Monday 14 June 2021

Do we attack and destroy ourself?

It is within of the nature of free will to always have a basis from which to deny truths we do not want to hear yet.

This will mean that our own reintegration to truth as the revealing of coherent reality will have to release judgements that are conditioned defences against parts of ourself we attack, deny, censor, mask over or cast out.

How does the body attack itself?

It simply cannot - EXCEPTING as used for an externalisation (casting out of denied self-conflict) of Mind.

Assigning creative or intention agency to external bodies or conditions is exemplified in 'virus' theory. Does anyone really hold that a fragment of code in a protein shell can hijack the living symbiosis of life modelled as 'cells' but which really is a state of total communication moving across the 'Living Waters?'

We CAN (and have) set an interpretation by which Communication (Life) is posited as violation of defences and thus suppressed, filtered or blocked as a management of protected conflicts, which run as 'self protection' until the release of a faulty reality allows fresh perspective and new choices.

Psychic-emotional aspects and qualities of our mind and being are generally airbrushed and redefined into models that either rule out or replace with an externalised world. So while there is direct healing available, it will be perceived weak, fraudulent or a currency without support, and either denied or falsely approached as wishful magic, and thus become associated with weakness or flaw of character.

I invite viewing Tom Cowan's recent interview with Manel Ballister

supporting video:

on the helical heart and his own journey from transplants and surgical interventions to energy healing. The  unfolding of the heart as a single rope of helical vortexing contraction/expansion reveals ignorances in current basic anatomy/function that serve to keep us in plumbing and chemistry at expense of energy and communication that inform and regulate form and function. And thus locked down in a modelling set of assumptions that are taken as 'what we know' - but are either false or partial and very limited in application.

The zeta potential of body fluid/gel is also the state in which much held in nanonoparticulate suspension can cluster or coagulate in ways that are of course regulated and can be seen in part as chemical reactions that are also electrical conditions for specific domains in relation to the whole. So the draining of a charge condition and capacity is where the loss of a unified and unifying field leads to parts playing apart and out of sync. This is very evident in our body politic with the ignorant reaction of lockstepping in a death grip as a survival urge set in 'control'.

We impose or project our own 'control' issues onto the Living and suffer subjection to our own rules as if being set by the externalised MAP or model of terrain into which Reality is denied access.

The obfuscations of complexity leading to chaos beyond capacity to hold, work the bad cop to the seeming rescue of a simple solution that is not simple or resolving except as emotional release to a sense of simplified identity in moral crusade against the (always shifting) scapegoated function assigned as an evil.

You are integral to life regardless  you current beliefs and so you are life operating under a set of beliefs. As such you can limit and even hate and attack the self you make by beliefs.

And provide the basis for a world (relational experience) of conflicted choices.

There is the freedom to release such a core assertion to question deeper, but it is the stirring of true or innocent desire and not in or of a mind spinning its own Internment of Things.

The heart is given no currency of articulation except it first gives the knee to the official narrative that runs protection as a racket. That is to say a surface reality runs within the framework of rules and filters set in fear or pain of loss. This is a 'split mind' that knows not what it does, because its survival depends on not knowing, under the belief that distancing, lockdown and masking are the necessary armouring and strategy to a loveless and threatening relational experience (world).

How to reach those locked into insane and destructive reactions?

You can stand at the door and knock, as an expression of appreciation for who they are and share in with you. Listening as the basis for a relational willingness that always includes the 'Field' and is never just a contract or conflict of wills. Physician, heal thyself!

Analysing a patient/client as a dataset is not a relational realignment, but a strategic self-interest set against health. What could possibly go right?

Empirical science is an extension of relational honesty, without which some form of rigor mortis sets in. The coagulation of living waters to a dead state of inability to think or communicate. Think not this is being done unto you by others against your will.

“It may shock you to know that all the world’s bacteria have access to a single gene pool, which has provided an immense resource for adaptation, manifesting an array of breathtaking combinations and re-combinations for three billion years! Any bacterium—at any time—has the ability to use accessory genes, provided by other strains, which permits it to function in ways its own DNA may not cover. The global trading of genes through DNA re-combinations provides for almost endless adaptation possibilities. Therefore, what has been done to one has been done to all. Widespread use of antibacterial agents is both futile and disastrous. Future life sciences and medicine will comprehend the more effective use of agents to stimulate positive adaptation of bacteria resulting in chains of supportive symbiosis. In the presence of love, these positive adaptations naturally occur. In the presence of hatred and fear, negative and resistant strains of bacteria are more likely. Life forms are ever changing, and yet the basic chemistry of life remains the same. Do not cling to forms that are passing, but seek for an understanding of life that embraces and includes all possibilities. This is accomplished through integrating and expanding patterns and relationships. In this way, you will see God as the creative power of life. When I asked that you love one another, I was not just giving you a recipe for human fellowship. This is the doorway to life eternal.”  (The Keys of Jeshua - Glenda Green)

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