Monday 14 June 2021

Confronted with overwhelmingly complex conflicts?

(This link is Dr Tom Cowan with a video clip and commentary to the 'spiked protein' as a Pandora's box of toxic or Trojan disease).

Fundamental observation:

Losing balance, alignment and communication to a conflicted state generates a natural rebalancing - if and as allowed to function.
The nature of loss of communication is a separative or segregative attempt to rebalance externally rather than within wholeness. This generates invested identity in a partial and misinterpreted  mapping or model of reality to which the mind adapts in terms of managed conflicts.
But the core fact or nature and condition of healing is realignment within the wholeness of Field alignment to restored function. Joy is wholeness of being or a radiant disposition - and not a contractive recoil to self-invested identity.
Relationship truly accepted and felt is the condition of Communication as Life.
So the liability of repackaging problems into ever more insoluble forms is a correspondence with a fear of healing relative to the original conflict, that has been outsourced or dumped to the body or world as a sort of guilt and fear package to get rid of so as to tolerate lack of love and the world it generates.

That is preamble to the invitation to release the presumption that we have to first understand problems in terms of applied tech or remedy, rather than recognise the conflict at heart. In this way the addiction to drama and story is released to the awareness and alignment of presence which as a Relational Field, spontaneously heals and aligns our thinking, from which our sense of meanings and identifications operate almost as an autonomy of action and reaction that pass off as Reality Itself.

Not knowing can become then the quality of trust through which the true reveals itself in the life that is yours to receive and share in. If we indulge the habit of  a control set over hidden fears, then we will not notice, listen to or recognise our own healing, because we are hell bent on our own dramatic representation of a conflict seeking resolution in its own terms. That's not how life works. Excepting that is how a self-emulation operates a virtual model as a realm to die in. And that conditioning is so deep as to be set as lockdown conditions of the mortal coil (Manel Ballister comes to mind in the helical heart), as the self-conviction to a physically caused and determined existence in place of a Synchronicity that CANNOT be rendered as cause and effect without first denying the Cause within the Event or the Field within the particular expression.

If you don't know - why not let that truth abide and rest there?
Why is unknown immediately projected with our version of Room 101? (Orwellian 1984 reference to greatest fears as the way to break the mind of alignment in Spirit).
The idea of Past Trauma or Separation Trauma has merit, but so also is the recognition that we set and use the past according to a present determination, and that its power over us is all the power we give it as our prequel or backstory for an invested identity. Memory, like perception is highly selective.
"Well a man sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest" (Simon & Garfunkle - The Boxer or Lie la Lie).

Once we notice that, we have a basis for being curious as to what we are evading, masking out or airbrushing over as a recognition that such strategy does not work - but operates destructively as more than a temporary conscious act of 'as if' or modelling - recognised as such.

Where do we truly receive identity or awareness of existing?
If the results become incoherent, go back to first premises, re-evaluate the ideas through which we live the relational experience of a world that is wonderful and also keeps us on our toes, or terrible and keeps us locked down in captivity that reiterates itself in the attempt to break out or overcome externally via leverage, impact, coercion and deceit.

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