Tuesday 23 February 2021

Principles and Predicates - how much to sell out on truth?


James Corbett:

There’s an old joke about a wealthy man talking to a famous actress. After he asks her if she would sleep with a stranger for a million dollars, she delivers an enthusiastic, “Yes!” He then inquires if she would do the same for five dollars. Offended, she fumes: “Five dollars? What kind of woman do you think I am?”

“We’ve already established that,” the man rejoins. “Now we’re just haggling over the price.”

Although this joke probably doesn’t fly in today’s PC climate, we all get the point. The woman has already admitted that her principles are negotiable for the right sum. Determining the lower bounds of that sum, then, should not be inherently offensive.

This may seem like just a crude joke, but it’s actually an insightful glimpse into the fundamental philosophical debate of our time—perhaps the fundamental philosophical debate of all time. And it helps us respond to the lockdowners, the anti-free speechers and other enemies of civilization with an answer that actually gets to the heart of the issue.

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The price or bait on offer is the carrot or the stick.

 The priceless is hidden by invested identity set in grasping carrots and evading sticks. Grasping at meanings locked down into image and form sets 'self-lack' as the driver of fear of dispossession. For the belief we can GET sets the fear of pain of loss of being GOT from. The rest, they say, is history. The mind set in fear of pain of loss must forever reiterate the patterns of control and fear, as the narrative masking of possession and control that feeds on the very fear it denies under narrative justifications and projected (GOT rid of) false flags to diversion and scapegoat. The cost of gaining such a world is Soul Awareness - which is felt knowledge that cannot BE translated to image and form and linear continuity without partiality, polarisation and mythic or narrative casting out of a split mind. This dissociation is active as the principle of distance, lockdown, and the masking of toxic conflict and debt as narrative continuity. The pattern is reiterating as a signature revealing for the revealing of self to Self, or mind to Disclosure as Mind. Invested identity fears truth as the loss of self. 'Naked Emperor' or indeed fig leaves, apply here. Truth itself is eternally unconflicted, and not IN the world of possessed 'meanings'. Aligning truly is aligning in and as integrity of being, (truly moved). This costs nothing but our illusions! And gives or rather restores everything. The principle of wholeness in all its parts is the root of the Golden Rule, or Jesus' two Commandments. The principle of a shattered peace is: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

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