under a sense of split or dissociated Self and Reality such as to divide Self from Itself under conflicting judgements about a reality that in truth we cannot separate from (so as to judge).
Yet in persisting the mind of judgement as a sense of personal Creation is our Unseparated Wholeness masked over and hidden in fear of guilt for generating conflict, and fear of pain of loss of personal Face and Control.
"And WHO told you you were naked?" said the Lord - is the Gift of Innate right to question all that would mask or cover over the truth of our Creation in God, as distinct from our own creation myths in symbol or concept, that run narrative identity as persistence of and adaptation to a realm of experience of life set in image and form - or within the physical focus.
The nature of the physical or tangibility and visibility of All That Is is of a 'Magnetic' core desire upon or within which plays an electromagnetic patterning of both charge separations and discharge pathways. This is evident in the Waters of the Cosmos as within the Waters of our living body. But a masking 'reality' asserts' object-distances, impacts and effects, as a world in pieces that its own narrative weaves to 'unify' in support of its own premise as 'separate'.

The ego of the attempt to MAKE reality generates blocks to function that then provide a means to question and awaken AS reality - not in personal claim but by alignment in extension of relational honesty or with-ness. This the ego of a blind sense of fear and guilt-driven disconnection seeking to regain what Separation Trauma denied or deprived, works the Call for wholeness within a lens or frame of filters and rules that effect a reversal or persisting the patterns OF such trauma instead of bringing such driven behaviours into the realm of questioning that uncovers beliefs acquired prior to any capacity of self-reflection, as the result of reactions that set a pattern, a strategy, a masking defence and sense of face and control in a world that is a model or construct of human experience, augmenting Living presence or Intimacy of being, that is recognised by its primary qualities, as they extend, share and are recognised in gratitude.

Invested solutions for the ego are the attempt to marketise and weaponise all discovery. This runs as a sort of 'Herod effect' that would abort or suppress any true Messengers 'spoiling' invested self-illusion. In doing so it misinterprets to see what it WANTS to see, and generates models that are false and do not work or function, but in their moment seem overwhelmingly real to the mind that wants to make reality rather than release such mind for the discernment within reality. For the power of the mind to do unto itself BEFORE feared penalty arrives is part of our expertise in 'being right' even if it kills us - or delivers us and others to evil.
Judgemental self-justification operates as a kind of protective capacity for a love to operate within a false but forced sense of fear and guilt for our very existence.

Denials that were masked over and projected away, remain our own, and seek acceptance for the freedom of 'release and be released'.
An example of electrical resonance in physics meets biology is Manel Ballister's interview with Tom Cowan. The helical Heart is a vortex generator of electromagnetic communication and not a 'pump' in the sense of generating pressure to drive the plumbing.

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