Sunday 31 January 2021

Narrative Identity as Mind Control

Caitlin Johnson on Narrative Manipulation:

Dissidents Must Understand The Difference Between Fact And Narrative

(Note the invite to identify in a MUST as the claim to TELL or frame the narrative by headline)

I write to the awakening to and release of narrative identity, which by its very nature 'casts out' and masks over, as a means to persist under the guise of escaping responsibility for conflict that is 'seemingly' got rid off or mitigated by externalising toxic debts to reframe as appreciable assets.

Self-evasion could also be assigned to the Prodigal Son as running off with a mistaken identity - or indeed to Prometheus running off with what is taken to be the light of the Gods, or the phishing ruse of reacting to what you take to be something it isn't, like covid-19.

The patterning is not so hard to see in others once a willingness to question 'narratives' has stirred - but this is lived as questioning our own experience or our own reality - for we have invested identity in 'narratives' and it is this that baits and hooks the unwary to invest by reaction that then reinforces that was what reacted to has reality which then frames thought and action accordingly.

Narrative are mythic creation and draw on and embody archeypal patterning of a species conditioning of which we are for the most part ignorant and wilfully so. Such as to set a bubble of a self and world under terror that the mind is set to keep you safe from as your strategy of survival in its framing. That such a 'nakedness to threat' should seek and find a cover story is not surprising. Self-justification is never more than an instant away, but here's the rub: WHO told you you were naked?

This question is also the capacity and the right to question all and anything to the point of recognising truth - or indeed the lack of substance to the core premise from which the story unfolds as a linear development of its premises. For figs grow on a fig tree and the fruits always reveal the underlying signature of the roots - or lack of substance to a masking in the appearances of virtue - or a good story.

Is there an absolute Fact but unqualified awareness of existence?Perhaps the fact that what you give sets the measure of your receiving and vice versa.

Or that everything changes.
The desire for experience may be the qualification for awareness of experience.
But our conditioned meaning for experience locates it and us in a world of time and space.
There is a dimension of synchronicity that has only one point of affinity with our self in story of unfolding themes and that is now.

A story or image, or model recognised as such, is not confused with the reality it represents or is imaginatively augmenting as play. But even as Narcissus became enamoured of his own reflection so can we become invested and identified in our story, as a cognitive dissonance or 'one who knows not what he does' in the actual of real relationship. This can also be called addicted to our own thinking, or masking a fear and lack of self in diversionary thinking.

'Bottoming out' is a term for where the story can no longer hold allegiance, identity or support and a false foundation is simply gone for no longer being acted from as if FACT. This gifts a life from a new point of recognition that must in time and timing release the momentum of old habits, normals or conditioned response for the willingness to align from truth - which is not In the world of externals - but extends from a true foundation as the blessing of unselfconscious virtue.

The term waking up is already subverted to a systemic replication and neutering of life in hollow masking presentations set into legal fictions and corporately managed. But that is what I just sketched out as the release of the use of the world as an external means to resolve personal or inner conflicts.

Then the trigger points of 'separation' induced anxiety reactions, serve as stepping stones to recognising and Already connection or indeed Inherence in Life - but not as we know it Jim (Star Trek quote).

We do not know except we be one with, and so what we take as knowing casts us in story of fear of pain of loss and All the king’s horses and all the king’s men under one or another guise seeking to take some pieces of a dead and broken life and recombine them as if to declare a Novel Basis for the regaining of the Saturnian Golden Age. As if THIS TIME the attempt to force external outcomes will resolve the inner contradictions. Doh!

There's nothing new under the Sun, and yet within the Sun - behold I make all things new. We are within our Sun and the lockdown to distances and object modelling is a masking over reality. That most everyone is focussing in the mask is a synchronous reflection to our own current and active choice. It takes one to know one, but it takes a mask to pretend to know and be known. There is a choice here but it is free willing as to when and whether you let life in, while the denial piles up more and more burden of controls until its 'life' becomes unbearable.

Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep and doesn't know where to find them.
Leave them alone and they'll come home, bringing their tales behind them.

You are the one you are looking for.
You are looking Everywhere Else.
Yet with eyes to see, you recognise your self where you once judged yourself in others.

Everything is your Teacher - but you WANTED it to serve your story and HATED when it broke your dream, and shifted to hate and fear in grievance nurtured and fulfilment set in the frame of when I overcome, escape, eradicate, or kill the hated condition, then I will be happy and extend my blessing to the world.

All this is a contract set and given oath and is 'shared' out as a collective entanglement of conflict set in possession and control (dispossession under slavery).


Homo sapiens, like all living things have many flaws. Our ruling classes have known how to exploit them for Millenia and they’re very good at it. We are the only critter driven to believe in what Harari calls stories, I call myth and fraud. The biggest and most successful one for the ruling classes is money. Money as everyone should realize is conjured up from nothing because money isn’t anything, just like music and mathematics. Despite all the conjured trillions, the suckers will never figure it out. The number two is the invisible man in the sky. This one is created by the philosophical elite’s to create and maintain a social order and is so absurd a monkey wouldn’t believe it but people do and it leads to them believing many other absurdities. We laugh at qanon but really, is Christianity or Islam any less absurd? The Nation state, the rule of law like law’s came down from heaven carved on stone tablets by god herself rather than drawn up to empower the elite. Virtually every thing you have ever been told was cooked up to ultimately empower the parasitic elite’s to have control over you… most if not all are sociopaths and you have only critical thinking to defend you once you realize that you bin had, all your life sucker!

You may notice that you are telling your story here. This is also your freedom to engage in.

Unless you recognise who makes the script for what you are accepting as your life, you will be cast in the character and role it gives you.

While you WANT to TELL reality what it is and is not, you characterise yourself as lording it over in judgement and do not recognise that the subjugations and limitations you then attract as your experience are in the measure you have set. I understand that much you have acquired and learned was before you developed the consciousness to re-evaluate.

The desire to experience existence is an extension of Mind or rather, Mind is Extension of the Quality and qualities of Existence. Self-differentiation is the blending and  exchange of qualities within 'know thyself'. The further twist of self-alienation and dissociation, such as to become a stranger unto our self and world is the result of the development of 'judgement' as a selective 'choose-between' that segregates the concept of the self as IF power over reality as a partial, conflicted, opposed and denied and deprived - indeed attacked and betrayed sense of life.

The Power that Is Life remains unchanged by self-illusions, no matter how many join in self-reinforcing masking.

There are ways to create your experience as if at the hand of another, as victim calling by grievance on the right to attack, and denier who your mind flags as your adversary.

The victim and victimiser  work both sides of a non disclosure pact.

So apply your story to yourself and ask - is this all just more of what 'thinking' tells me?

To walk out of 'story' or a narrative identity dictate is to release the mind to a stillness in which the qualities of the being of you register to your conscious awareness. This reconnection will transform your sense of self as you are willing and ready to accept so as to release conflicts and regain an integrated and coherent sense of your worth - but not for you alone and special - set in elitism over all else. Whenever you resubscribe to such thinking, it will offer you an education, as you are willing to recognise your own thought operating as if the victim and victimiser, and release its futility

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