Wednesday 15 September 2021

Dispelling Wetiko

This post was in the comments to underlying themes. The video is short and worthy in my opinion, but the link is for context if needed.

The underlying principle is an ancient facet of our psyche.

To make a screen grab available of a relevant bit (via Google books) I tweeted it at

By the way I see a kind of witch-hunt mentality of seeking anything with any associations to 'identified evils' as a right to self righteously smear them. This is a perfect example of 'wetiko'. In that something within our own thought is repackaged as a claim or assertion or insinuating suggestion regarding an other, with the pointing finger and the invitation to join in a feel-good moment of dumping hate as if to reaffirm we are the good guys. This, regardless of whether others have involvement with loveless, criminal or misguided acts in their past or present behaviour.

The magically determined act of excommunication is a social requirement so as to blank and distance from any demonised target of social guilt. To speak for the humanity of such a one is to be accused of apologising for and condoning the sin.

If you would that the life you HAVE truly lived and shared is saved from the masking struggle of self conflicted dissociative thinking, then give what is due to the living instead of reenacting self-hate on a world of division as if THIS time it will work.

Waking within this world to recognition of a dissociation from reality seen in others but not yet in our own mind can be deeply unsettling. We are finding this disturbing in the current time as a natural division from lies no longer beleived or accepted true - regardless they are 'marketised and weaponised' as a magically determined 'official reality'.

A mind and world that is at it deeper level set to deny Who and What You Are, but from a self-conviction that such disclosure is more fearful than all of the terrors and devices set to distance and defend against it.

As such terrors and devices come into awareness, they would reactivate or reset defences in shifting narratives, as the intent and attempt to dump off or escape intolerable conflict, pain and hate - that might occur within a microsecond intended to be forget. Yet here is a deeper self-honesty from which a futility and dishonesty of self can be recognised in willingness to find another way of seeing.

To use the world of relationships as a dumping ground and a realm for getting a masked sense of adjusted reality for a deep sense of lack and conflict - that cannot seem to be even conceivably escaped, so much as mitigated as partitions of control - is to withhold and withdraw from what love is, and therefore who we are. Self-convicted guilt is set as mind and emotional certainty in irrevocable dissociation such that love is replaced with manipulative contractual self-illusions. But a mind set in its own thinking is not created by such thinking and therefore not trapped in the dictates of guilt and fear running a masking control of judgement as power set over life and apart from the living.

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