Tuesday 2 March 2021

The War Crushing of our Souls...?


Paul Vonharnish

Like all wars, the data war is crushing people’s souls …

 Not without a willingness to accept a soul-crushing narrative as Lord over you.

No one HAS to fixate in horror, terror or conflict - but in the recoil from owning our experience we set such fixation by looking everywhere ELSE - which is a negatively defined identity fixation. Owning an error is the freedom to release it or let it go.

When Jesus said 'resist ye not evil' he was not talking to the 'world' but to the mind that would judge its world and become subject to its own measure.

Truth shows you you are free, by aligning freely instead of fixating on the hated and feared. Once we are centred, grounded or established in presence rather than dissociated reflex to ancient fears, we can discern the willingness of the situation and move or work to correct the error rather than attack our own hate seen in another.

If we don't practice love in our everyday, we may not find the wherewithal to resist temptation to fear and masking when baited or triggered to react.

The compression, is part of the end of a larger cycle, that is experienced as destructive to our invested illusions. An alternative to invested self-illusion is aligning in self-honesty to the essence or seed qualities of our experience.

The elites want more time to play 'king of the castle', and so are seeking to frame what is happening anyway to their own narrative controls. (Elitism of self-excepting judgement of others is not limited to billionaires). Tyranny needs consent by coercion and deceit. You say - 'That is not consent!' but what we say needs to be backed up in what we think and do, or else we 'reluctantly' surrender to an 'overwhelming' force under self-justified exception. Like Hitchens.

The fact is he fully consented to be vaccinated - presuming of course that we was. There are precedents for different tiers of 'vaccine' according to status, and many examples of photoshoot vaccinations that are not even TRYING to pose as real - excepting to the 'crushed' who can no longer ask a question and listen or look for answer.

The issue is a matter of spiritual integration, thought, word and deed.

Private agenda cant run dis-integrity in transparency and so generates conflict as the noise in which to run its own local or private replacement.

My sense is that the vibrational context of our Consciousness and indeed our Solar system, has shifted so as to force our masking to also shift and reveal the conflicts, corruptions and denials that were previously masked over.

The 'ego' will always take credit for what is beyond its scope and then seek to maintain a self-inflation as being 'in control'. Persisting in controls that crush us is no longer recognised as protective - except to those whose fear is so crushing that they still see the pattern of abuse as the Answer.

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