Thursday 25 February 2021

Virus as a narrative identity

 Reply to  Penny

So where are the VIRAL ISOLATES of any virus? Nowhere. Ever.

Neither is there any evidence for contagion. At all.

If virologists are not hiding their blatant fraud why are they the only scientists who get to make up a genome using a software program and not ever use controls? Why do virologists only starve and poison their cell cultures, then claim isolation actually means addition?

Why can’t virologists show how a virus evolved if it only ever lived inside a host? Why does a virus not have any motile function? How can a virus die outside a host if it’s not living? Why is a virus the only microbe that allegedly has organic matter attached to it such as proteins that coincidentally our body ALREADY makes, but no cells? How does the virus convert and transport energy to fuse to the host cell? How does the virus replicate if it can’t cell divide like all other organic matter?

Back up your claims.

I appreciate your engagement (to Penny) in the issue itself within a sense of worth to others in the manner of your reply.

Narrative identities are protected.

They are not ‘alive’ but by being given life, set filters and rules of thought and perception as the ‘believed experience of life.

They cannot receive what we give them, because they are not alive as the giving and receiving exchange that Life Is..

The attempt to reconcile real and unreal or living and ‘dead’ is a narrative mask over conflict that is no escaped but replicated.

(I say ‘dead’ because it never was, not because it lived and died).

The virus myth offers a signature pattern to the recognition of ‘mind-hijack to though replication that is reiterated every time we set cause outside ourself to conditions or others that ‘make us what we are’ and set us in distances, locked down meanings and masking defences against exposure.

From my reading today:

Although you are one Self, you experience yourself as two; as both good and evil, loving and hating, mind and body.

This sense of being split into opposites induces feelings of acute and constant conflict, and leads to frantic attempts to reconcile the contradictory aspects of this self- perception.

You have sought many such solutions, and none of them has worked.

The opposites you see in you will never be compatible.

But one (solution) exists.The fact that truth and illusion cannot be reconciled, no matter how you try, (or) what means you use, and where you see the problem, must be accepted if you would be saved, (from fear for love). Until you have accepted this, you will attempt an endless list of goals you cannot reach; a senseless series of expenditures of time and effort, hopefulness and doubt, each one as futile as the one before, and failing as the next one surely will.

Problems that have no meaning cannot be resolved within the framework they are set. Two selves in conflict could not be resolved, and good and evil have no meeting place. The self you made can never be your Self, nor can your Self be split in two, and still be what It is and must forever be. ~ ACIM

Its a risky venture to attempt satirical send up.

Not least because 'fear of trolls' like 'fear of virus' can spark off a polarising lockdown mindset by reaction.

I suspect 'super satan' has tired of a straight rational attempt to make a case for freeing from deceit and is moved to employ the imagination as a means to reflect the situation in new ways.

If I were 'Satan', love of form as reflection of possession and control would compel me to seek continuity at all and any cost, price or sacrifice.That is, my identity of self-possession and control demands your sacrifice to the idols and ideas by which I raise a world of image and form to cover the knowledge of Spirit that moves all things as one.

By 'me' have you a choice to deny your source, to invest in illusion that must attack truth as its basis for seeming. How else but from the conviction that truth attacks you first?

The false flag, the phishing ruse, the call to eradicate or cast out a hate that images the trauma of fear of pain of loss. As the determination to limit the Mind to limit the loss.

Having entranced to a locked down mind in a body as a distance for dissociating private thought-agenda to mask from true Disclosure, is a focus of attention and intention within the 'mind' of fear and love alloyed, because fear can mask as love, but cannot know and share love. But love can reinterpret fear as the call for (the) love (it denied).

We may not be able to give our thoughts to others who will not allow or are not yet ready for them, but we can be the communication or sharing of presence from the willingness of our own acceptance. And release them of our judgements as wrong, failed, sick, sinful and lacking (our) correction.

Jesus lived 'forgive them for they know not what they do' but gave himself wholly to the living will in others no matter what the presentation, or masking of personal and cultural appearances. Discerning the living is the fruit of being alive as the movement of being or aligned willing. But the conditioned mind operates a set of responses to coded meanings and associations of image and form as 'identification'. But this is akin to a computer model running robotically in substitution and representation for life lost, or feared and denied.

The current events are reflecting to a deeper recognition when we are ready and willing to accept, receive, own and integrate.

When Satan or the Adversary has served to bring us to conscious acceptance of truth beyond and yet giving form, is Job done, as a revealed and conscious foundation from which to live.

Clinging to invested self-illusion loses awareness of synchronicity, flow and relational honesty of being. It reflected feedback tells us this, but through protected narrative illusion we hear only to call to double down in war or regroup (reset) for vengeance.


George Mc:

To achieve maximum impact, Code Covid needs its pit bulls. Cue Dr Philippa Whitford who I just heard frothing on the radio about how some sociopaths thought that just because the rules were relaxed between waves 2 and 3 (or was it 3 and 4?) lives were threatened etc. And so we must maximise vigilance for the upcoming waves (which I daresay will be so numerous you could surf on them).

And whilst listening to this practically Hitlerian effusion, I wondered if these COVID heavies had been chosen because they were already seriously disturbed individuals or if they were conditioned Clockwork Orange style?

There are bacteria that thrive in particular terrain conditions.

Without the leverage of support for this 'narrative' lockstepping, it could find no host.

While big money banking cartel clearly has the capacity to snuff this in a day if it did not serve their purpose, it isn't 'money' itself but leverage or the means for control set in the grasp of possession, as an addictive self-reinforcing loop.

As for you question, narratives are conceived and 'memed' or propagated and nurtured as framing leverage for protecting the Problem from Disclosure (being truly addressed).

The seriously disturbed is what I generally assign to 'Separation trauma', that has both species history and fractal or archetypal reiterations in every generation and in every life.

We are not equal in our personality challenges and patterns of adaptation, and part of this is the attempt to cast sins onto others to seemingly escape them - which is also psychic abuse with physical attributes.

The manipulation of other minds appeals to those who are most driven to take or get for a sense of self set in lack and disconnection of relational being. As if to fill the lack externally. Just as there are those who are driven to give responsibility to leaders, protectors or panacea, as if to escape blame and penalty rising from hidden or denied fears, guilts and conflicts.

I don't listen to stark insanity set as bait for reaction.

But the last time I opened R4 I got Kzuo Ishiguro answering Qs on his book "Never Let me Go" - which spoke of the lost ones under the lie to me so I bought and read it. he wanted to write of the human condition.

I also understand this as the human conditioning,

But when I turned on I thought it was a real critique of the current psyop on BBC!

And it does offer some illumination by means of artistic reflection.

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