Tuesday 20 October 2020

A mind set in rebellion to being


The mind can set itself in judgements and react to its own reflections as a self-conditioning feedback loop.

Necessity, to what exactly?

The willingness to question our experience or reality-experience, is the capacity to re-cognise or know again, the underlying edifice or structure of belief that gave rise to such a world.

Intuition of life is not a construct so much as a communication, a resonance, a recognition of coherence and alignment of being and experience.

The capacity of human freedom to climb into its own constructs and models of leveraging the expression or behaviours of life, is the freedom to experience fear as death within life so as to receive life through its lens of judgement, rule and filtering distortions.

To hold thought in mind, and yet rebel against our own thought is a split mind of division set in contest for primacy in agreement to quarrel. What we give focus to, becomes what we live focus from, and vice versa.

The nature of mind can be humanly agreed to be set in the terms of good and bad, right and wrong, as the basis of a god of judgement set over and apart from the living and secretly running as rebellion of the mind set over and against the living heart of knowing, recognising and feeling life alive.

There is a chicken and egg moment now, because the chaos of psychic emotional conflict that induces the lockdown to the mind of ruled distantiation, and masking narrative defences, is result of the decision to resist, deny or block the experience from awareness - which then partitions a split mind from it denied experience to run AS IF a thing unto itself.

What we resist, persists.

For the underlying purpose keeps the feared or hated outcome in mind while focusing on and identifying in the means to overcome or escape as a 'necessity' unto such purpose.

While we are set in escaping our own denials - denials that are further denied our awareness by the nature of our masking protections, and the defending of the mask against disclosure - we meet the experience of what we are seeking to evade by seeing it as something else. A masking world set against exposure in truth as if death or unending and invalidating pain of humiliation. Reason cannot enter while our predicates run unquestioned, unseen and assigned to the machinations and motives of others or simply a s a world of evil threat and death against which to invoke power by limiting, sacrificing and denying the living so as to protect the dead structures of controls running blind.

What we resist, persists, but what we choose not to use, fades from non use.

There is a 'mindset' of conflict running hidden yet in the open that we have learned to normalise as if a second nature set over and apart from our first nature by the framing of truth in illusions given priority.

No one can change what they are actively disowning as a normalised attempt to escape, overcome, mask over or cast out and deny. Yet here is another call for vigilance, because an 'unconscious bias' can be reframed to the mind of guilt, blame and leverage - even in the moment of its rising to a light of acceptance in which to move, change or reintegrate to life. Big Brother's Boot, is the 'control mind' by which 'room 101' is projected to everyone and everything thing else, as intent to possess control over fear.

Life is already a movement, a whole and a resurrection, but to the mind that seeks to give life to image and form and body as things in themselves, is life mis-taken and subjected to death.

A conditional love, is set to only give permission to be That you are, when its conditions are met. A tyranny of rules that may run invisible to their conditioned compliance as the way life is, the way the world works, the nature of a born existence. Necessity set against pain, fear and loss unto death.

The intuition of life is life. Life remains the capacity to ask and receive answer, to look and see with the new eyes of a fresh wonder. Harnessing our heart's knowing for war and masked agenda is the way to bury life in lies while we are alive.

Questioning the masking mind of its claim to necessity, is the willingness to pause in life and listen in - here and now - beneath the think of conditioned identity. Aligning and abiding in the true resonance is acceptance and expression of a revealed integrality of being in place of the mask of conditioned thinking.

Herein is the compassion for all that is. If we have it not for our own mind and 'person' we have it not to share in and grow by the sharing.

An honest self-acceptance as a working basis for change is the only love that can undo the masking in false virtues, seeming real by the frame of what they are set against.

Self-honesty is noticing and recognition. The mind of 'rebellion' will seek to frame the New Wine in the same old bottles of fear, guilt and control. But this is because it runs as a machine-mind of acquired habit, set in ancient hate and forever reiterating its mind as your existence. 

That even a moment cannot be grasped is not death, but life as love in expression. But what we give energy and attention to is the focus of our desire. Garbage in; garbage out, also means accept and predicate in a true appreciation for a true result. 

Are we free to accept or leave thoughts unused?

But if we accept and identify in any belief, will we not then protect our investment?

The trick of identifying negatively - as NOT a hated, rejected or invalidated Other, operates a negatively polarised agenda. To carry this off needs to reach a fully justified alignment and acceptance in hatred, so as to invoke the power of unity. But it can never be whole, free of conflict or one with itself or anything that lives - and so is driven by necessity to seek to GET what its own framing denies it - as if at the hand of an Other.

Our world of relations is infinitely more than anything our mind has made because it embodies infinite potentials to finite or locked down 'meanings'. Stepping through such boundary conditions does not have to contest the order so much as encompass a greater order. Such is a truly qualitative and expansive growth of perspective, and compassion is presence of felt relationship instead of presentations of 'paramount concern' by which to mask over coercive intent.

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