Wednesday 11 November 2020

Are 'most people' cowards?


It really comes down to this. Most people are cowards. They don't want to take the chance of being removed from the group so they go along with the herd mentality. This is what happens in a world where agreeableness is more highly valued than integrity.

Not quite. It is more a conflict avoidance that is itself a source of fear, which includes fear of loss of control or loss of face - and both.
We are not trained in disagreeing firmly and civilly and if need be, unambiguously - such as to make our communication or decision clear if 'thanks, but no thanks' is not sufficient.
We are not trained in living our own decision as our presence - but instead mask in social acceptability - which can include identity statements that are part of current social norms.

In short we are not for the most part free to live human relationships outside of socially defined conditioning.
Most people who use the phrase most people haven't met and talked and learned from them, but have made blanket judgements. ;-)

Integrity is only valued momentarily in the world, because it shine the light of the heart's honesty in which our masking is exposed and revealed AS masking.
Elitists judge 'most people' as worthless or unworthy so as to protect their bubble from human connections that would change their mind and world to accept.
We all have this judgemental mind that can substitute a narrative masking of self-justification to cover over a lack of love, substance or as you say integrity.

Masking in virtue is prized above and at cost of true virtue.
Maybe you think I am pedantic. But for me there are real issues to consider and that is why I write this and not to pick on what you say.
I also say that experiencing self-betrayal can be a basis for accessing a deeper resource of courage to act - or not freeze into our own lockdown bubble - because the experience of such self-hatred can be intolerable, and so it is not courage as fantasised, but a recognition that we cannot live with ourselves and go along with fear and deceit given power to blight and betray the lives of others.

There is a process. The mind always rushes ahead if not aligned in the heart. the heart is where integrity is recognised - even beneath the masking appearances or presentations of 'most people'.

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