Thursday 9 September 2021

Truth Resurrected

 "...whilst the truth is constantly battered and bruised, and lying in a bruised heap the corner, it is still breathing … just about alive. Sometimes it is capable of weakly raising its head and whispering quietly into my ear. I shall let you know what it says."

This kind of creative imagination has everything to do with framing 'truth' in terms of what we make instead - no blame here but noticing.

Our awareness of transparency to truth, and our willingness to give true witness, as transparency  to being, is inversely proportional to our investment in competing self-illusions - as the alternate to resting in truth that we don't make and then have to defend.

Science uncovers a modelling that can never be the truth it represents, but can be more or less functionally representative and significant to who and what we are. Science cannot reveal who and what we are, but our modelling will always reflect and reinforce such metaphysical presumptions, and can be driven by them instead of serving true need or desire.

Truth is is not crucified, excepting invested narrative identities that we set our heart in (or against) such as to die with them. The results of any set of postulates and questions are always valid feedback to an honest curiosity. The results we wanted to find may not line up to our hopes or expectations, but the result is valid information by which to refine our questions.

Most silencing is self-censor within a charged field of psychic-emotional forces that shape the mind to narrative dictates. It can also be well intended friendly advice from colleagues or family plea.

This is a world where 'noble' lies are told to under the belief that the many must be protected from full disclosure. That this can start off well intended and serve to hold social bonds in adversity is not what it mutates to become - yet is deeply associated with.

To attack another's illusions is neither helpful or kind regardless their liabilities and burdens.

Especially if we direct what we hate in ourself, onto others as an emotionally invested agenda.

They will pick up on the hate and claim the right to defend against the content.

There is another meaning to silence.

Silence as a stillness in which nothing is added and nothing taken away.

No push nor pull. Neither ahead of ourself nor lagging behind.

Silenced from Within is being Called to truth.

The revealing of a true alignment is no great mystery or special attainment, but of the renewal of your mind in the heart of wholeness of being. We can say this just happens, or that suddenly we drop to such an awareness because we have neglected to feed attention to perpetual and restless conflicted thinkings and doings. Answer or perspectives , insights and inspiration are associated with this simplicity of being, along with felt presence of connection in life.

If we persistently discard and defer the Call to truth, we will roll our own and smoke it.

Habits are not really imposed on us so much as acquired and persistent as if conditions determine our response. Bringing habits to awareness without blame allows recognition of a choice. Now the habit is devoid of any creative cause, for you have awakened choice. You can choose to follow old habit or you can choose to 'work on it' as 'trying to change', but these are choices now, and not just habit energy running default. There's no way back to what can seem like a prior innocence in ignorance. But the attempt to regain 'what was lost' is regressive and denying of being with what is present in its own terms, and not in resentments set against change of habit.

Why do we demand unconsciousness and defer truth?

An Ancient Story told and retold in every generation, as the framing of the moment at hand.

Are we a product of our past?

Or beings of choice?

If we choose to cast ourself in the reworking of old symbols and archetypal drama, we are beings of choice running 'covertly.

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