Sunday 31 January 2021

Corrupted Definitions Frame in Conflict

weilunion says:

“I am a clinician in Classical Chinese Medicine and I used to work as part of a “healing cooperative”. In theory it was a great set up, but there were issues with “the government” of said cooperative and it disbanded.”

And this point must be made again and again: collectivism is not bad, as we are told by the lasting vapors of Reaganism and financial capitalism, it is whether the collectivism is voluntary.

And if t is voluntary and collective, then power has to be critically thought about for if a coop lacks cooperation it will fall into ruins.

Power is the issue, who wages it, who holds it and how to get it and how to use it.

Our use of definitions are the issue when they are used as factual currency of language and transactional exchange.

The corruption of language is effectively making garbage in the source code or template from which and in which we think. Garbage in; garbage out, applies.

Power of Life can be recognised and aligned in as acceptance for being expressed as appreciation. You could also point to this as a Synchronicity and Intimacy of being, but if merely conceptualising - then only concepts are running in place of a true presence.

Power OVER Life is a corruption more likened to a contract between fear and control as a split mind or dissociation from presence to representations and to further derivatives of derivatives.

If I was to say that fear of pain of loss along with hate, attack, guilt and penalty, were the issue and that the reactions or defences set against such fear were running as a masking in virtue over denied - and projected fear, then I am suggesting our masking personae are entangled in an active ignorance, through the wilful attempt to protect the narratives that protect our personal investment in survival under our own terms and conditioning.

The question would be what gives rise to fear?

Because the nature of denied or masked fear is denial and projection it operates as if at the hand of another or at the mercy of external circumstance as a way of mitigating and evading the conflict without actually addressing it where it is as what it is. This false flags set narratives that in turn set who or what to hate as a moral right, virtue or necessity. Hate MUST have a target or its ownership becomes all to obvious.

Conflicted purposes or desires if not addressed, literally but not factually split the mind. That is they are cast out and walled out or diminished and airbrushed out so as to be 'out of mind' relative to a  surface level of appearances set in control, over fear and threat.

Releasing the wish for power OVER Life is the practice of willingness to receive and recognise Life where projected self-judgement WANTED to see reasons to distance withhold and only grant freedoms for compliance to conditions - or 'conditional love'.

True desire can be discerned and recognised through willingness to speak and listen within and to each other, and then free willing alignment is inspired or called forth to meet the situation or undertake the endeavour or simply walk with what is as a new and deeper perspective.

The obstacles to this are as you have met and as we all continue to meet.

The desire to heal is different to the wish to change the world.

The conflict within is set as an attempt at external resolution.

If we understand that our world is our Result rather than our Cause, then we are free from trying to manipulate a world to 'solve' or 'salve' a mistaken and conflicted set of core beliefs and definitions.

The freedom to be ourselves cannot be overrated because through it is the freedom to recognise others and world as they are, rather than though the lens of a grievance of isolation and pain of loss seeking externally.

I don't seek to devalue our world but that seeing is both inner and outer as one. We mostly 'see' the past or projections of past as anticipated or feared future. This may be a 'normal' but is hardly aligning in our true nature.

A lack of self can become addictively identified in roles and others can feed roles to others so as to seem to escape responsibility etc.

Further commentary into this thread an other comments on this page:

Thread continuing from


What is first comes first. If you put what is first first, the world will be already changed and you will act from a recognition of a living world instead of a social construct.

You can use social constructs to model your world, but you can not make them live, even if you sacrifice your life to the image and model that you are taking as the world - outside and apart from a 'you' set over it.

I endeavour to call on wholeness from which nothing real is excluded, but the attempt to fix an internal lockdown in the masking of distantiation and dissociation is the protection of the problem, under the insistence that you must fix it externally.

If you see, then you are awake to what is within and without as the process of perception itself.

Our relationship with our Self is our relationship with each other and our living world. They are one and the same. This truth seems to have been broken as a result of a breakdown of Communication. Of course we relate with and engage in our world but if you are a 'getter' you will recognise nothing and seek to use it to get your self under every kind of self-illusion. The nature of virtue is its radiance or extension form truth. The hollow masking in virtue is the result of a loss of trust and connection that is driven to seek it externally.

Therefore wholeness of being is yours to give, but for the willingness to receive and share it of another. In your desire to heal your world you will meet conflicts that will not release or resolve to a conflicted will which is faithfully reflected to your willingness to recognise your own part.

i dont seek merely agreement but invite curiosity and recognition as your own questioning and answer and welcome your interaction.

Cause and effect SEEM to be broken and reverses in a world in which “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health,  Lawyers destroy justice,  Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom,  Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". (Michael Ellner)

The thought reversal is not at all apparent to the dissociate of its masking as 'normal'. But a mask made to survive psychic-emotionally in a world as love lost to treachery and threat, became the face that thinks it thinks alone.


Desire as I differentiate it is the magnetic quality of your true will. The desire for symbols and things and events or roles - in short for the world as your fulfilment.

When we are truly fulfilled it is not passing show that leaves us even as we thought to have it, but a resonance of true recognition and appreciation.

people now use the term 'matrix' to point to a fake substitution for Reality and therefore for our self as such a world gives us by our learning, acquiring and adaptation to its demands.

So my gist here is to say that true desire is covered over and lost to a complex of false flagged diversions, that mask over and face away from the point in you where your pain of life in such a world has yet to meet its acceptance. The nature of defences the lockdown around such pain is to guard with terror symbols set against reliving it.

When you release your own acquired and conditioned thinking and listen to, and receive another, you will allow a recognition of what you judged against in him or her or the situation, to reveal itself as yours and as yours it is now within your capacity to question, be curious of, explore and release to an integrative perspective in which you have released and ancient hate. there is a releasing of another to themselves that they will receive and accept and use in their own freedom. But the moment of a recognition will be tangible as shared experience - not agreed interpretation.

Critical thinking is needed to break the spell of what we mistake for reality. Noticing contradictions and incongruences or dissonance in a presenting appearance can easily trigger associated judgements of conditioned learning such as to already know what their mind is because of course you are putting it there. This cognitive dissonance is being brought out more and more clearly to those with eyes to see, but also see that the judgements are quick to project out our own dissociations and scapegoat 'them' or target 'them' as having to be saved, woken up, mobilised, converted and etc. the 'agenda' of conflict-problem-solution is already active and running. Manipulators become aware of this activity of thought but only see the opportunity to marketise and weaponise it - and so feed and cultivate illusions in others as the feeding of their own, but only to the degree that another has already consented to teach and learn the same lesson.

I witness and articulate from what I have to share, and I recognise you are the same in this. the opening if the mind from a lockdown of distancing and masking is the willingness to question everything within the desire to be whole, sound, sane and released from self conflicting and self defeating strategies that are no longer serving who you recognise and accept yourself to be.

The step we are taking now is the opening to the perspective from which we see another. I don't need to seek out adversaries, so much as meet the evils or challenges of the day thereof. I qoute someone who also said 'resist ye not evil'. to receive this in Life, you might note that anything your resist, persist, and whatever you choose not to use, fades from non use.

the baiting of deceits is the hook by reaction to become framed or identified by what you are now set against - as if this makes you 'good' or virtuous. But your virtue is give already as the integrity of your very being. And to choose not to listen to deceit is to instead align in your being as the freedom to give value to what is truly worthy and be whole in what you share in being.

The capacity of a mind to believe its own thought is the capacity to lockdown into a virtual straightjacket of thinking made dense and unchangeable. That is why if you have not joy in your being, there is a call to question the 'structure' of thinking that is otherwise set as 'reality'.

I differentiate moral principle of integrity from any attempt to define, control or become moral. Only a lack of self is set to seek to become a something it is not, as if to answer or offset the lack. that is the basis of addictive fixations on finding something else to attend instead of being with what is here. Listening is always listening within. 

Passion is presence given focus in tangibly felt word and deed. Today - stating that 'we are passionate' has become another attempt to offset the clear lack of real presence in those running bullshit for their own private agenda - be that whatever it may be.

It takes one to know one.

This operates a feedback mechanism as to where we are coming from, if we are open to receive.

Yes. I witness that there is a deep self-hate running beneath the social mask of its conflicting reiteration as our human 'condition' that is a conditioning beyond the capacity of a conditioned mind to recognise as it is downstream as a symptom or effect.

It can be called Separation trauma, and the mind of its dissociation is the recoil from a pain it was made to hide.

The idea of a jack-in-the-box in which evils and fears have to be lidded over so as to make us safe, is no less shutting down our fear of love. For to a fear defined sense of control, love is undoing of our defences, protections and hate targets to a redundancy of the need to 'make you safe'.

the inhibition of the action aspect to the harms of negatively expressing emotion need to be strengthened while the inhibition of loving needs to be released.

Love is the willingness to be with what is, to the point of recognising truth - and truth is the source and the gift of a spontaneous unself-conscious shared appreciation. I am not talking of masking in the manipulative use of the associated forms of love in sentimentality of appeal to sympathy.

So let us release the world we 'make' from an active ignorance by bring an active presence to our relationships, as an open willingness to recognise something true and extend the appreciation. This has nothing to do with accepting or condoning unacceptable behaviour. But is contextual to how we interpret and respond. To not choose egocentricity allows freedom to accept a perspective that it effectively closed off or kept hid. Mistakes are part of learning. Blaming or self-hate denies learning and guilt poisons the will and undermines the spirit. But reaching to those who have locked into guilt and fear will not find them while their masking flags it to everyone and everything else.

To my part, I see that we are being brought to face the underlying structure of fear and deceit by which narrative identity operates 'unknowing'. And that an integrative or spiritual responsibility for our thought word and deed are not just a 'good idea' but the only resource from which to open support for moving through fear and its progeny.

Fear says "I will make you safe".

Love says "You are safe".

These two voices tell you who you are, but one is real, while the other has all the reality that we give it.

If we were not free to choose to deny truth we would have no self-awareness of conscious acceptance and extension of truth. Earth is serving as a Planet of Choice - which is a spark of our true creative being. Living our choice is growing by choosing - even through poor choices. Abnegating Choice to systemic substitution is the machine thinking of a fiction running in your name. But we cannot release what we are unwitting of or unwilling to own.


If you are a teacher then your students teach you through your faith in them - which extends a value that you share in as an appreciation of the worth and capacity to learn or grown along the lines of the willingness.

Power is in life and not in persons - and so the aligning in the flow or movement of life will seem to act or lead or withhold from acting or wait - but is a transparency to the situation as a whole.

I don't see the collective as a collective but as another term for the people - but abstracted from living beings.

Qualitative resonance will move many as one, but if resonating to fear, it fragments the one into many seeking the one in some form of externally provided solution in which to seem to join, and seem to unite, but all and only while the fear binds them. This is not the way to cook a small fish!

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