Friday 18 December 2020

What we give priority to has power to set all else in its frame

What we give priority to has power to set all else in its frame.

The nature of any self illusion or deceit is of deceiving the minds of those who choose to use it. So as to lose direct awareness of truth, or being, for a filtered and distorted invested identity in image and model.

It has been said that all power is of God, and the presumption of an independence is invested illusion.

The most fundamental level of our being is the meaning we receive and give.

It has been said that as we give, so shall we receive.

To live with two faces is to suffer such a world as having all the reality our own masking duplicity gives it, with all the force of reaction set against our own denied projections of conflict. 

Who would have power for himself shall lose it.

For the true nature of power is the holding of the conditions for life that are not inside one set apart from another. But once given to another or to any thing, condition or circumstance, will have that assignment of authority or priority.

The capacity to identify in image is the imaginary representation of reality as a set of judgements, meanings and priority or hierarchical levels of derived meanings that develop as a consciousness or identity complex of self-consciousness within a Totality of Self-Awareness of which all  expression and experience extends and reflects as experience or rather as the creation of experience as the fruit of giving and receiving as One.

The overlay of meanings set in conflict are simple at the root.

You are not the image you made of self and world.

Yet it has all the power you gave it in your desire for your experience.

We set our heart in image and form, conditions and outcomes, that change, because the nature of the realm of experience is the always changing - or there would be no experience to live by sharing it.

This sets up the experience of the fall of self-illusion as separation trauma.

For deep attachment will bring pain of loss until released and releasing into a restored alignment of presence that is now enriched by the love, rather than encapsulated in a lost or denied, failed or betrayed 'past' - that is cast upon the present as a set of demands and conditions, rules and filters that have all the power of the investment in grievance, fear and pain of loss. The more self-grievance is invoked and used as a leverage to restore or regain or redress for a lost power and lost love, the more power is given to the masking agenda of a struggle set in image and projected fears, and denials as the projected intentions of the othered.

Narrative is the mythic creation in modelling and meaning construction for self-justification set as the mask of competing and conflicting identity, that knows not what it does because it is running or being run as a mis-taken identity, invested and set against threat of pain of loss, and thus in the armouring and leveraging of its survival as the eradication or denial of its threat. Completely unaware that it does the thing it masks itself as virtue set against and suffers the thing it would give in hate and hurt fuelled grievance.

It has been said that as you do unto the least - or not excluding any - you do unto Me or unto your Self. Is this the power that you want? Does it deliver its promise or to an ever deeper dependence of powerlessness?

There is a well known illusion of a vase or chalice that can be seen as two opposite faces in profile. A vessel that receives, contains and overflows, and the relational dialogue and exchange of self in relation to otherselves. The ability to hold both may point to the transcendence and release of a polarised reactive feedback loop in the balance of a greater embrace.

The idea of taking power back is persisting the belief we lost it to whatever pattern of trauma plays its part in a relational dependency. There is no virus to control but there is a great momentum of force in the seeking of control as the substitute for power, and it leads into always deeper powerlessness, because that is the foundation from which it is giving and receiving.

To be locked into a mask of fear and control is hardly Power at Rest or in Expression as All That Is!

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