Sunday 8 November 2020

It wasn't my empire mate! 

It wasn't my empire mate!

The bandwagon effect is getting an identity by association with - whatever.

There's who and what we meet.

The Americans I have met have been people. But through the medium of media, I receive all kinds of impressions.

When fresh food - particularly fruits - was discovered to 'cure' the scurvy - it took around 100 years to implement (by those who simply accepted the disease and death of seamen on longer voyages as the way of the world - but didn't have to personally suffer it). Sicily was given a monopoly of the supply of limes and lemons to the Royal Navy. This set the basis for the Mafia and the nickname too.

The mixture of inherited wealth and influence with the marketising and weaponising of science to the establishment of Organised Crime as the basis of human society, is not partial to differences among men so much as predicated on leveraging them as factions by which to undermine and destroy impediment or obstruction to the freedom for Organised Crime to operate in.

A Masked Mafia uses whatever serves to pass off as some scrap of virtue - stolen from or set against the vilification of the Other.

Opinions are like an empty kettle.

The Internet looks to be the new tech for kettling dissent.

It certainly set the infrastructure for lockdown of populations in their own cattle trucks. I can scribe symbols of metamorphosis on my wall...

There is a view that the granting of the Constitution of the Republic of the USA was part of an intent to run the USA by the back door - ie by legal and financial leveraging. However, this cannot be assigned to British people or even governments - but to those who excel in the dark arts of capturing and gaming the system against itself under guise of foreign threat, by which to reduce all to debt slavery - by which to leverage the necessities for life right down to food and water, energy, and freedom of physical association.

Why qualify with 'physical'? Because the mind that is locked down and masked in the physical is the 'mortal sense' and the flesh in the game of power struggle.

But WHO told you you were lacking, defenceless in shame and in need of masking by which to hold the mind apart, special and set apart and over others in judgement? (To embellish an old Bible quote).

How does a mind that is legion or fragmented to many, regain its recognition backstage to the props and personifications of its own casting out?

Perhaps to live a channel of communication in place of a quick, barbed or hurt reaction. 

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