Wednesday 3 March 2021

Lack of love can be considered a mental disorder

The site also gives focus to cancel culture news and opinion. In that context the comment below set the themes of my response.


Homosexuality Can Be Deemed ‘Mental Disorder’ In China, Says New Court Ruling
Oh, dear that’s a blow for the left.

 Lack of love can be considered a mental disorder - for the mind can dissociate to spin it it own 'identity' rather than extend and share love in the heart.

But the dissociating mind uses the term 'mental disorder' as a weapon of war, in which 'corrections' are punishment or penalty of exclusions or lockdown such as to force loveless compliance.

The weaponisation of homosexuality as identity politics, shares the characteristic of raising a self or group identity, above love's identification, on the basis of justified grievance. While grievances are not truly addressed or healed by denial, nor are they addressed or healed as a claim to power set in vengeance.

All identity politicking suffers not from securing the right of human being, for those who are oriented differently, but from its use this as a proxy for social and political levering of change.

Where fear and hate seek targets to attack as a way of 'dumping' their own issues onto others, there are also those who feed and cultivate the grievance and self-specialness to operate as a proxy for their own agenda, such as 'colour revolution'.

Because the issues are really about fear, hate, guilt and masking, the correction is really a matter of reestablishing the conditions for the recognition and extension of love. The word love has been abused to associate with 'socially correct' speech and behaviours and virtue signalling. But this is a masking parody over fear of hatred within - that seeks a target 'outside' and is readily herded into whatever new normal for hate is proscribed.

The issues around repackaged toxic fears and conflicts are extremely complex and do not readily resolve to generalised judgements for narratives of opinionating identity. The undoing or healing of fear will not be the result of social, psychological or biotechnological 'engineering' or imposition.

Outside-in or top-down approaches operate a world in which:

“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality".(Michael Ellner).

The lust for power corrupts human relationships - on all levels of communication and exchange. For the hit of the experience generates a false sense of private fulfilment that then protects its sense of possession and control. Such 'relationships' are ways to each get their own fantasy fulfilment on the body of another in the exact same pattern of distancing, lockdown and masking identity as social virtue.

Humankind is suffering from a mental disorder in its collectivisation of 'privatised minds' as identity or narrative control. Its denial of love is its replacement and substitution of compensatory identity, that becomes 'normal' by being acted from, and finding social reinforcement with, on the basis of shared fear, hate and grievance.

True Law holds the conditions for life as freedom to be and unfold the nature of our being by living. sharing and exchange. It does not dictate what we must be or do, so much as hold accountable the denial of the equal right of others. Social mores, are acquired and inherited rules and conditionings that have legitimacy in Law or may be rooted in past conditions that are no longer present. Releasing inhibitions of mores or social taboos, can seem to open freedom, and so can be used to subvert the current order, but the underlying psychic-emotional conditions are what then sets the 'new order' or indeed the new disorder.

True health or sanity is wholeness and balance as a present flow of elements that share life and being, but can be perceived as polarised, exclusive and competing fragments of disorder.

Any sense of our being denied, can move intensely to a sense of life and power in acceptance, so as to seem to be the 'answer' in it moment of rebalancing. But holding the conditions of a true acceptance is not the abandonment of inhibition, so much as a compassionate and wise discernment of what is truly present.

Love needs disinhibiting to free the communication of relational integrity, but fear and hate should be firmly inhibited in their action component - especially when masking in a private sense of virtue as freedom, love, joy, justice. Yet until we awaken responsibility at the heart, the fear-thinking runs as our 'identity' that literally knows not what it does, because it is made to mask over and evade who you are. Without love, the sense of lack and fear of loss needs 'control' and is driven to align in seeking it above all else.

A loveless or Soul-less world is then all and only about possession and control. for identity gratification and reinforcement. But the grasp on Paradise becomes a hollow and grotesque parody of life, no matter how intensely the narratives are pumped up.

There is a 'pact', contract, or choice running beneath that takes some part of the image and form of Life as the answer or saviour to its own conflict, as escape and substitution for the conflict. But the elements of that conflicted fear, hate or shame of lack, will now play out in the arena of a partial or filtered and ruled mind or identification, because they have not been truly addressed or resolved. This is a mental dissociation or disorder that is predicated to self-evasion or running away from Intimacy of being in the masking of a private sense of 'discovery, freedom and becoming' that runs a self defeating futility no matter how the narratives mutate in polarised and polarising reaction.

The freedom to accept living truth, is the same freedom that accepts something 'else' in its place as our private experience. There is no true fulfilment in the mind of private assertion, for the desire that truly moves us - which reveals us love in the giving and receiving and extends the nature of love as creative expansion of perspective.

Preset reactions are neither listening for the movement of the true will, nor allowing the conditions for it to register as our desire. Top-down conditioning to 'corrected' responses works a distancing from love and life to the state provision of identity gratifications according to shifting parameters or narratives by which the mind is 'programmed' to compliance.

Under this technocratically enforced system, the 'normal' is anything the programmers determine or explore as their experiment on the body of life.

But the underlying issue is this; Just because you CAN, does not mean you SHOULD.

Or just because the thought arises in awareness, as a persistence of a pattern, does not mean that you WANT it. The breaking of a spell, or addictive fixation is at the point of a self-honesty as to what you truly want, which may reveal itself as the recognition that what you thought you wanted is revealed meaninglessness and destructive to your awareness and appreciation of self, life and world. This is freedom. The judgement of demonisation and denial of 'meaninglessness' is giving it all the meaning of hate and fear - which actively but 'unconsciously' deny love as the true context for being.


Morlocks predate upon those they capture the minds of to herd for their own use. Mind-capture uses language as a weapon instead of as communication and relationship. So I do not choose that, or propagate it as currency of exchange.
Pejoratives, put-downs, insults etc are all forms of attack on person.
Because you join in it, you suffer it!
As ye judge so shall ye be judged is a just statement.

The device is clear. Dissent or questioning of a heavily funded and enforced narrative dictate is being walled out.
I suggest focusing clearly on the devices and look to why, where and how they work. They need my and our consent!
Thanks – but no thanks!

We are being offered an altogether different ‘education’ than is officially supplied (or officially shunted online). But only from the willingness to learn.
If we love life and freedom, we need learn how it is we give it away or trade it for reactive identity in the baiting of deceits that of course target our profile which is hardly hidden in the era of personal confidences into privately managed Internet. We ‘play’ in their systems that sell, pharm, breed or eat us to their profit or gain.


I would add that the bio-warfare sub-narrative runs to support Fear of Deadly Contagion. The testing (sic), is the 'finding' of fragments of code that are said to be unique to the 'viruses' that are themselves re-assembled from fragments of code using computer modelling to 'put Humpty together again' - except there is no Humpty - only short code fragments that are non-specific to any actual isolated particle or entity that can be determined to be one thing - or variants of one thing - such as a horse and various breeds of horse.

Look to clinical symptoms, not test based cases (sic), and then ask what are all the know causes of such symptoms - not excluding medications and injected substances, toxic exposures and nutritional deficiencies that include the result of concurrent or chronic conditions.

Mankind is being led by the Pied Piper into a virtual nightmare, in which imagined and modelled fears, projections - and manipulations of such fears have replaced relational honesty and empirical science.

Truth is not at all affected by lies or protected self-illusion, but our awareness of truth can be masked over, distanced and locked away, for an illusion of power, love, freedom, etc. The momentary power of a fantasy gan give a hit - that decreases with being hit again and again to reveal a grotesque and hollow parody of life - filled with self-hatred and disgust. "So don't look there, but hate what fear dictates and take the illusion of safety for the power than keeps the LID on, by externalising the hate to psycho-pathogens and by extension to those that take on the same evil threat by not joining the 'war' against it.

But there is this; that to look directly within and see the hate is to know it is not who you are. The difference between releasing fear and hate to healing, and casting it OUT as IF to get rid of it is the difference between Soul or Heart connected being, and a virtual dream of private or personal escape or overcoming, that always turns to nightmare. We don't escape fear by running away, but drag it with us no matter how cleverly we contrive to escape it or 'eradicate it'.


I don’t think we want to go down that rabbit hole my views on sexuality I’m afraid are controversially conservative, not fitting with postmodernist progressive thinking. Sex isn’t love, it has a biological function. I’m afraid i’ve no idea what your reply is about.

OK. You have no idea what I have shared, and you do not want to look at this issue in terms of love or lack of love, or denial of love.
Thankyou for your honesty.

I have no truck with ‘post-truth’ or post-love’ thinking.
You may accept that you are no more than biological function.
That is also an expression of your freedom, which determines the rules under which you think.

Binary thinking is locked into what it is set against, as if a positive identity by contrast. Polarised breakdown of mind and society is lack of love.
Hardly anything I wrote was specific to homosexuality, but if you are fixated in what you are against you will have held it in mind – but at arms length while attempting to read – or deciding not to even risk it.
Fear will see its own shadow threat in everyone and everything. This is to say it does not see. This is no less true of the virus or any other narrative taboo.

I have nothing against biological functions – but my sense of the Living Biome is not rooted in reductionist and dissociated thinking.

“It may shock you to know that all the world’s bacteria have access to a single gene pool, which has provided an immense resource for adaptation, manifesting an array of breathtaking combinations and re-combinations for three billion years! Any bacterium—at any time—has the ability to use accessory genes, provided by other strains, which permits it to function in ways its own DNA may not cover. The global trading of genes through DNA re-combinations provides for almost endless adaptation possibilities. Therefore, what has been done to one has been done to all. Widespread use of antibacterial agents is both futile and disastrous. Future life sciences and medicine will comprehend the more effective use of agents to stimulate positive adaptation of bacteria resulting in chains of supportive symbiosis. In the presence of love, these positive adaptations naturally occur. In the presence of hatred and fear, negative and resistant strains of bacteria are more likely. Life forms are ever changing, and yet the basic chemistry of life remains the same. Do not cling to forms that are passing, but seek for an understanding of life that embraces and includes all possibilities. This is accomplished through integrating and expanding patterns and relationships. In this way, you will see God as the creative power of life. When I asked that you love one another, I was not just giving you a recipe for human fellowship. This is the doorway to life eternal.” (The Keys of Jeshua – Glenda Green)

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