Wednesday 21 October 2020

Ivor Cummings on Triggernometry

Ivor Cummings on Triggernometry

If it 'doesnt makes sense' to our current thinking - what can we imagine that would makes sense of it?
Construct hypothesis - and then test them out.
Qui Bono?
WHO benefits?

I love the way you dropped in 'Genuine Conspiracy theorists'!
Even if it was unintended.

Cancel culture is an active edict - culture - as we knew it - is being deconstructed.
There IS no way to understand it from the framing of our current mindset.

Ivor is a lovely guy - we watch him.
But he hung in with the Corporate compliance and covered his ass.
No blame. I want him on the side of the Human Being.

For all our faults we have the capacity to love - and take ourselves lightly.
The targeting of the human 'virus' for eradication so as to raise a new biotech order is the loveless and Godless result of systems thinking.
The Neo-Marxist attribution of a guilted or infected humanity as a systemic disease in which there are no individuals - only products of an (engineered) environment, is the willing self sacrifice of our individuality - our humanity - for a masking identity in narrative led groupthink.

You didn't join the dots with Covid because you still hang onto the belief that it is a medical issue.
If you looked at the history of the medical monopoly you would find that the only really novel thing about thsi round was the drilled orchestration of lockstep to lockdown.

NO science required to know that shutting down our life support system at the very least will render us hugely indebted to those who supply the helicopter money - while running a humongous wealth redistribution scam as part of funding and fuelling a hitech systemic control system straight out of all the predictive programming we have been suckling on as entertainment.

The problem with con theory is in giving power away and losing reason to paranoia.
But even the history we are allowed to access shows without doubt the capacity for some to organise and effect unthinkable (to us) inhumanity on fellow beings - who are of course framed and defined as enemies or the state, or obstacles to the glorious revolution that brings a new dawn for humankind, or simply as vermin and cockroaches.

Ivor doesn't know how to go there because he knows that reason is  basis for sane living - and yet we are not sane - and we do have 'unconscious' patterns of trauma that can be and are triggered and active in ways we don't WANT to see - and so we all wear masking narratives to keep some sense of distance from what sickens or enrages or dispirits us.

The key I see is uncovering Common Purpose that Life innately Is - and not usurping it with engineered mind-control that masks in virtue it clearly cannot embody.
We share a common spark and that can be fiery or fun both.
Joy in life is truly common purpose - and a true embrace of diversity.
Giving acceptance to the mask of science, or expertise, or philanthropy, paramount caring and concern, is a way of inviting deceit into our heart and home.

 @Mark O'Neill  Thankyou for looking within. More I could not ask.
Willingness to see is part of the capacity to notice.
Fig leaves were symbolically assigned to genital shame - but I understand the fig leaf was associated with a priest class and fig leaf thinking with covering over a nakedness of 'not knowing' as if a sense of self-lack - and loss of face. I don't seek to impose on the mind of others, but to expand the range of relevant and resonant recognitions. For we are here with such a priest class who have become so identified with their role as to deny the Messenger, so as to keep their flock 'on message'.

The underlying patterns do not change so much as shape-shift with the times.
I would add that beneath the dreadful and denied reality of many levels of masking defences is a simple clear being.
the story of the Emperor's new robes is in the theme of self aggrandisement gone terribly wrong, ultimately released by a childlike innocence. Curiosity can be trained out of us but really it is simply masked over as a means of surviving, adapting and blending in a human world in which "do as I say and not as I do" operates to split a young mind - along with our propensity as children to take on the condition of our parents and others close to us as part of ourselves. And so all kinds of fears and shames or conflicts are tacitly communicated without any consciousness of them at all.
But as I prompted above we can be curious as to what underlies the patterns of behaviour in our self, our family and our society or world. It is not all dreadful, and the capacity to make new choices as a result of reintegrating parts of ourself are a source of compassion or wisdom that cant be unlearned, because we have lived the 'territory'. But nor can it be taught to those who are in their own unfolding of experience.

Yet culture CAN hold a wisdom tradition that is in some way there to become relevant to any whose life brings them to need it because the mask cracks, or the sense of self and world is deeply challenged.
I'd like to also note that when we look out on all this current madness, we are also looking within, in a way that is not obvious - and certainly not a blame agenda.
That is my take on the 'Beast rising from the Deep' as a general theme; the revealing to the surface mind and world of what lies beneath. People with vast resources or very tricky minds may be able to redirect the narrative for a while, but it cannot stray too far from workability without disintegrating to a reset or reconnect. the idea of controlling this is as insanely ignorant and arrogant as can be imagined. Yet here we are. It is said that evil serves a greater Good unknowing perhaps also by our willingness to recognise and release what we viscerally recognise we do not want to nurture or strengthen in ourselves and others by making it the focus of our attention.


Thinking is a miraculous activity, but what passes as thinking is often a conditioned response.
The strange thing for us is that we can believe we are trapped in our own thoughts! And through this in whatever those thoughts defines us to be!
Predictive programming can set the expectations to preset acceptance of something absurd and unbelievable, as a new normal!
While 'They' can seem to be active in this, it is also obvious we can get into our own feedback loops of self defeating thought, but perhaps less obvious that the same mind will as readily operate a new self-reinforcing positive loop. Not as a 'feelgood' add on - but as a result of opening a true place to live from and persistently choosing a new behaviour in place of old learned habits.
There are some kinds of traps that operate by the attempt to escape them. 'Defeating the virus' being an example. Eradicating evil being another.
This is not to say we are all doomed under evil viruses, but that our definition and approach doom us to  suffer our own defences while mistreating the messengers we say we are seeking to to kill, but really only mask over.

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