Sunday 2 May 2021

Coming Out as Human

 I appreciate all and any who shine the human spirit – without subjecting it to whether it furthers my (idea of) agenda or plan in the world.

The ego – of self-imaged, is a usurping mind. Its narrative asserts over the Face of God – which is a truly discerned recognition of shared being, to ‘live’ a masking over in some sense of specialness that carries or embodies aspects of its own shadow, as a sense of self-possession and control – for such is the face of the ego which it would have you give allegiance as too big to fail.

The usurping and concealing narrative reveals the shadow of its own fear.
The ego is in is sense being ‘reset’ or recalibrated to operate from and as a different function than a masking opacity of filters, rules and denials. But as a result of its own disintegration as a meaningful and worthy basis for self, word and world.
‘And you will weep each time an idol falls’.

So there is no need to delete or overtly engage in the ego’s framing – excepting to look at it and find it wanting, in terms of truth or substance. But there is a call to accept the renewal of our mind from a point of truly discerned recognition of shared being.

The ego – as a fake or substitution for your reality – has a version of everything – and so words or forms of life can be masked in, as if to ‘become real’, ‘become worthy’ become validated’, whereby a sense of lack and invalidity at the root of all fear seeks to crown its own self as its own making true or creation. This can never be. But we can be-live the results of setting our own story against the whole that is then filtered and distorted and ruled out by a presumption to usurp it.

Periods of expansion rise as experience that contains all kinds of temporarily held contradictions that – while there is space and time can all find timelines or place to be explored or held as potentials from which to explore experience. Expansions that lose centre cannot hold, and inherent instabilities result in polarised attempts to hold in place of a still point of knowing – and so the ‘descent to unreality, insanity and pain of loss seeking remedy in contraction, instead of the true compression of value and meaning to seed essence – which is the order that the still point ‘goes forth to multiply’ as unified creation.

The release of the polarised reactive struggle in narrative to the heart’s discernment is a journey of willingness to a timelessness beneath appearances. Against this is set the mind of attack set in grievance that shouts and aligns a world of allies, reinforcements and irrevocable enemies or adversities – all of which are the argument ‘love is dead’. But upon whose death is raised a version of love set in conditions that effectively rule out, filter and distort a simple and present awareness of what is, as it is.

Holding for the condition of Life will also seem a struggle, but is of a different order, for it is the capacity to resist temptation to indulge a collapse of presence and awareness to a narrative conviction of either self inflation or depreciation. Instead of masking over the shadow, its nature and underlying ruse or device is revealed to be released of service. For the masking over was an attempt to resolve or mitigate pain by hiding it, and as a consequence, suffering to be hidden from wholeness, to a limited sense of self and reality.

The nature of restoration of awareness in seed and essence is an expansion and embrace of all that lives – even through an apparent economy of re-prioritisation.
The be the one – or indeed the change – that you would like to meet is a release of the ‘getting mode’ seeking its terms and conditions to met before even opening relationship!

The witnessing to a true expression of any of the qualities of shared relational being – Life – is a willingness to come out in with-ness and worth-ship as a human being – even in a world of fear and attack and grievance. But the experience of any who feel fear but choose not to use it as the basis of their self and world, is also that of a transforming perspective. It is not the same ‘world’ to one who ‘comes out’ in an act of life and love extended.

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