Saturday 24 October 2020

Primer Suspects?
When they found various code fragments in 4 Wuhanese patient's lung fluid, they recognised patterns also in other coronvirus (I don't know if they looked for part matches with other viruses). They took these parts as pieces of Humpty Dumpty and used existing coronvirus sequences to fill in the gaps and defined this computer stitched composite as Sars-cov2 - then without any real science to assume so, declared covid-19 to be the disease caused by sars-cov2.

So while the PCR can discover even a tiny or molecular sample of a target IF the test is sensitively and rigorously undertaken (the result of which has NOTHING to do with diagnosis or contagion), it will only find what it is primed to detect.

However because almost all of you HAVE emotionally invested in the reaction to a covid19 nightmare, the settling to 'normal' with statistical data and its various shenanigans can keep you IN the Virus, instead of looking to see what it is all based on.

If global media lockstep Inc had not blitzkrieged the 'discovery' as a WHO telling us we were naked - defenceless - and doomed to lose our loved ones - perhaps by infecting them with deadly contagion! No one would have noticed anything unusual. But they DID and it IS, and as a result loved one will die and almost everyone's financial status is being degraded - along with the denial of most basic human rights.

It could be proposed that the covid psyop is a necessary redefining and reiteration of a controlled narrative amidst a world in which a consciousness is growing as to a lack of substance - not just with regard the the vaccine and pharmaceutical model, but across the spectrum of a corporately invested scientific model - which includes awareness of fundamental and systemic corruptions.
Too big to fail means - everyone and everything else has to 'fail' to support the 'model'.

The choice of the term 'vaccine hesitancy' is itself propaganda - as is the death stats use of the term 'vaccine preventable diseases'. I have it that UK and US and perhaps other developed nations have iatrogenic disease as our third leading cause of death. But you don't easily find such information.
The man-made bit of both AGW and Infection status works a guilt and fear leverage on the minds of the people. Environmentalism is trained to self-hate the human virus.The AGW has the same fundamental objectives as are being tolled out as progressive and repeated lockdowns – to recondition people to guilt for existence, to be paid for by sacrifices by which to ‘save’ the system, but which can never be paid off.

You can offset pollution to some degree with vit B and C – I have seen studies that support this.
You may NEED to have respiratory ‘disease’ to detox.
Vit D is very active in immune support. T-cells are not even activated if D levels are too low.
Go figure, your ‘health care’ system pharms you for sickness. OR thse facts would not just be published and ignored but part of a collective education.
Protecting the fear does not do more than mask and suppress the symptoms. This can be great as a temporary intervention in which to centre or regroup.
The focus on pathology discards actual immunity and substitutes it ongoing and repeated  'boosting' as the meaning for immunity. Likewise with a collective adaptation.

They ignore health as irrelevant - and something to bring INTO the parameters of medical oversight - often from Day 1 in many countries with vaccinations. (Vacca = cow).
But also with the shift from clinical cionditions to risk factors uncovered by blood tests and biomarkers, that trigger medications that in many bring on toxic effects called 'side effects' when recognised but treated with further medications for the most part as development of disease, aging and a body that is inadequate, weak and full of faulty genes.
The fear that you are weak and unsupported feed you to the fear that doesn't rest through and heal in a good or cleansed heart, but freaks out and runs for the magic pills - that MUST be powerful because they have all these 'side' effects.

If you are on such a regimen it may be wise to educate and find support in weaning from them. I am not suggesting anything but a process of re-education - led by you and guided by such advisors and support as you discern or discriminate to truly serve your well being.

These are not true statements.
Smallpox was increased by vaccinations, but disappeared worldwide or so diminished as to no longer merit diagnosis, regardless whether vaccine programs were run or not. Polio was very similar in some respects to covid as an umbrella diagnosis that covered heavy metal toxic damage - firstly for herbicides in the sugar cane industry - with the big 'wave' associated primarily with DDT - which is not banned in the 'third' world. The changing of diagnostic parameters assigned what had been coined polio to other medical definitions.

You may be invested in your beliefs but if you research honestly you will be disturbed, but in time better off with a more truly aligned appreciation of what really makes us ill. No one will see what they are unwilling to accept. I am not seeking to deny your right to your beliefs.

Once the Virus has been set as the new Ideal – every kind of opinion can bask in its glory.
I have seen studies where different variants are classified. However, I also see a virus that tells us in advance what it is going to do….

HIV is now recognised to not cause AIDS. There is deep controversy as to whether such a retrovirus exists, quite apart from whether it is 'a' cause of AIDS. Again asymptomatic (healthy) people triggering PCR positives are 'infected' (by voodoo?).

However AIDS is an umbrella term for a dysfunctional and weak immune function - such that diseases that normally don't have any severer clinical significance for the 99% can be fatal.

Researching the AIDS controversy would offer a lot of perspective on current events. There is a lot online but 'Fear of the Invisible' By Janine Roberts is a good read.

The pathogenic assignment to notional entities is one narrative approach to a set of symptoms. But once in the mind as official or 'settled science', the testing can generate 'hidden or latent infections threatening to wipe us all out - and thus generating otherwise unimaginable funding and control under a War set against evils. Not a few HIV test positives committed suicide on being told they had an incurable and fatal disease which deadly drugs could delay but they had to act Now!

The Media version of history is not usually challenging the established channels of wealth and power

Gates is a part of a much larger network of influence but his organisation is in a PPP with facets of the British Government - as with BBC as with so much else.

Gates is used as a person of influence or key opinion leader and so becomes a personal focus for faceless networks of fronted organisations.
Melinda seems like his handler?

The overall effect is in the disproportionate distribution of wealth being used as a similarly overwhelming leverage or corruption.

If Mark Carney can openly state that business not complying in Green New deal with go bankrupt (lose access to credit), then lockstepped corporates may be under threats or privy to sweeteners that are protected by non disclosure 'agreements'.

'Why buy tank divisions, weapons and fighter aircraft, when you can buy congressmen?

Where IS authority in our times?
Is it in our politicians, their handlers? The lobbies that they are representing? The World banking system - open and hidden?

The ability to choke back life support is a means of control. Who is upstream? And what or who can you not openly challenge without losing reputation and career.

Is there power IN the world?
or is it all fear driven control seeking power?

Establish medical dependency for sickness management at ever tighter controls. Degrade immunity while fight the war against 'whatever'. Degrade consciousness, and continue the experimental hacking of the human (and other) genetic coding for innovative advances that can be weaponised and marketised. Degrade ability to procreate.

The use of stealth can let fear work what the weapons do not need to actually effect. Covid is such an example. Using our minds against us such that we effectively destroy ourselves, and set up the imperatives for protection and control.

Vaccines keep virus fear fed and funded, while seeming to protect. But consider the actual 'threat' of covid (from the perspective of anyone who has researched outside the BBC & Guardian et al), and the stated admissions that the new cov vaccines are not expected to stop infection but only minimise or mitigate symptoms (?). If you are not hypnotised you will not follow the directives. Yet if you are they will seem to make sense.

Vaccines offer a trojan means to insert materials or agents that would otherwise not gain access, and this is necessarily true of incidental contaminants, and innately true of toxic adjuvants, preservatives, and possibly unexpected or unintended consequences.
If the vaccine drive is FOR public health and wants public trust - bring ALL OF IT into the open as transparent and accountable science. Take away immunity for adverse reactions, and make risks and benefits freely available.
What chance of that?
Note vaccines are not just a specific drive for a specific outcome, and need to be properly evaluated in terms of all outcomes of disease and death. Blocking one statistic to spill over into other datasets can be sold as progress, but it is another form of concealed toxic debt - within an uncorrected and corrupt system.

Do you think the covid cultists believe their own spin?
I wonder if they have to act it out as IF they really believed it, because otherwise their face would break and the masking fall away.

It isn't enough to invoke the label hysteria as if that answers anything.

Triggering deeper aspects of our collective psyche uncovers archetypal patterning or structuring within our consciousness. While what we took to be our world or 'consciousness' disintegrates.
With Diana - normality or continuity resumed after a few days or weeks.

The phrase, 'the Beast rises from the Deep', suggests to me the revealing of what lies beneath, the exposing and undoing of an unconsciousness to which we have been subconsciously identified in.

The rationalisations are NOT Reason as sanity, but the ingenious use of the mind in cover story seeking 'narrative continuity'.

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