in response to the themes in: Iain Davis on seeking remedy in Law
I appreciate your witnessing as your particular journey within an unfolding of reintegrative appreciations.
As an intuitive, I look for the core patterns that are in a sense systemic to their 'variants' in terms of particular parameters.
The dissociation of mind operates as a basis for conflicted reality.
Lawfully or actually, reality cannot conflict But our modelling or self-image - when taken as a law or reality unto itself, frames us in conflict with reality - which is never the model, image or idol of a symbolic ideal to which life is then sacrificed - as if to thereby attain.
A reader might think - 'what has this got to do with the usurping of authority by a criminal lawlessness?'. Well, everything!
Competing private agenda is power struggle of competing narratives of appeal of presumption to and possession of right, and justification such as to align or support the (re) enforcement of principle held true.
Establishment of such principles is the Church and State of a collective worth-ship that is currently a state of ideological, legal, financial, and corporate institutional capture by incentivised coercions and deceits.
We may say we don't share and support the corruptions that delivered us to such an evil or mind set in reversal of true order, but that is how dissociation operates: to say one thing, while doing another.
Spiritual responsibility is for our own alignments and acceptances as choices by which we give and receive or share in life. Our capacity to lockdown judgements as a distancing that masks as virtue is being pointed out to us as an opportunity to let them go. But the nature of the mind of judgement is to regard its reflection as an attack or threat to be eradicated, excommunicated, cast out, wilfully marked for exclusion or at least locked down and managed as a system by which chaos is denied that an ideal order can be regained or remade in its image. This is a mind of dissociation, that literally knows not what it does. Dissociation from truth 'knows' something 'else' by its own convictions, given and received in place of truth.
The interjection of an enemy image is the device by which to break communication while persisting in its image and form relative to something that is not here.
That we each project onto one another is the shadow reinforcement of 'worlds' that never meet - however long the marriage.
This is not complicated in principle but deeply complex in terms of shifting narratives of internalised rules and filters that are normalised social masking by which a substitute 'reality' is 'shared' in terms of an agreement to join in the frame of that which saves us from exposure of intimacy or transparency.
A world of lies is the result of a mind set in contradictions or conflicts given protection from disclosure.
But WHO told you you were naked?
That is in terms of a sense of self-lack, self-inadequacy, and all its derivative fear, shame, hiding, and armouring of a covert masked agenda that immediately reframes its experience as 'cast out' in the mind of rejection, abandonment - all the Separation trauma that now operate as the 'Human Condition' because its conditioning is a fundamental disagreement with truth as to who and what you are.
Truth has not been mocked by our casting out of mythic narratives of psychic redistribution of conflicts and denials, but our awareness of truth has been discarded and denied by the rules, filters and distortions of 'my story' as my source of identity. hence we are 'mind captured' by what we have already invested in as our source or author - unless and until we notice its interjection or imposition over relational presence (in any moment of any situation) and choose to release it to let a truly Current appreciation into, what we live as our bubble mind of private thinking as 'control' in terms of adjusting our perception and experience of a reality that became alien and threat to a love we no longer rest in or flow as in a natural presence of our own being.
I sketch out merely to invite noticing from a place that fear, guilt,conflict and masking attacks seeking impact on others denies you, because that is the function you/we gave it. Hence we can choose to NOT give it, in willingness to see what is truly here as the gift of knowing how to be in this or any moment, relationship or situation.
The key is the noticing and release of a reactive habit of thought and response.
Pain is not the motivator for learning, but is a limit set on willingness to tolerate it. An abusive relationship takes two to tango. Notice when we give the 'victim' as a means to get anything, or seek victory over others in terms of victimising or punitive hate. From awareness comes the freedom to see and choose differently to a recycled trauma patterning.
We cannot do this of ourself because we are never in truth of ourself and THAT is the lockdown to a masking lie from which all errors proceed. You cant do it because the 'you' that thinks it has to or 'should be able to' is part of a mask over pain of broken and lost love. All manner of terrors are set about to prevent reliving intolerable and overwhelming pain - to 'make you safe'.
Until the intuition of love's truth breaks through a fixation in inward thinking, cast out as if to get rid of it, we image conflicted reality and suffer it by reaction.
Waking up to nightmares is valid as a step to releasing them as replacement for reality, that dreaming had masked over, and been given priority and protection - because we made it. But what is created without love does not extend, share and grow love's awareness.
To go forth and multiply self-lack is to use Universal Law as the basis for an experience of abundant lack, debt, dissonance, conflict, denial, deceit.
Pain of loss of joy in being calls a 'reset' - but the ego is the ingenuity of a mind seeking to pre-empt and take credit for what Life is and does, as if to take a Living Inheritance as a private possession that then kills the messengers of true Mastery in love of life for a dwindling stake in false profits derived from false premise.
The Spirit (regardless any naming conventions) can only 'knock' on your door by invitation or enter through your freely willing desire and acceptance. The attempt to mask in virtue must always hide in forms of persuasion and appeal to a sense of self-lack, guilt, fear or inner conflict seeking external solution.
The witness is that when we choose not to align in habit of fear defined reaction, we meet a different world or are given a healed perception relative to the need and willingness of the situation. Living FROM willingness is releasing investment the 'story' as the past that stamps upon the face of a true presence unknowing.
What is it to meet another without the interposing of judgement?
For even if we do not outwardly express it, even to hold an image of what we presume to judge over, instead of acknowledging their presence, communicates.
You don't need 'viruses' to account for a contagion of fear, hate and further breakdown of communication with life and the living.