Wednesday 24 February 2021

Community Building - Inner Discipline

Noticing the term 'community building', (in a recent newsletter) reminds me of the work of Scott-Peck (The Road Less Travelled, People of the Lie, and The Different Drum').

The latter book related to his community building workshops (which I have experienced and lived adapted versions of). And the latter part of the book summarised trustworthy observations. While not necessarily occurring linearly, he noted the four stages:

1. Pseudo Community. (Masking as virtue.)

2. Chaos. (Conflict emergence as breakdown of narrative structures).

3. Emptiness. (Inability and exhaustion from attempt to resolve conflict in its own frame)

4. Community. (Spontaneity of profound self-acceptance and recognition of others to presence that reveals and extends love, appreciation and gratitude).

We can grow awareness of shifting between these in any and every interaction. With awareness we can live from a willingness to empty of masking conflicts and drama so as to live within a living communion rather than to be fitted to a parody of life in masking conflicts under narratives of conflict evasion - as if to thereby 'make a better world'.

The conditioning of the human mind throughout the course of my life has become a narrative control to the exclusion of what is commonly called thinking for ourself, but I prefer to call a willingness and desire to know and align truly - or self-honesty to our life rather than 'socially reinforcing identity'.

Just as with the face-masking dissociation in 'virus-fear' fear seeking magical answer from racketeers, there is an underlying conflict evasion that shapes our masking strategy of social presentations and ways of communicating.

'Making life safe' is thus a way of evading and avoiding (masking over) feelings and thought and experience that we deny or disown as if to escape. This realm of self-illusion seeking social reinforcement, generates the rigid structures under which life is sacrificed for the mass hallucination of a greater good, when toxic conflicts, debts or guilt is repackaged to scapegoats, diversionary cover stories and false flag threats.

The social 'movements' that we may of may not identify with, are significantly fed and subverted to a core 'establishment' agenda of evading Disclosure by the repackaging of the 'sins' of persistent denial of life in inhuman agenda, onto the gullible and the cynical, whose minds are cultivated to 'eat corporate sin, sickness and death' under narrative identities framed in evil as if to gain virtue or profit by compliance and adaptation to the repackaged social masking.

If we are to trust life, we need to stop pre-framing the narrative idols it must support, or comply to. The guilt-driven mind always seeks to establish guilt in the Other as a way to claim moral right upon the accusation and 'revealing' of the sins of others. It is being called Cancel culture†because it is actively cancelling our capacity to live, extend and grow a true Cultural appreciation of worth and value uncovers within real relationship or indeed genuine community.

The belief that only fear and evil threat can unite us is the secret dependency and worship of that fear in some seeing unity that must disintegrate when the underlying fear is brought to question, and so MUST NOT be allowed to be questioned by the 'established identity' that masks as reality.

The willingness to trust Life is the basis for the extension of that trust to everyone we meet, and meet in truth - regardless the masking overlays and dramas -†because the presence of life is whole, and in truth holy, no matter what kind of shit is piled into the mind of the 'Child of Love'. But to use the term 'love' is to risk a degraded sentimental sympathy instead of the capacity to be with what is and recognise truth here. None of us have such power alone,†because we are not alone.

The 'distance, lockdown and mask-compliance' is an archetypal pattern for conflict denial.

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