Tuesday 15 June 2021

Is the Point of Infinity a Spiked Protein?



The above article presents in my view and alloyed opinion that presented certain themes to the current ‘vaccine morality’ programming.

In the comments were other themes.

One being the ‘attack’ of troll comments such as flat earth interjective provocations.


My comment expands to also respond to the article.

My cursor moves across the screen.

There is no cursor but only pixels.

A representation of an object model within a virtual mapping.

The coordinates of which are changed so as to show a series of total screen changes at a frequency refresh rate that appears to be motion.

But in this consideration, the coding provides the interface for a 3D mapped experience to 2D virtual rendering of location and continuity.

If we grasp the encoding of computer processing to interface human consciousness with a virtual front end or interface that becomes a normal extension of the consciousness – such as me ‘writing’ to you like this, than there is at least a basis from which to ask if the 3D or physical experience is not already also a virtual mind-mapping modelling of an object reality that arises or extends from defined conditions as conditionings or programming that gives the unfolding of experience within the parameters of our own thinking – which can of course be subconsciously running perception-response with no conscious awareness of thought at all.

My posit does not have any hardware, but only the configuration of charge differentials by which hardware can be said to run in emulation; which gives a mind assigned or locked down to a body, distanced form other bodies, and masked from awareness of thought by invested meanings, such as to generate object continuity as a modelling of a reality set in prioritised judgements.

I started off playing but when I ask, I receive answer.

As an Einsteinian mind game the pencil (or any object) – IF given a focus as a point of reference – is set as the still point to a turning world. But only in concept, held by those who engage in the ‘AS IF’.

if we locate in presence rather than in virtual thought experience, we will not find a physical location as an object or even a subject to objections. For when we release the mind of definition, we release a self and world of meanings set in concept as narrative dictate, to a living field of potential of which all that is, is. Yet is prior to and within all object as awareness, but not as a control mindset that we humanly associate with awareness of a physical existence.

There is no way to bring the ‘field’ into object reality, but awareness has a quality of space in which thought arises as an act of attention, intention and creation in terms of accepted meaning.

That does not mean the mind of an object of affection or affliction does not seek to bring the Infinite into its sense of lack-driven seeking, but will only make symbolic representations AS IF to have actually stolen the ‘light of the gods’ for the realm of human technological development.

Plato took the Light to be archetypal Idea as original perfect forms from which the pale derivative and unworthy copies of a FALLEN nature represented.

The FALLEN world, self and nature being the starting point of a strategic and technological adaptation and drive to regain the Golden Age or Paradise realm that Trauma split off and denied. Trauma does set archetypal narrative themes that then reiterate as ‘conditionings’ that set the conditions in that fear and attack split and dissociate the mind from it Source Nature and Field of support, so as to lockdown in the body as a masking distance from the Infinity of being as if our personal life depends on NOT knowing by the means of insistence and assertion to already knowing something ELSE.

It doesn’t matter what the narratives are so much as that they serve the purpose set them. Truth and love are for the masking in and set in victimhood as the basis to attack from.

Pencil is etymologically derived from penis, which is enlivened in desire to procreative union. No word can write without the space or screen on which to appear. This space has long been taken for granted, by a mind that runs in the spin of its own conditioned needs and desires as a templated expression task defined awareness. But the relationship of receptive and projective is a Mind of giving and receiving as one. The ‘Fallen’ state is reduced to getting, and getting rid of – as if a closed system must ‘prevail’ against fear of extinction.

When we release the mind to drop into the heart, awareness ‘rises’ of Itself, as a field of already aligned expression that we experience as renewal, inspiration, encouragement, expanded perspective, reintegration.

This is our Nature, but is set as a choice by the nature of acquired and inherited conditionings that were ‘chosen’ from a set of conditions that now define us. Or do they?



It’s what psychopaths/mass-murderers are DOING, that matters.

What matters to us is rendered significant, binding and holding attention and shaping our world by our response.

The terrorist operates with community support. The fear seeks control as much as the control seeks to feed upon it. If we use the term psychopath, why do we not address the mind – or indeed Soul sickness at the level of Psyche?

Because we only use it as a modern ‘sciency’ mask for evil to be stamped out, denied, excommunicated or systemically managed so as to nip incorrectness in the bud before it gets a chance to realise it it infected with hate, as an expression of innate guilt to be engineered out of the stock…

It seems to me that manipulators set a frame in which we DO unto ourselves.

Why is this not an education in self-responsibility and vigilance for integrity and peace?

Because vengeance is held more dear than truth?

And thus fear of Retribution associated with exposure to truth?

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