Monday 17 May 2021

Align in wholeness of being from a practical acceptance of where you are now

In response to the themes in:

a commenter at

Whose post is typical of vaccine fear running viral, no less than did virus fear.

A discernment of truth can be lost to the conditioned belief set in emotional investment.

Be aware that investment in the core narrative of contagion fear as virology, is repackaged in its seeming  'solution' of vaccine - and even more so with the hyped hysteria of covid and the rush to implement a gene therapy platform as the new normal for a global biotech state.

All of it runs on the basis of narrative levers by which to induce you to consent to do unto yourself what an enemy could never do - because your will is your own.

'Spike' is used for rising cases (whether clinical sickness assigned to 'covid' or merely rigged tests for arbitrary and meaningless biomarkers). They have a product to sell that the vaccine is only an entry point for, which may include your sickness or death as a side effect.

'They' are already bought in to its scam, of a masked agenda by which to live or profit by another's denial or death.

There are physical and psychic toxins, conflicts, and debts in going against truth to hide and protect a fear driven identity complex. But you are an individual and shall meet what is yours, along with the offer to (continue in the habit of) take on the consequences of the sins of others under coercion and deceit that sets sacrifice of true relationship as an iron mask of  'social virtue'.

The idea that warning every one else is 'saving them', is the means for fear to go viral, ahead of the heart's extension and embrace of living. Fear feeds upon itself and has no concern for truth, so is act active in counter narratives and reaction as to any original triggering by manipulative design.

Messages that focus on what NOT to do or on the NEGATIVE to avoid, substitute a fear of death or disaster for love of life. Aligning in a felt and grounded love of life demands you must accept it as yourself, Guilt absolutely rules this out - for self-conviction in hate or worthlessness presumes to have the last word on who and what you Are.

Guilt and fear set a complex covert identification in defence against inner conflict relived. But there Is no where else the cause can be truly addressed, and so released to healing. Regardless the invested identity in any downstream effects of the attempt to escape or deny and cast out what we don't want to face, own or truly know.

Nocebo or voodoo is part of a mind-capture or giving of support and allegiance to mind AS control in substitution for a heart-disconnect or override. Unified desire is not self-conflicted and so will see and attract unified outcomes. Private grasping agenda set in lack and loss, must conflict with Who You Are, and in time, we will be glad we could not make our mask Reality other than as private experience of fantasy acted out on the body.

Align in wholeness of being from a practical acceptance of where you are now, as the place where an active willingness lives an outcome of decision made with Felt Life - in place of symbolic modelling substitutions of a dissociated Model.

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