Sunday, 19 December 2021

Covid Cult as Law of karma?


My offering at this moment is that support for our masking persona is in a sense being withdrawn - hence the survival drive to shut down the light and reset control as a defining and containing structure to which life is locked down, distanced, masked and defended against healing. (Perceived as fear of pain of loss of face, & loss of self)

The forms this takes in any of us are shifting and various, with multiple domains of resonant or reinforcing identities at different levels. Narrative identity can only perceive what it believes it must see to survive. That is the function it was invoked to fulfil as protection WITHIN self conflicted illusion.

As I write this I have the image of the breaking of the condition of the womb, or veil - of boundary as a separating identity, to the restoration of boundary as the medium of an always already Communioned Communication.

Truth is resonant and congruent alignment in our self and Self. That this gives tangible and visible forms of reflection, sharing and exchange is not to be defined by those forms.

But such is the sleep of habit that takes symbol or ideas as the Thing Itself, to which we adapted or normalised as 'reality'.

Justice - Just Is - might be seen as the nature of an equals sign, because no matter what you take from or push onto one side will become the balancing of the other. The capacity of complex systems to operate 'out of balance' is always part of a greater balancing act.

But if intent to contain or mask conflict in structures of compartmentalisation becomes 'top heavy' it will in its moment - flip.

Reset was also used for a spring mechanism, such as way of storing kinetic energy - like a jack in the box!

The ability to push down and forget what lies beneath, gives a seemingly new arena in which to explore Soul themes, or live a life as if a stranger in a strange land.

These are not mutually exclusive, but only one knows the purpose of its direction, the other reacts in a maze that sets or resets it in estrangement. Until Soul connection wakes conscious purpose.

The Apocalypse or Revelation - or even Disclosure, all point to what lies beneath... coming into a previously compartmentalised or conditioned awareness.

Yet we each and together remain creators of meaning - either in alignment of coherence of being or in conflicted means by which to en-trance to a casting out in projection of shadows. Shadows concealed - by - the very act of focusing our thought. The active ignorance of thinking to know, in place of a knowing that aligns thought.

We get a head of our Self.

Self illusion must seek social reinforcement - even if imaginary or creatively channelling qualities that are 'non local'. Such as to generate a narrative of support or justification as a prequel or context that masks over, augments or replaces the Already Given Context of a Self that has no 'other' - and so is hidden by the 'othering' of projected image of enemy, threats out of a past invoked to support awareness of existence given to fear.

Working out of karma can be made into an endless carrot and stick. Such as ego makes of any movement of reconciliation and release, if given allegiance.

The idea of Mercy is of a different order. That cannot be conceived by the mind of its own thinking. Truth has never been corrupted. False inheritance never broke a true Inherence.

But in the minds that wanted their own judgement to prevail over all else.


Covert ID.


Thursday, 16 December 2021

Three Comments into Facets of Germ Theory


Why polarise to 'anti-germ theory' when the theory is a belief without rigorous scientific -empiric validation?
Terrain theory is simply contextual or field understanding to replace or dispel magical attributes of externally locked down, distanced & masked meanings, such as then operate a like reaction in those who succumb to using their 'protection'.

Egocentricity 'sees' itself everywhere and in every thing - and is thereby validated and reinforced as a separate autonomous creator or cause of magical outcomes (the illusion of private control) and dreams turned nightmare as the experience of subjection to such controls.

You can validate for yourself, the meaning you are giving your experience by uncovering it from its signature effects, and by releasing that which give a result of pain of conflict (and a tyrannous impulse to override or eradicate it), give a new meaning aligned with who you accept yourself to be. Conflicted 'meanings' give conflicting results.
The world running on 'doublethink' protects conflicts from exposure and healing as a result of being adapted, habituated or normalised to an invested identity in conflict as a means to GET from or to use to GET RID OF.

The underlying pattern is simple. The complex defences arising from it are impenetrable, while running. Hence to put down the 'weaponised thinking' as the opportunity to observe it rather than be tooled by its 'protection racket'.

Insofar as we believe we can catch anything from another without conscious consent, we are unconsciously masking over fears that haven't yet been fully dispelled. Psychic contagion is so obviously active as to need no experiment. Just look!
Our susceptibility is what applied psychology/social engineering, targets, profiles and cultivates. Not least by false narratives of 'solutions' that carry payload as a 'problem masked and protected' AS IF solved, cured, mitigated, managed, forfended.

Of course this reply goes far beyond my initial noticing of an anti-germ theory 'identity' posit. ;-)


In Loewen's 'Lies my Teacher Told Me', the accounts of earliest settlements in what later became known as North America, indicated a pre colonist plague of such fatality (95%) in the indigenous peoples as to leave many cultivated and settled lands open and available to be taken over.
The idea of plague as toxins, and malnutrition along with fear, conflict and undermining of spirit, can be associated with what we might call Earth Changes that include cosmic rays/particles along with associated volcanic activity that can both pollute, or toxify, and block sunlight, leading to famines.

Along with this I feel cultural coherence plays a part, for when our world-view becomes stuck or resistant to ongoing change amidst challenges, it becomes a death cult instead of a renewal of spirit to the needs pressing.

As we can readily observe.

The past cannot be 'saved' as an object continuity, but that we stamp its image on our present, in possession and control.
In this sense the ground of our assumptions is always being pulled out from under us, whether we like it or not.
A spiritual or qualitative appreciation is more in the nature of a gift of presence that reveals its nature by sharing itself. But when we experience such a love, we can associate it with image and forms that have already shifted to be a way of grasping or possessing that initiates a psychic dissociation, through which drama or struggle unfolds a sense of self-lack set in seeking.

I sense that many protect the devil they know while dramatising its drama as a way to mask against a greater fear for which they are not yet ready to own or face. And so nothing but nothing will change their mind until they re-evaluate their choices that mask as habits, that mask as if self-evident reality.


The posit of a virus has had different stages of expression - for originally it was simply invisible toxin - riding on deeper superstitions  (fears). This shifted when microscopy discovered the germs of life, that were then flagged as the now physically revealed agents once associated with mere superstitions. The idea germs were threat went with the notion that a heathy body should be sterile.
Viruses were then imagined to be much smaller versions of germs - waiting to be discovered...
The advent of gene theory (another extremely limited reductionist narrative) gave nwe 'life' to a germ theory that could not actually be conclusively proven - even while its value to governments and drug companies had become too big to fail. But now a virus was posited to be a genetic code that 'hijacked' living cells and made then replicate it (like unto some parasitic entities in nature) - for then spread contagion in the body - and from the body to other bodies - held back only by an 'immune system' (there's another artefact of a pathologised biology).
The shift to genetics set up a novel basis for the determining and defining of 'viruses' - not unlike a sealed black box that only The High Priest can enter to make the determinations that then cascade through a corporate-institutional coupling to direct all that follows on like a cytokine storm.
No empirical verification is even sought or required. Its all modelling.
Tests that are invalid in principle and unverified in practice, assign disease or 'contagion' status, from arbitrary biomarkers that have no specificity to a media hyped 'disease threat'.

I write out something to sketch the context because the 'There is no virus' assertion does more to limit the release of a false or illegitimate lockdown of consciousness than do those who hype it up. No blame, because initially the right/wrong mind reacts in judgements that have already gone forth and multiplied as an invested reality, until at some point we recognise by our result that we short circuit our own healing - and the basis from which to share it.

Sunday, 12 December 2021

Three comments into the theme

I am mostly crafting short response to the living themes as


But here i visited OG and read some comments, and joined with them.

Three comments into the theme


Investment in the virus is too big to fail as its stakeholder base is the 90%+

Pathological resistance operates the enemy.

Some options include:

1.Give up and die.

2.Never give up and die in polarized ID.

3.Transcend conflict by embrace of polarities within an expanded perspective.

Each of these has a different outcome.

i don't think our current model of reality can recognise more than a dalek's eye view  - in a rear view mirror.

However, I feel we seek fulfillment or reintegration from our current terms, and by such honesty, will come to refine or redeem our thought, such that what aligns true is revealed more clearly and that which masks over is released.

Arguing the virus is a waste of time, but seeking proof of claim - when such claims are the basis of ALL the measures enacted - is all the difference between Renewal or Reset.

Ego seeks ANY kind of normal to restore continuity and 'solidity of self/world'

For it is our imaged sense of self/world.

Renewal is the natural result of releasing resistances/inner conflicts, to yielding UP to our being rather than surrendering to death as power set against fear of total loss.

If you get your reset, you will not have the opportunity to question the reality that you are now reset into and AS.

I use the idea of reset as a repackaging of conflicts in such a way as to leave the

core functions operating - of possession and control.

Principalities that forget their true Inherence assume sovereign right as automatons.

Nothing personal here Wardropper. But Joining in my perspective of 'cosmic ' or Soul issue. The Choice is our freedom to deny or accept reality as it is.

A living reality extends through acceptance. A dead image, idol or model holds like captive in sacrificial futility.

We are always 'choosing' but can only KNOW our purpose whole in aligned acceptance. Hence the split mind, dissociation and adversity of conflict, associated with masked denials running as 'virtue'.

Everyone participates from where they are. There is no call to judge another, and no capacity to know them BUT through our own mind, conscious or otherwise.


No you have it backwards - to start with.

It is the lesser evil or diversionary displacement that leads to the preference for external pathogens, threats and enemies instead of inner conflict that undermines the current narrative identity.

Forget the genetic and recognise both true Inherence along with false or mis-taken inheritances. The latter is indeed associated with death and taxes - not merely in societal form but as the very physics and psychics of limitation to imaged reality - or 'judgement'.

The body is a symbol for solidity and continuity to the mind engaged in such focus. This is to say the 'More of You' may be discarded or denied awareness as part of your current development of the consciousness within your experience. But of course has never left you, and can be recognised as the transformation of your experience from fear in contract, to masking separation and distance, to love's awareness now.

The mask does not need saving because it is not created - but a construct we made for a purpose that can be changed.

Your Soul does not need saving because God created you eternal.

Using the mask to re-cognise the timeless, 'reads' what it was made to deny or hide, so as to release what cannot truly live and love for a living love already given us to share in.

Fear of separation trauma can of course invoke terrors worse than death, and induce suicide or self / other destruction as an escape. But that's a reset.

There is nothing anyone can do to maintain another moment of their life in truth, but such truth reveals either Grace or a Void depending what you give forth.

The filling or masking of the Void with substitutes for life draws on symbols made opaque - as if self-contained meanings.

You are right - the germ offers an external 'war on threat' as diversion from the core conflict you (and many others) are not yet ready to look on, with new eyes.

there is a deep self hatred in the human heart. It is very destructive, and it operates unseen under masking evasions. So it SEEMS temporarily escaped only to sabotage and undermine everything we endeavor or aspire to.

Words are easy to write.

Such hatred is not easy to abide.

In fact it can render psychotic.

Spiritual discernment is NOT going it alone.

Nor joining in hate born of masked fears as a 'collective bubble'.

But when we align in such we can learn to recognise the habit and bring it to the arena of choice.


Take a fear - but react as if real, and by reaction make it real in your mind as your investment in escaping or overcoming the 'feared whatever'.

That's It!

Insert whatever values novels of variants.

It is mind control or mind capture' and we are quite able to persist in this on our own account as mind-dictate instead of spirit-guided.

You don't need to deconstruct pathogenic models to recognize the pattern, its habit and a revealed freedom to both question and choose accordingly.

BUT investment in illusions is implicitly set by its own defences to protect them. Just as the evil empire MUST sow conflict and generate enemy & threat - to maintain continuity of supply for the management of such illusions. Though they will never deliver true fulfilment, regardless the hit of private gratifications set addictively as if an achievement of power over lives of others.

Friday, 26 November 2021

Let Them Drink Toxic Industrial Waste!


When an 'official' dictate determines the definitions given legal and social currency, it is wise to seek out those who witness outside the box that otherwise we are contracted to and deceived by.
Is one source of views that can serve a freedom to learn and grow in self and shared responsibility.

I'm rereading Szasz's The Theology of Medicine with a much keener sense of its relevance.
Thomas Szasz 2 Volumes Set_ The Manufacture of Madness & the Theology of Medicine.

Argument or debate WITHIN metaphysical, moral or theological theories taken as fact is pointless or a way to persist in missing the point, UNLESS its logical contradictions open a questioning of such presumptions or judgements to an expanded perspective.

I'll quote a salient reflection by Szasz:
"I know, or believe, that life is inherently tragic. In the Greek and Christian sense and tradition, tragedy is our fate. That is a given.
But there is another kind of tragedy, the kind that we, as patients and physicians, as lawmakers and laymen, fabricate by evading the tragic choices thrust upon us by life. The belief that we can have a medico-ethical and medico-legal system that combines the virtues, but not the wickedness, of justifying medical interventions by illness, treatment, and consent is, I submit, such a tragedy. It is, in other words, not a tragic fate we must bear, but a tragic folly we must avoid."

Our freedom to grow and learn and become is through choice. Where disease definitions, claimed efficacy or socially enforced 'consent' are raised as gods to which all must sacrifice, then lies usurp truth under guise of progress, virtue and social duty.

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Domination v True Dominion - Emotional Physics



The idea of domination is the usurp of the idea of a dominion or natural domain.

Terrain or field theory is closer to an alignment with a relational expression or world, than any object model - set in materialism or material causation as its predicate of 'mind dominated or controlled by external conditions'.

I haven't listened in yet, but I shall.

I recognise a plasma physic, electric universe idea as a psycho-physical expression.

The charged polarities of reactive interactions are highly complex patterns that cast and catch a core archetypal drama.

The intent or even the idea OF control is a usurping or masking substitution for love - but not as love is masked in by the attempt to manufacture virtue that is innate to the qualities of being. There is a 'blind' Law of giving and receiving that can be pointed to by sow and reap or giving and receiving, judge not lest ye be judged, or Garbage in; garbage out.

But a lawless mind is set in a mask as its self and protector, until recognising and releasing the error.

A masking illusion has all the power or life we give it, while we give it. But none of its own.

So an alien will of a machine-like blind or loveless control set in overwhelming dominance, rises from within and beneath our 'world' to destroy us.

This is the thing about denial - we do not recognise that it remains active regardless of being cast or set 'out of mind' - but once invested, we are conditioned by masking rules and filters to buy time for a sense of conflicted lack and disconnection to seek to boost or ally itself with more 'control'.

Integrative wholeness can be sidelined and discarded while holding a focus in keeping a conflict for fear of pain of loss set in both options. This then is really about who and what you accept yourself to be. A Man cannot serve two masters, for each negates or cancels the other.

There is a true belonging in being, that is witnessed by peace at heart when aligning truly. But false thinking sets this as an option to be attended when more pressing matters have been resolved... so as to be pressed into structure that protects from and denies, direct relational appreciation now. Giving and receiving as one. This cannot be contractually or conceptually defined. That would be a re-presentation in image and concept given binding by agreement.

For the most part we know not what we do, but even a glimpse of such intuitive honesty allows a basis for the release of a masking that dominates by default - as an ancient choice set in separation trauma, that then reiterates itself as a schism or split of wholeness to conflicting levels of body, mind and spirit that become fragmented and reversed as reactive struggle of a sense of separateness driven to GET.

Friday, 5 November 2021

Willingness to Heal unto Integrity we don't manufacture

Celia Farber ponders some of the current experience.

Prompting my response


Your human heart is very clear to me and so is dear to me.
I don't see we can solve an issue prior to the world we made (by judgement) in the realm of its effects. Which is the 'Fall' from embracing perspective into a bug eradicator that becomes its own self-replicating inversion of life by doing the thing it accuses in Others, yet knows not what it does.

I find A Course in Miracles speaks to uncover and dispel the 'mind that made a will and a world' unlike God's Creation. The Holy Spirit of discernment is the Gift of being released Upstream or prior to our problem reactive, deeply invested and defended habits. The Grace of Noticing.

Seeking for and living from discernment is very different to the use we have trained our mind to run - against it true function of communication, indeed communion.

Intellectual translation will run old wine bottle subversion. To receive is to be as children who are shown - and not interfere as if to know better! The mind of possession and control in us all, runs beneath the marketising and weaponising of a world insane.

In the sense of thinking as reactive habit - learning to abide with rather than think.
I recently met some video of Marshal Rosenberg that exemplifies what I recognise as real communication, or natural and functional presence - as distinct from the coded adjustments of distortion filters that pre-emptively attack or judge as part of acquired defences from old patterns of separation trauma; pain, fear. isolation, loss, abandonment, treachery, betrayal, unworthiness.

More in the 'world' but no less inspiring as a bridge of Spirit to our need to heal us and our world both is the Jeshua tracts in The keys of Jeshua. We are in a time of great Compression. Understanding in Spirit is of a different order to narratives by which to persist our investment in a world taken as separate or thing in itself.

There's none such 'thing' or self but we have invested attention and intention in fear AS belief, and in guilt AS conviction, that death of love has been effected by us, and to us. Clinging unto even the little that we hath as if by sacrifice, we may forfend total loss. But love is not what fear made of it.

Hence to be still and know, remains a direct and immediate dispelling of reactive compulsive defences against imagined or modelled outcomes given power and funding.

There is no way to teach a 'territory' that has not yet been opened, and yet to those opening or unmasking from a reality that 'broke' - there is a shared classroom of acceptance and appreciation for what -'goes with the territory'.

Awakening - like any true word is become weaponised and marketised to subvert it to serve the mask, but not really. The truth of a word truly spoken is in the territory prior to any symbolic or conceptual processing. redeem the word we use in thought and speech for our actions will reflect it.

So are we in and of the territory of the Infinite - regardless our mapping to bodies in complex shifting meanings that can reflect a resonance or no less faithfully a dissonance. Fear must be brought into responsibility, for we set up the split or conflicted goals or wishes by which to conflict, doubt and deny our own Good.

Alight and align in a willingness to heal as reintegration to wholeness, or take a reset by default?

Friday, 29 October 2021

Wetiko as a mind-virus that replicates by choosing to feed it

I was posting this to a youtube about Wetiko - but it wouldn't post.

So I put it here and see if I can link to this from there...


Active ignorance operates through what we take to know that is not so.
Self image is never what is represented
This can be recognised, but by what self image represents are we blind sided to the act of be-living its result as our experience or unfolding or extending self.
Unless we release our image-modelling to recognition of finite as a discernment of giving and receiving and know it is Good - coherent and resonant or true.
Persisting in self-imaged as believing to know is judging good and ill within results rather than aligning true and false in giving and receiving.
This is then represented as a fall from divine knowledge to struggle within the conflict of good and ill acted out as conflicted levels assigned to results now assigned as causes to their own effects, but are simply the result to a Word we are now blindly giving under the mistaken and misguided belief we have to solve an error in effects, before releasing to or aligning in true cause.

I just wrote this. It has no more or less value than giving and receiving shares through it, or passes by it.

I bought the book but found it was almost all 'about' understanding within the old wine bottle thinking, as if Prometheus has to steal the light of the Gods to bring it to an otherwise blind or lightless humanity - with built in torments.
There is a point from which we see, that embraces our human, but is not itself mortal.
Recognition is always in the likeness and nature of our point of origin.
A mis-taken inheritance meets its own giving or word, in everyone and everything as if a-miss.

I find A Course in Miracles uses the term 'ego' in the most explicit and far reaching gamut of the mind-virus that is nonetheless part of our thought and so doesn't need to be got rid of but simply recognised as a fallacy rather than run on as substitution for truth. But it is as if the desire to persist even in clearly distressing and painful illusion holds more appeal than love of freedom in truth as a habit of the persistence in blindly reaching to misguidance in place of Sanity, because we made it and love what we made even if it loves us not.

Friday, 22 October 2021

Reflections on the artefacts of our modelling of biology, life & world

Malcolm Kendrick pens a witty foray into the complex realms of biological 'mechanisms'.



How do the elements involved know their part in a whole? - or the Inuit?
Pathogenic theory (Theos) posits fragmentation and conflict as its 'normal' such that All the king’s horses and all the king’s men fight for the narrative by which to officially model 'wholeness or function' under their Say So!
Wizards of Oz have ways to shout out any other fitting thought that of itself would rise to restore wholeness to a state of functional expression of a wholeness that of course precedes any attempt to fix it.
The complex of biology in chemical terms is a modelling of states that are always in flux. Its very difficult to find what you are not looking for, and so fitting fragmentary flux together again is firstly an artefact of the modelling by which it is identified as parts, each unto itself to play many parts in an ungraspable  but already living organ that is itself assumed to a part in a larger puzzle set in mortal consequence.
Electrical activity underlies all things as charge domains, patterns of order and resonance that align instantly as a whole field of fluctuating information and energy exchange. Blood and cell gel is living water. But what then is the breakdown of the capacity to support and carry the felt function of life?
Grasping from a sense of lack, as a claim to possession, defended as a face set in Say So!. Even this is a relationship of charged domain - excepting to seek completion by getting from others, while cannibalising itself as a stuck cycle of lack-driven compulsion. Closed systems deplete as non living nodes unless reintegrating to the terrain of which they of course cannot be truly apart from.

As for vitamin supps, synthetic or naturally derived, bioavailability, or fittingness is part of wholeness in function. When we take out what we call active ingredients we leave out the 'junk' which eventually is discovered to have informational qualities hitherto unrecognised. Seeking magic health from outside will reflect an unowned or 'faced' away from sense of self and life, perhaps in regard to relational conflicts in our formative years that set recognisable patterns of strategy for survival - but we are not there now.

I'm not sure about ascorbic as a persistent oral intake in regard to our gut biome - which is so active in adaptive transmutations but given little room in our mousetrap models, except to sell probiotics. Perhaps buffered C is better in that regard?
Some say supping D depletes A and needs K2. Imbalances may be adaptively worked around so as not to show up immediate symptoms. By the time things 'fall apart' the actual cause is forgotten amidst the drama at the crime scene.

To persist in a dead end is to become deadened.
But to recognise a futile or self-defeating pattern of thought and behaviour and release it is to suddenly reconnect with a greater life that was here already but diversioned from in what we call wilful, but which actually represents a loss of true willingness to a set mind.
Inuit or I knew it! is our innate or indigenous being.
Why journey into dead ends only to come home?
To arrive at our starting place and know it for the first time.

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Love or control, human or machine?

in response to the themes in:


The mind - that we are not - but which we acquired via a splitting or separation trauma - is a mythic or narrative lens or construct through which a filtered experience of All That Is, runs as a result of its rules and filters.
A Course in Miracles does not focus in the mind that 'makes a world' in its own image, but in the course for its recognition and release gives a comprehensive illumination of its devices.
Its fundamental premise is an ego-alien encounter.
While we seek within the self-separate distanced and masked covert ID we find our shadows or denials as if out there and as source of fear threat and justification to attack now or hide so as to attack later. This operates a self-reinforcing loop in which the Law of Mind operates a negative result. Ie to go forth and multiply lack, conflict, debt and toxic outcomes - because a mis-taken identity operates as an interjection in the Temple or template of filters that block recognition and alignment with who and what we simply are.
So all the assignations to 'Them', are versions of psycho-pathogenic theory that invert a Terrain Condition we can call 'non local' and yet with specific and recognisable characteristics.

Thinking that we made that was not extending One in All - or God - is loveless and though symbolic, is not the truth it seeks to possess in image - and so is a machine thinking or reactive programming that takes all the life it seems to have from our focus of allegiance and compliance to its voice as our own private thinking as a realm of possession and control, cast in the image and forms of virtues bolstered by setting against fears or evils.

Hence it cannot gain such allegiance or employment without enemies and threats, by which we invoke control for protection and displace guilt for loveless self denials by projecting guilt as blame, as attack and as manipulative inducements to eat yet again of the tree of judgements, such that a discernment at the heart is prevented from rising as the Obvious, and as the recognition and reintegration of denied self-experience, and release of others and world from locked down judgements defended against light of healing - feared as light of loss of face, of control and of self.

I didn't get on to the gene modelling and now the biotech interface for external control, but I note the dance of victim and victimiser operate to 'explore' experience set in conflict, limitation and denial. We cant pretend our way out of an already running pattern, but must release the blocks to recognising and releasing it to align in a wholeness that underlies all masking in mutually reinforcing definitions/reality distortion.

Monday, 11 October 2021

No where to hide - what to do?!?

My writing at any length is dense - or rather cannot be read from within a mind-catptured attempt to escape its own predicate, but I have been accepting the tweet character limit for succinct points of sketching a bridge to who we think, model or rehearse ourselves to become, from a relational field that simply Is.

One of my Companions in life is A Course in Miracles. 

While its intent is release of mind-trap to awareness and appreciation of true inherence & relationship, its depiction of the 'ego' as a substitution or masking reality distortion, is both without recoil, and with a means to recognise what we are not at the point of true choice.

While I stand in what I value, I don't push or teach so much as embody an integration that teaches and learns by living and giving - for we are always 'teaching' who we believe/accept ourself to be, and learning from our own result.

But to recognise what we are teaching is the grace of noticing - which calls on a perspective from outside our current belief or self-imaged narrative identity.

Safety in lies is a way of delaying or evading truth. But its temporary security is then a pervasive and persistent threat-management system until truth is re-cognised prior to the split or partitioning off of a dissociation.

What we do embodies or automatically follows from who and what we accept ourself to be. The 'freedom' within a locked down mind is then to act out or inhibit the action component.

The Call I share in is to strengthen inhibition of fear in hate and harm, within the active dis-inhibiting of love.

Love is the willingness to be with what is to the point of recognising truth.

Truth cannot be defined yet is the basis for identifying everything truly - hence is never a private agenda or ego-alien encounter.

There is a readiness or ripeness for 'coming out' from self-made identity habits.

But the mind can induce a false start or a fools artifice.

Discernment is the capacity to question 'reality' that tells you you are naked or threatened and lacking. Real questions refine to reveal the answer, perhaps even as we ask, or in some relational event or encounter.

The cock crows thrice and the denials set as personal security suddenly hit home as the self betrayal - ALREADY FORGIVEN! - That's where 'what did Peter do next?' is irrelevant.

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

True Need and Its Substitutes


Praise and blame are the basis for a social debit system of control. Or a guilt based presumption of existence set in drive for external validation or vindication as a 'getting mechanism' or survival strategy.

To thank or praise God, Creator or Innate and Original Nature for being is giving due to truth so as to abide in remembrance of our true being. If we mis-take the image, form, agent or principal for truth we give due unto power set in the world of imaged rather than felt reality, and receive identity in the like kind or measure of our giving.

When thanking or praising another for their willingness and witness for life, we are thanking God or the Source of life, for radiance has no strings attached to its giving and deserves appreciation by acceptance for God by the receiver.

On the contrary the use of virtue signalling as the outer forms of praise or appreciation is a manipulative leveraging of judgements by which to mask a private getting agenda in the 'acceptability' of whatever social idiom being affected.

The 'evil eye' of envy sees what it believes it lacks, in others and seeks to steal it, by flattery or self-depreciations set as invocation for sympathy.

I like the simplicity of 'it takes one to know one'.

This calls us to match the vibration of those who inspire us, or attune in compassion to those who are blinded by lack to attack truth in order to protect a pain they are not even aware of. For even if I do not join in the current set of choices or conditionings that another is enacting, I can join with their right to be and the freedom to make choices, as part of unfolding experience or consciousness in which to live and be. For I know the proclivity of the mind as a means for-getting and would release that in myself by no longer wanting to project it to others as guilt by which to claim relative 'innocence'. True innocence is looking at what is, as it is, in willingness to recognise truth. From the recognition, love spontaneously arises and blesses all involved. A limited sense of life may think one is the doer or giver and set them 'up'. This is never true but in appearances. Setting people up, can only prepare the fall guy. We set ourselves up to fail, over and over, yet look outside for the perpetrators. As a social agreement, this generates a 'blame game' or presumption of guilt and imminent retribution, that takes ever shifting forms, while power struggle for positioning such as to deal  or redirect sin & blame rather than pay its demand for sacrifice.

I don't like the phrase non-violent because it takes meaning from what it is NOT.

Living relational being is already Communication on all levels and prior to the establishment of 'levels' of consciousness. Recognising weaponised language is the opportunity to choose not to use it or let it run as accepted currency in our mind and our witnessing. But not the right to accuse another of sin and attack them for it as a short circuit of our own healing into a false sense of self-righteousness set in hate given power.


True need unfolds fulfilment. Lack-needs seek external fulfilment.

A Course in Miracles is not written for a better understanding of the world, yet in the appreciation of true need met, our mind and world are revealed, redeemed, reintegrated.

The assignations to ego or personality masking level for who you - we - truly are can be and are misapplied. It really is a matter of where identification and appreciation for being come from, give to and share reflection.

Jesus used the Father' Will for the true need, call and gift of the moment at hand.

This opened a way that was no conflict of wills but the release of conflict to true willing (ness) freely given.

We are so used to thinking, seeing and reacting from a sense of defended and masked lack - that we assert ITS needs as our own. A parasitic and self defeating sense of lack-driven addiction to external conditions as the basis for accepting and loving existence is exactly backwards.

Weaning from such habits from the shared witness of the miracle is a revealing of my true need and desire from under the masking against the pain of love lost, indeed love made weak, treacherous or false.

Recognising your need as my own is not thinking about how to please you or make you feel better. In recognition is true feeling restored and I thank you for the release of a mask of thinking from an appreciation of shared being - but not shared separatenesses each apportioned their lot.

Ego/jackal defences do the thing they seek to protect as self fulfilling desires and expectations. We don't think our desire is met when we choose to hold grievance and WANT to be right, and even 'love' to hate. Yet our will is done even while we protesteth much!

I love Marshal Rosenberg's witness and exemplification of compassionate communication, but I choose my own vernacular or rather tune in to the worlds and phrase that serves the moment at hand from the gift that is given me to share in.


The Ego as a framework of needs, starts with its own self-making or core definitions and beliefs. Within such frameworks we live through a 'reality' distortion filter with normalised or conditioned and internalised structures of 'getting' - as substitution for true need.

A conceptualised framework is already a 'getting' set for definition as a means of control. But our mind can be renewed and repurposed to express alignment of implicate wholeness of giving and receiving as one. Synchronicity is the basis for re-cognition of true need, because instead of seeking on basis of a past in a modelled future as the framing of a presentation, we connect with what is rather than what we think to be. This may be useless to those invested in fixing the world, as vindication or validation of a self sense of dissonance. But presence is never useless to any endeavour in which we have given commitment and engage as a teaching learning experience.

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

The Need to Release Fear

 Those who cant  or are not yet willing or ready to face their fear are controlled by it unawares.

Those who fixate in fear think to understand but are drawn ever deeper into deceit.

The need to look on the desecration of our own altar is the need to realign our dedications and devotions.

This means looking only into the fear or horror to the purpose of releasing the mind or fixation such as to be free to look past it.

This is the gift of the Holy Spirit of true discernment, or the Voice for God - as love. My word-terms do not define truth, but our desire to heal and be healed lets truth in - as your own recognition.

Of all the teachings that serve my recognition of life in Spirit - through the body and mind of the world, A Course in Miracles, reveals to my capacity to look on stark and destructive insanity FROM the revelation of the Miracle - that is from love's nature, shared.

ACIM is a specialised tool and for most probably incomprehensible, but operates on many levels, for ALL inspired teaching can serve a real relationship with Spirit, God, Life or an innate intuit that life is not insane (even if I may be partially so). Partial recocognition is a light from which darkness can be dispelled. Without a point from which to see truly, we only 'see' as fear dictates and thus are not even aware of our own dissociation - except as a world of pain, conflict, sickness and death. IE: Externalised conflicts that have some correspondence with denials that unconsciously project and separate as IF to make safe.

Unless awakened to peace in which love arises of Itself, we are NOT awake.

The quality of peace is not manufactured by human (or inhuman) thinking. Our current mindset is set in getting rid of peace, as conflict is what we get identity from, and thus the need for hate and terror symbols against which to keep a separated sense of self 'alive'.

I have a go at writing toward bridging to a point of intuitive recognition, and not as yet another 'side' of polarised and conflicted identity.

We are now in times that oblige recognising the primary need for truth that releases or heals conflict, in place of our own masking substitutions.

We cannot afford to leave the mind unwatched such as to be baited and hooked by every kind of emotional reaction, if we would hold presence for self as for another, in the dance of relational recognition, synchronicity and exchange, that judgemental, rules and filters would rob us of for illusion of specialness set against and over the judged.

We don't need 'answers' so much as the stirring of true curiosity and desire that we then live as the unfolding of answer in life - not as acquired data, in a system of control masking over fear.

Our 'mindset' is being revealed for recognition and release - if you so will. Much that is denied or unconscious is overwhelming without a foundation in a truly relational willingness, for the mind can rush ahead, and become addicted to the rush of taking life into a vanity of personal bias that effectively dissociates to a false sense of creation. There is no peace in it, and therefore its innate conflicts set everything awry, as a compounding of a sense of opposition, that frames our mind by attempt to get rid of it.

Living survival in a true sense of ongoing unfolding evolving Consciousness, is of the truly fitting. The Relational Field is not an object model of fragmented parts to put together again, but an Implicate Order we actively ignore and  forget by operating from a sense of lack, brokenness, grievance and the driven intent to resolve these 'externally'. Victimhood of self or selected other is not the basis from which to love or restore power and peace in our hearts and our realm of relationship or world.

Willingness to heal begins with recognising we do not know, but can open to That which knows, as we are willing to receive rather than demand under terms and conditions running as acquired or inherited learned responses.

Re-education rises of itself when we un-learn or release what we thought to be our mind and world to a felt Connection. As the now of our living and the timelessness of being.


We shall not cease from exploration 

And the end of all our exploring 

Will be to arrive where we started 

And know the place for the first time. 

Through the unknown, remembered gate 

When the last of earth left to discover 

Is that which was the beginning; 

At the source of the longest river 

The voice of the hidden waterfall 

And the children in the apple-tree 

Not known, because not looked for  

But heard, half heard, in the stillness 

Between the two waves of the sea. 

Quick now, here, now, always-- 

A condition of complete simplicity 

(Costing not less than everything) 

And all shall be well and 

All manner of things shall be well 

When the tongues of flame are in-folded 

Into the crowned knot of fire 

And the fire and the rose are one.

                 Little Gidding V, - T.S. Eliot 

Thursday, 23 September 2021

We are what we, in truth, Receive

 We are what we Receive.

This must be so as we do not create ourselves even if we can and do create personality constructs as strategies of self-imaged enhancement, self mitigation against fear or pain of loss to such self, and narrative identity by which to only see or give focus to what we want to see or perceive and believe in the light of such internalised structure.

What we receive thus sets the measure of our own giving and living in terms of the meanings we both assign or assume and then accept or take in - with regard to everything/everyone we meet or eat!

Thus at a level of conscious decision very few are aware of, it is by the Word that comes OUT of our mouth (mind) that corrupts a wholeness of being to become conflicted in doubt, fear and pre-emptive attack as a contraction of self-defence.

This wont make sense to those who WANT material causation to override their psychic function, when the latter is assumed and believed pathogenic or pathological, and made so BY reaction TO such a 'threat'.

Wholeness is NOT going to be found or delivered by All the king’s horses and all the king’s men. Rather such attempts to regain a broken wholeness, compound and consolidate power in externalised 'reality'. And here we are.

Diet in its whole sense is our Sustenance, as that by which we live and share life, and know that we live and share life. Both, and as one.

Give only as you would in truth receive, and look that what you accept as true for you is aligned in who you truly accept yourself to be.

The stepping down and filtering of an Infinity to a lockdown in masking limitations and distances is a result of neglecting our 'Field' for the focus in 'object-modelling' of self-imaged reality or symbolic representations running as a phishing ruse or mis-taken identity that is then compounded by layers and layers of complex defences. And here we are.

The addiction to conflict and drama is thus set in the very foundations of our mind-in-the-world, as is a fixation on horror. What else is loss of connection to the heart at Infinity than a terror from which to recoil? Hence a false sense of Source, Origin or Creator, as a mind made by fear, set in pain of loss and seeking OUTSIDE itself.

I write to intuitive recognition, not as a call to action. That we act is always an expression fo who and what we accept our self (and world) to be.

“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health,  Lawyers destroy justice,  Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom,  Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". Michael Ellner

The reversal is NOT an Outside Job - but that we insist, while we believe it serves us to give power away so as to then align in or attack accordingly.

Once You See the Pattern

Once you see the pattern, the variants on the theme are merely fronts by which to fool the unwary.

Alas that 'old normal' includes any remaining vestige of transparency to a relational account.

Which is to say the perfect transparency of a systemic predatory intent or human as farmed stock is revealed regardless the ruse. Except that living people are only a 'cell culture' or 'lab human' on which to grow sickness or try out new means of chemical and bio-technical surveillance and control.

A diabolic predicament that sneaks through under cover of brazen and open lies backed by bankers, set in regulations, and enforced by authority.

My sense of 'Dont feed the Troll!' includes abusive 'relationships', gas-lighting authoritarianism, and guilted fear driven manipulative dissociations.

Looking after our heart is essential to being held in a larger field of guidance and support.

Dissociation from the heart is the loss of bio-resonance to a manually managed mind-control system - every step of the way.

Friday, 17 September 2021

Where does physics stand entirely free of nocebo?

 I watch (news from) Orwell City - and anywhere else that the graphene narrative rises, looking for more concrete revelations of what makes admittedly dark sense of behaviours in terms of both outer and inner human thought and expression. Orwell City has yet to move past fears, beliefs and assumptions within narratives that can compel or fixate an identity in following.

Where does physics stand entirely free of nocebo in terms of framing beliefs and perception-response? I don't ask for thinking up answer but to let the question stand.

The denial of lawful relationship led to toxic conflict/consequence, that was then covered over or masked by narrative 'solutions' such as 'contagious pathogens'. The failure of which was diverted into the 'solution' of  damaged 'genetics'. The failure of which is being diverted to solution of nano-biotech as surveillance and systemic micromanagement of body-mind functions by hacking or jamming bio-feild communication/relational balance. All driven by investment and leverage of narratives that 'take' as 'Wetiko' contagion in a lawless or unpurposed mind.

Any mind-substitution for Reality is a local temporal  condition of filtered distortions/misperceptions that generate an oppositional sense of self as if 'mind' can be limited by anything other than its own attention/intention.

The current covidian scenario is a perfect awakener to recognize the 'Wetiko' behind the lived experience. (see Paul Levy).

Bio-field resonances are continuous or not separate from what we have called physical or manifest material. Re-aligning lawful relationship is not All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, but a re-cognition from which wholeness has already undone what was never real outside the minds of reaction to it. But no less than the reality we give it, as a 'learning result, or feedback to attention/intention. Mind-traps are a feedback loop to unrecognised inputs, false flagged to rogue or pathogenic outputs, that then subject mind by reaction - ie programmed conditioning.

In contrast to WEF's offer of a living death I read this recently:

"As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death." 

~ Leonardo Da Vinci

Thursday, 16 September 2021

The Clot Thickens 

The clot thickens.

Toxic exposures of particulates and radiative fields, imbalance, and lack or block of functional nutrition all provide the basis for understanding what is assigned to infection.

The disclosure of a toxic agenda costs disclosure to true accountability, and a negative Economy that has captured and replaced Reason by stealth and guile. or in our normalised or trained 'thinking' terms, honesty doesn't pay our way within a Bandwagon to hell - but grab a mask and jack up some boosters...You'll be happy and know nothing.

As for the effect of nanoparticulates in blood, particularly graphene, magnifies bio-electric responses in truly novel ways. Sunspots could be much more correlated to heart failure than ever. (Lately data collection of sunspot activity has been changed to give about 30% lower than actual according to 'suspicious observers' channel).

Who would have thought that after all the physics of plumbing and all the chemistry of a molecular biology devolved and spun out of the MIC - that's Military not Medical complex - we should discover the Bio-field, just before it is jammed and managed over by machines of grace and beauty (not!).

Covid the clinical symptoms, is a novel name for a blood disorder, causes yet to be determined.

The shock and shaped charge of its narrative set attention and investment into a redistribution of thought, wealth and power by which to build over the lies of the past as a bright new world.

Yes it is very very dark, but once normalised, a bit less pain, seems like happiness.

Munsch's painting inside every act of collective compliance.

Biofield research might do worse than look at "the helical heart' - then listen to Manel Ballister - who used to work in heart transplant surgery field.

Life was designed to be lived by the life that unfolds its function.

Not the mind that seeks to usurp and replicate life.

Live this day well!

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Dispelling Wetiko

This post was in the comments to underlying themes. The video is short and worthy in my opinion, but the link is for context if needed.

The underlying principle is an ancient facet of our psyche.

To make a screen grab available of a relevant bit (via Google books) I tweeted it at

By the way I see a kind of witch-hunt mentality of seeking anything with any associations to 'identified evils' as a right to self righteously smear them. This is a perfect example of 'wetiko'. In that something within our own thought is repackaged as a claim or assertion or insinuating suggestion regarding an other, with the pointing finger and the invitation to join in a feel-good moment of dumping hate as if to reaffirm we are the good guys. This, regardless of whether others have involvement with loveless, criminal or misguided acts in their past or present behaviour.

The magically determined act of excommunication is a social requirement so as to blank and distance from any demonised target of social guilt. To speak for the humanity of such a one is to be accused of apologising for and condoning the sin.

If you would that the life you HAVE truly lived and shared is saved from the masking struggle of self conflicted dissociative thinking, then give what is due to the living instead of reenacting self-hate on a world of division as if THIS time it will work.

Waking within this world to recognition of a dissociation from reality seen in others but not yet in our own mind can be deeply unsettling. We are finding this disturbing in the current time as a natural division from lies no longer beleived or accepted true - regardless they are 'marketised and weaponised' as a magically determined 'official reality'.

A mind and world that is at it deeper level set to deny Who and What You Are, but from a self-conviction that such disclosure is more fearful than all of the terrors and devices set to distance and defend against it.

As such terrors and devices come into awareness, they would reactivate or reset defences in shifting narratives, as the intent and attempt to dump off or escape intolerable conflict, pain and hate - that might occur within a microsecond intended to be forget. Yet here is a deeper self-honesty from which a futility and dishonesty of self can be recognised in willingness to find another way of seeing.

To use the world of relationships as a dumping ground and a realm for getting a masked sense of adjusted reality for a deep sense of lack and conflict - that cannot seem to be even conceivably escaped, so much as mitigated as partitions of control - is to withhold and withdraw from what love is, and therefore who we are. Self-convicted guilt is set as mind and emotional certainty in irrevocable dissociation such that love is replaced with manipulative contractual self-illusions. But a mind set in its own thinking is not created by such thinking and therefore not trapped in the dictates of guilt and fear running a masking control of judgement as power set over life and apart from the living.

Monday, 13 September 2021

Whose idea of normal?

in response to the themes in above link article.

Whose idea of normal applies to ‘previously normal people’?

Is it not simply an expression of previously presumed and accepted reality or identity?

Terrain theory posits the individual or specific as an expression of its relationship with terrain or context. This is more of a Field of resonant communication than the object model of external or material causes.

Automatous theory assigns causative agency to specific entities as an independent entity, relative to a world of objects and forces in which it presumes or is presumed to exist. This is the projection of an image-belief we create our self.

The normalisation of pathological theory as a basis for social masking of inner conflicts as a basis for survival as a distanced, locked down and masked separateness is a human expression of self-consciousness as trauma to be denied, escaped and adjusted for in a social persona through which an augmentation of reality substitutes for natural recognition of life and existence as it is – as I am.

While the mind is masked in its own image it does run as an automaton in place of an aligned will within the Will or Desire to live and share being. It cannot see or hear or know anything by virtue of a self-investment in oppositional thought and intent given power as a split mind acted out on the body of the living.

Anything can become habituated and adapted to as normal, but there are limits to tolerance for pain at all seeming levels of our being that root in the heart of original separation trauma. So in time we will come to question insane ways of ‘thinking’ that self-contradict and mask over the cracks, that dictate ways of ‘seeing’ that initiate reactions of a dissociated mind running its own convictions in polarised support of the shadow projections of another broken relationship.

Unless a movement from which the question reality as adapted to and normalised, no introspection is possible because the mind of masking doesn’t and cannot know you, for not knowing who you are is your chosen defence to which it was invoked to supply.

Fear of infection can lead to casting it out onto others. Hateful and loveless thoughts are made real thereby in the denier and can infect the denied if they are susceptible to the same learning errors. While we deny and disown hate and fear, we will seem to escape temporarily, at cost of diminishing and disempowering the mind of our freedom to release such a choice in aligning anew. Instead we repackage ‘reality’ in solutions by which to mask the problem in external pathogenic actors and agencies that shift and mutate with every attempt to eradicate them.

The insane fragmentation of such a ‘reality’ collapses under its own contradictions to reveal a lack of substance or basis in reality.
Instead of seeking influence and impact with such conflicts, consider what is it that the mask of lies was set to hide or make safe from?

It was an error in the past, whose consequences the whole world is suffering today, to believe that in order to conceal the truth from the unready, untruth should be told to them.

For with the growing capacities of men growing rebellion against being misled was certain to come.

~ Paul Brunton

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Truth Resurrected

 "...whilst the truth is constantly battered and bruised, and lying in a bruised heap the corner, it is still breathing … just about alive. Sometimes it is capable of weakly raising its head and whispering quietly into my ear. I shall let you know what it says."

This kind of creative imagination has everything to do with framing 'truth' in terms of what we make instead - no blame here but noticing.

Our awareness of transparency to truth, and our willingness to give true witness, as transparency  to being, is inversely proportional to our investment in competing self-illusions - as the alternate to resting in truth that we don't make and then have to defend.

Science uncovers a modelling that can never be the truth it represents, but can be more or less functionally representative and significant to who and what we are. Science cannot reveal who and what we are, but our modelling will always reflect and reinforce such metaphysical presumptions, and can be driven by them instead of serving true need or desire.

Truth is is not crucified, excepting invested narrative identities that we set our heart in (or against) such as to die with them. The results of any set of postulates and questions are always valid feedback to an honest curiosity. The results we wanted to find may not line up to our hopes or expectations, but the result is valid information by which to refine our questions.

Most silencing is self-censor within a charged field of psychic-emotional forces that shape the mind to narrative dictates. It can also be well intended friendly advice from colleagues or family plea.

This is a world where 'noble' lies are told to under the belief that the many must be protected from full disclosure. That this can start off well intended and serve to hold social bonds in adversity is not what it mutates to become - yet is deeply associated with.

To attack another's illusions is neither helpful or kind regardless their liabilities and burdens.

Especially if we direct what we hate in ourself, onto others as an emotionally invested agenda.

They will pick up on the hate and claim the right to defend against the content.

There is another meaning to silence.

Silence as a stillness in which nothing is added and nothing taken away.

No push nor pull. Neither ahead of ourself nor lagging behind.

Silenced from Within is being Called to truth.

The revealing of a true alignment is no great mystery or special attainment, but of the renewal of your mind in the heart of wholeness of being. We can say this just happens, or that suddenly we drop to such an awareness because we have neglected to feed attention to perpetual and restless conflicted thinkings and doings. Answer or perspectives , insights and inspiration are associated with this simplicity of being, along with felt presence of connection in life.

If we persistently discard and defer the Call to truth, we will roll our own and smoke it.

Habits are not really imposed on us so much as acquired and persistent as if conditions determine our response. Bringing habits to awareness without blame allows recognition of a choice. Now the habit is devoid of any creative cause, for you have awakened choice. You can choose to follow old habit or you can choose to 'work on it' as 'trying to change', but these are choices now, and not just habit energy running default. There's no way back to what can seem like a prior innocence in ignorance. But the attempt to regain 'what was lost' is regressive and denying of being with what is present in its own terms, and not in resentments set against change of habit.

Why do we demand unconsciousness and defer truth?

An Ancient Story told and retold in every generation, as the framing of the moment at hand.

Are we a product of our past?

Or beings of choice?

If we choose to cast ourself in the reworking of old symbols and archetypal drama, we are beings of choice running 'covertly.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Natural Law and a Masking Corruption


in response to the themes in: Iain Davis on seeking remedy in Law

I appreciate your witnessing as your particular journey within an unfolding of reintegrative appreciations.

As an intuitive, I look for the core patterns that are in a sense systemic to their 'variants' in terms of particular parameters.

The dissociation of mind operates as a basis for conflicted reality.

Lawfully or actually, reality cannot conflict But our modelling or self-image  - when taken as a law or reality unto itself, frames us in conflict with reality - which is never the model, image or idol of a symbolic ideal to which life is then sacrificed - as if to thereby attain.

A reader might think - 'what has this got to do with the usurping of authority by a criminal lawlessness?'. Well, everything!

Competing private agenda is power struggle of competing narratives of appeal of presumption to and possession of right, and justification such as to  align or support the (re) enforcement of principle held true.

Establishment of such principles is the Church and State of a collective worth-ship that is currently a state of ideological, legal, financial, and corporate institutional capture by incentivised coercions and deceits.

We may say we don't share and support the corruptions that delivered us to such an evil or mind set in reversal of true order, but that is how dissociation operates: to say one thing, while doing another.

Spiritual responsibility is for our own alignments and acceptances as choices by which we give and receive or share in life. Our capacity to lockdown judgements as a distancing that masks as virtue is being pointed out to us as an opportunity to let them go. But the nature of the mind of judgement is to regard its reflection as an attack or threat to be eradicated, excommunicated, cast out, wilfully marked for exclusion or at least locked down and managed as a system by which chaos is denied that an ideal order can be regained or remade in its image. This is a mind of dissociation, that literally knows not what it does. Dissociation from truth 'knows' something 'else' by its own convictions, given and received in place of truth.

The interjection of an enemy image is the device by which to break communication while persisting in its image and form relative to something that is not here.

That we each project onto one another is the shadow reinforcement of 'worlds' that never meet - however long the marriage.

This is not complicated in principle but deeply complex in terms of shifting narratives of internalised rules and filters that are normalised social masking by which a substitute 'reality' is 'shared' in terms of an agreement to join in the frame of that which saves us from exposure of intimacy or transparency.

A world of lies is the result of a mind set in contradictions or conflicts given protection from disclosure.

But WHO told you you were naked?

That is in terms of a sense of self-lack, self-inadequacy, and all its derivative fear, shame, hiding, and armouring of a covert masked agenda that immediately reframes its experience as 'cast out' in the mind of rejection, abandonment - all the Separation trauma that now operate as the 'Human Condition' because its conditioning is a fundamental disagreement with truth as to who and what you are.

Truth has not been mocked by our casting out of mythic narratives of psychic redistribution of conflicts and denials, but our awareness of truth has been discarded and denied by the rules, filters and distortions of 'my story' as my source of identity. hence we are 'mind captured' by what we have already invested in as our source or author - unless and until we notice its interjection or imposition over relational presence (in any moment of any situation) and choose to release it to let a truly Current appreciation into, what we live as our bubble mind of private thinking as 'control' in terms of adjusting our perception and experience of a reality that became alien and threat to a love we no longer rest in or flow as in a natural presence of our own being.

I sketch out merely to invite noticing from a place that fear, guilt,conflict and masking attacks seeking impact on others denies you, because that is the function you/we gave it. Hence we can choose to NOT give it, in willingness to see what is truly here as the gift of knowing how to be in this or any moment, relationship or situation.

The key is the noticing and release of a reactive habit of thought and response.

Pain is not the motivator for learning, but is a limit set on willingness to tolerate it. An abusive relationship takes two to tango. Notice when we give the 'victim' as a means to get anything, or seek victory over others in terms of victimising or punitive hate. From awareness comes the freedom to see and choose differently to a recycled trauma patterning.

We cannot do this of ourself because we are never in truth of ourself and THAT is the lockdown to a masking lie from which all errors proceed. You cant do it because the 'you' that thinks it has to or 'should be able to' is part of a mask over pain of broken and lost love. All manner of terrors are set about to prevent reliving intolerable and overwhelming pain - to 'make you safe'.

Until the intuition of love's truth breaks through a fixation in inward thinking, cast out as if to get rid of it, we image conflicted reality and suffer it by reaction.

Waking up to nightmares is valid as a step to releasing them as replacement for reality, that dreaming had masked over, and been given priority and protection - because we made it. But what is created without love does not extend, share and grow love's awareness.

To go forth and multiply self-lack is to use Universal Law as the basis for an experience of abundant lack, debt, dissonance, conflict, denial, deceit.

Pain of loss of joy in being calls a 'reset' - but the ego is the ingenuity of a mind seeking to pre-empt and take credit for what Life is and does, as if to take a Living Inheritance as a private possession that then kills the messengers of true Mastery in love of life for a dwindling stake in false profits derived from false premise.

The Spirit (regardless any naming conventions) can only 'knock' on your door by invitation or enter through your freely willing desire and acceptance. The attempt to mask in virtue must always hide in forms of persuasion and appeal to a sense of self-lack, guilt, fear or inner conflict seeking external solution.

The witness is that when we choose not to align in habit of fear defined reaction, we meet a different world or are given a healed perception relative to the need and willingness of the situation. Living FROM willingness is releasing investment the 'story' as the past that stamps upon the face of a true presence unknowing.

What is it to meet another without the interposing of judgement?

For even if we do not outwardly express it, even to hold an image of what we presume to judge over, instead of acknowledging their presence, communicates.

You don't need 'viruses' to account for a contagion of fear, hate and further breakdown of communication with life and the living.

Friday, 3 September 2021

Man made nano-structures in bottle water?

Until we know, we are making what we trust to be informed hypothesis/speculation.
I would be curious to pass this water through a Berkey type gravity filter to ascertain whether that removes them - as it operates when electricity is not available.
I also suggest testing the distillation of the bottled water!
Another possible remedy may be vortexing - the realm of vortexed water is its Nature - and ours. Victor Schauberger went ahead on this but few know how to follow. It may be that vortexing 'destructures' clumping memory patterns - such as to restructure to the Current Field Qualities and characteristics - which includes our own bio-field.
This attack on our bio-field brings it into focus.

There will be energetic resonance alignments/coherence in which what does not belong is undone, transformed or expelled. The lockdown into 'physical' mind is the giving of power to externals as CAUSE. That which gives power is causal - but having set up such a 'mind' we can only think/see in its framing. Hence Question what seems to be reality within the desire to heal - and not as the wish to define and control (even under mask of good intentions).

Truly addressed problems reveal and unfold solutions.

Living water, is the medium of life as translation of qualities to patterning in quantitative structures that can filter, mask and block function as well as extend and express life. Seeking balance from 'without' is a polarised state of dissociation and conflict - and so it marketises for funds and weaponises for 'survival' AS a separated covert op under threat of defunding. It narratives set our minds unless we release our stake in holding control over Native Awareness.