Thursday 25 February 2021

How may 'God Help Us?'

John Ervin

What I find deducible from this medical coup d’état, or rather, coup de Monde, is that any action by government can now be justified as “protecting your health” without any publicly witnessed real evidence.

At worst, it seems like a thin veneer applied to a justification for them to do anything that they want. It is a quaint “end run” around any semblance of real rule of law, not to mention a complete subversion of democracy.

This is why some have written that the only power that stands in the way of such a stratagem is God.

What else, WHO else?

Sounds ancient and scriptural, but WHO?

WHO told you you were naked? said the Lord.

This Bible quote relates to the lies of the serpent that led Adam and Eve to a sense of self-conscious lack, guilt and shame - for which they then were driven to mask over in distancing from a feared disclosure to truth feared as a result of lies believed and given reinforcement by sharing.

So to the split or dissociated self-sense, truth is feared and evaded under masking 'ego' that in a sense becomes our subconscious or automatic response, but in truth is release of conflict to freedom of being.

Truth shall set you free, is the process moving through, truth reveals you are free. This is 'hidden' from the lockdown in the mask' that can only 'see' freedom from true reckoning as its personal salvation or bubble.

The thinking of the mask is an interference pattern to a true recognition.

And so we have a world of the freedom to accept or deny truth - but not to change it - apart from our own perception of being. Hence 'be still and know That I Am'.

Notice that unless a discipline has been acquired by willingness of practice, the thinking mind will do anything BUT release to the direct qualities of awareness (of) being.

I am pointing to God Inherent or within all that is and that must include the truth of you, beneath the masking and modelling of self imaging concepts.

There is a key question to the 'defences of the ego'. Do you WANT what they offer and are you willing to persist in paying the cost?

But unless this question is recognised in the heart, it runs as a mere self-referencing reinforcement to the willingness to 'think some more'.

As for the capacity of self-Illusion to provide a sustainable or workable way of living and sharing in our world, it is the same question to a collective relational expression of our willingness. The repackaging of toxic debt and conflict into ever tighter control as a system of sacrifice to a false god - is Self Evasion buying more time at all and any cost. And so it must come to the end of its tether.

The fear that is being invoked and generated as the means to 'protect' us from the fear that we would distance from and mask onto others and world rather than face, is revealing a false 'answer' as unable to deliver. This brings the unthinkable fears that which we had largely managed to mask over and mitigate, into awareness. And this self-honesty is the point or real questioning of the mind and world we had mis-taken as Reality Itself.

Any real question opens the willingness to receive answer.

The ego uses the form of questions to make statements that reinforce its 'narrative identity' running as You.

The idea of the Lord of Life or Love - as power 'lording it over' others and world, is the first and last illusion as the basis of a split mind. But you are one Mind - regardless how you choose to see yourself.

We shall not cease from exploration 

And the end of all our exploring 

Will be to arrive where we started 

And know the place for the first time. 

Through the unknown, remembered gate 

When the last of earth left to discover 

Is that which was the beginning; 

At the source of the longest river 

The voice of the hidden waterfall 

And the children in the apple-tree 

Not known, because not looked for  

But heard, half heard, in the stillness 

Between the two waves of the sea. 

Quick now, here, now, always-- 

A condition of complete simplicity 

(Costing not less than everything) 

And all shall be well and 

All manner of things shall be well 

When the tongues of flame are in-folded 

Into the crowned knot of fire 

And the fire and the rose are one.

         Little Gidding V, - T.S. Eliot 

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