Sunday 24 January 2021

Marking the Awakening of Paul


The thing that you do but SAY that you would not, is a mind divided against itself.

This is VALID feedback by which to question the mind of its current presumptions and active beliefs that are otherwise hidden as a 'normal'. The mind of guilt leveraging blame - also known as judgement - will interpret to damn you in sin and sacrifice from the hollowness of a sense of self-lack that God the Father created NOT.

But WHO told you you were naked?

Jesus' transparency to the Christ witnesses a whole mind to a willingness to release a world set in lack and conflict. But fear as conflict inherently interprets and filters 'new wine into the old paradigm, as if to save the world (and its self) by the sacrifice of the Light, instead of bringing the darkness TO the Light.

The mind set IN the world of division seeks salvation or victory for a split off, distanced and locked down sense of mortal existence, masked over in virtue signalling.  The Holy Spirit reveals and heals mistaken identity to a recognition and appreciation of the a love and truth that of itself extends to all. 

We are accustomed to generate narratives as truths and teachings, with good intentions. But narratives then operate as shortcuts, placeholders or substitutes for our own direct relationship or transparency to God, to the movement of  the true desire or prayer of our being. What then passes off as virtue is but a mask or social signalling set over an 'identity' given by beliefs that may well hold elements of truth but are not a direct and living expression of an honesty of relational being now - and so lack the power to heal or correct, and become hollow, impotent rituals of social reinforcements of a cargo cult.

Normalising loss of truth and love's witnessing to a 'world of locked in conflict' is the setting of our own judgment and mutually self-reinforcing self-illusion as having priority over all else and thus 'at war' with God's Word. Persisting in this is 'sin', death and taxes, under dissociation by which to know not what we do - as a result of running under a false or mis-taken inheritance.

Cognitive dissonance casts its sins out as if to get rid of them, and accuses itself in the Other as if to resolve inner conflicts externally and does so in fear driven moral necessity as if to 'resist perceived evil' is the means to set or gain virtue.

Jesus warned against this.

Gratitude for all witnessing to God is love extended, Paul included. If any called Jesus 'good' he was quick to put the temptation to such measure behind him - for he learned and taught to receive the recognition of the Christ in the living - and not special to persons. 

Making special makes exception, and if Jesus is excepted from teaching a living example for us all, then such a 'christianity' has effectively immunised itself against a Living Love.

The Holy Spirit is the Teacher of Christed Recognition - in all. This transcends all religious and ideological 'identities'. Love of truth cannot abide a 'special truth'.  And so if we are phished by appearances, the dissonance of being off track is a call to attend what runs beneath - instead of attacking the symptoms to 'protect the model' against true witness that reveals its lack of substance.

Paul had developed and acquired considerable abilities under a fear-defined and control-driven identity that were then repurposed to Teach after an awakening that turned his self and world about. We each have unique talents and abilities that can as readily serve a true witness instead of a split sense of self, masked over identity conflict.  But unless we give welcome to the Light, we persist like the tenant farmers, in killing the Messengers, as threat to a sense of control set over fear of pain of loss.  


The expansion or extension of the Christ Message from Jewish to a Universal context is part of the nature of the Christ Message. Love is not special. All are called even if few choose to listen - as yet. But a cut foreskin cannot deny or disqualify the love of Christ.

It may cleave to a trauma of God set in Terror under which such a rite was set to forfend destruction. But this is a decision in the heart and mind that can be brought TO a willingness to heal.

The temptation to leverage the free will of another by fear, guilt and penalty will set the measure of its own penalty. A warning may be offered in love but must be a message of love - or introduces doubt and division and faction into the mind of the listener and a call to war or defence in place of the Call to love. And so 8 - that kind of persuasion does not come from the Call to love.

10. In the Truth revealed, love is no longer defined BY special rites or by NOT performing such rites. 6. To say they have no value is to say they have no intrinsic value - but will have all the meaning you give them. Thus be mindful of the word that you set and don't take the image and form of things as the Reality.

12. Wishing is not willing! Indulging our personal frustration in imagination can sow self-illusion as what we want to be true, given energy and attention (love).

There are those today who agitate for the limiting and controlling of the will by collective sacrifice of a living Will, as if a moral dictate that professes caring but turns to hate when questioned. This IS their reward - however they seek to cast or outsource such toxic debt onto the people by sowing fear and confusion. 

Vigilance for our peace is for the condition of the Kingdom of Heaven - which is always Nigh or indeed closer to us that we are to our 'self'.

So don't take the bait! And forgive immediately when recognising you have been phished by reaction to appearances and triggered associations and give temptation to vengeance up - to the Lord of a just and true accounting. 

None have the power to truly cut their Creative Source-Nature and live or die apart.

But the wish to cut out or cast out the judged against can set up for a Fall in which we 'have our reward' in the measure we set - but as if at the hand of an other.

The Holy Spirit reveals the mind we thought to hide in our brother, as the opportunity for release.


(Look the victims in the eye campaign).

When deceit is unmasked to be revealed as nothing else. Why are you not released from any further allegiance to it?

The attempt to redeem sin, is to endow it with a life it hath not, and in effect, feed it our own.

I urge choosing NOT to engage or support in those who purvey and support the cultivation of hate, fear and guilt in humans as their food or energy and identity supply. But instead attend the Living.

Hold and create the conditions that support Life, and be vigilant against masking substitutions that appeal to sympathies that set victims as power OVER Life.

Worshipping life as 'victim' is the fuel for a mind set in vengeance.

That we have grievances is a need for bring to communication within a willingness to truly address them and so to find resolution.

Falsely addressed or flagged threats operate a diversion by which to seem to outsource conflict away from a sense of self reset as masking narrative of control.

If you choose this for your own 'saving' you are consenting to be used by such a systemic lockdown of the creative and living will, as if shutting down awareness has made the problem go away.

To be reset in a frame of seeming freedom from responsibility by casting fear out of bounds, is to be set in fear unknowing, under fantasy 'love' that cannot truly connect, align or heal anything. Nor has any intention of doing so.

I see this time as being brought to the most Fundamental Choice this world offers, and for such Choice to realign us in a world redeemed, but first to face and own our fear in willingness to heal rather than run and hide in cover story.

Look another in the eye as worthy of love.

Recognise another in love and look past the masking of appearances.

What does that mean?

Release your mind from its lockdown in fear and isolation and allow its natural extension to others regardless time and space.

Love is who you are - when you add nothing and take nothing away.

Willingness to accept another as they are is an extension of  an unselfconscious love - or presence in which we recognise and live the life we are sharing the unfolding of.

I note St Paul is marked today for his Awakening from a fear and control mindset. 

Taxes are now being collected as biological enslavement set against a projected fear set in untruth. The release from the lie and the father of it is to a Light from which to live all things new. This is a gift to hold by sharing its extension.

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