Friday, 17 July 2020

Shaping 'information' is leading a false witness 

Shaping 'information' is leading a false witness. 
Any emotional reaction will effect invested identity and that identity can be fed, nudged, shaped and directed.
The public-private 'partnership' (sic) can be sketched as a Gated government - though Gates is a poster-boy for a much larger movement of invested self-interest set in terms of maintaining and consolidating possession and control. Monopolism masked as global concerns that uses doublespeak as its default.
Fragmentation is the means by which to compartmentalise into a mess of obfuscation through which to effect control under plausible deniability or maximal cloaking.
It's all very well to be exasperated with our world but do we judge it from the same 'self-exceptionalism' that we cry 'Foul!' in others? I don't say that to deflect or deny accountability and responsibility - but to note that the collective is represented in its structures of social organisation - not as personal opinions or views but as the structure of consciousness currently operating.
For the most part persons in their world are not aware of the internalised structure of thought and belief, or socially required 'agreements or definitions' FROM which our human or social and political world operates.
The idea of the 'Reset' is of a private group manipulating this 'template' to remake the 'world' in their own image or to serve their own purposes.
I suggest that we all (already) seek to manipulate or control our consciousness, and our experience - as a result of losing coherency of being to conflict and fear of pain and loss. It only feeds the fear by masking over it as the defence set against an externally projected 'threat, enemy or scapegoat'.
The capacity to split our mind and persist under masking narrative is the mind of grievance and attack or a mythic and dramatic representation of Life's Wholeness, cast in fragments and indeed figments of an enraged or terrified imagination - given power.
That last bit is the key. What we give energy, attention and therefore value to is given power.

The idea of a Reset as a spontaneity of aligning in truth by recognising and releasing false or outworn and useless identities is allowing wholeness of being or Life - to restore a true foundation that we have masked over - and as a masked mind CANNOT OF OURSELVES RESTORE - but can only persist in under increasing burden of conflicted limitation to be 'normalised' until of course the capacity of such structures to serve ANY kind of Life gives way to a true Rest, Refreshment, Regeneration and Renewal - that rises as a living and shared gift - instead of a technocratic mimicry of life as 'controlled sharing' (sic).

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