Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Fear and Self Interest Rule Men - Napoleon

in response to the comments and themes in:


Fear operates as belief to which the heart is hostage and sacrificed to deceit.
Because we react FROM it, instead of bringing it to the heart.
Willingness FOR the truth of the heart, amidst the confusions of the mind in fear, is the refusal to mask in false virtue as a personal contract of private self-protection. But those who do not recognise the choice by which they took a fear identity as their living will, defend it as their only life.
Predatory and parasitical minds are adapted opportunistically to seek out and leverage fear. When virtue can no longer be masked in - and passed off as real, vice is postured belligerently in bold and terrorising bullying, so as to intimidate and undermine the target to compliance.

Murray Krause
Like Napolean said 'Fear & self interest rule men"

This is a a partial truth. What mind did Napoleon see with? Fear and self-interest?
It takes one to know one - and once we see and believe we respond automatically as if what we see is truth.

Love of what fear and self-interest seem to give us, overrules our true appreciation or recognition of shared being.
Rule is thus coercive - but if we fit into the filters of compliance and conformity, we can believe such a bubble is righteous and deny or subject to unworthy' to exclusions, deprivations and denials. This is the archetype of order set over chaos, as distinct from discerning the true will of One within apparent chaos that we react to as the call to war, defence, lockdown of withdrawal and withholding and masking.

I see the willingness to NOTICE our mind of masking defence as the preparing of the way to the releasing it from usefulness.
Therefore noticing our fear and self interest rather than judging and hiding it, is the first self-honesty of acceptance for what is currently so, without locking into it as irrevocably or unchangeably so.

The concept of releasing separate self interest is of course abhorrent or meaningless to separate self interest, and so the qualities of a love that has been covered over stir as curiosity and desire to truly know. This is where the 'Christ-child' of a renewal of mind is activated or seeded as a different purpose for the mind and developed abilities, and world - than fear and self-interest.
Whereas fear and control divide and rule out so as to seem to rule over, but struggle within a world divided, love is. And is the communication of a field or frequency of alignment and attunement to wholeness that embraces by expansion.
Fear of change is the invested identity in forms of self-by-association, but the movement of life is not in the forms but through the generation of its own expression. When we recognise a quality of worth or value from which to live and in which to meet, share and exchange, we give it embodiment. But fear and self-interest are locked in habituated forms of possession and control as IF an autonomous and independent entity and reality. All the focus on the particle - as a thing - and none on the wave-field as the call or impulse to move as expression of the whole. The idea of self will and Universal will as being one is the idea of true Self-acceptance - rather than self-Self conflicts or split-levels and compartments seeking narrative cover and defence. 

Archie Bald

Pompeo said we're in a live exercise and people keep talking about it like it's real....amazing how even the "experts" can be fooled.

The drill is really being carried out, but this time the full toxicities are not being deployed - so its like using blanks while framing almost all deaths in a media blitzkrieg. Conditioning to obedience as a lockstepping compliance while testing out the system for refinement. BTW experts generally know an awful lot about an awful little. To see the world or life through a very specialised lens is to not see life at all. The exceptions to this are those who break the frame or masking framework of compartmentalised separateness by honesty to empirical evidences that reveal a falsely invested model.


Angela Rasmussen

What about Dr. Andrew Kaufman's hypothesis that viruses are not a real thing.
Nice overview of those questioning the idea of virus vs no viruses.

You mean - 'not a real cause. That has not really been isolated and uniquely identified, and so it a filtering or framing belief through which we are perceiving and responding to toxic biological immune responses - that includes fear (cortisol) poisoning and all the undermining and disregulation of immune function resulting from every kind of injection, intervention and toxic exposure.
So the virus works the cover story as the invisible enemy by which fear is leveraged to fund war and sacrifice of life and liberty to coercive and tyrannous agenda - that self-justify as necessary evils, set against a greater evil.
Kaufman offers a very good example of willingness to question and communicate sanely - which is anathema to the NEED for cover stories to maintain function as coverings over feared or shameful truth. But to be sure, truth itself is not fearful when you at one with it.

"General opinion is the least proof of Truth, for men in general are ignorant. Then, too, the Law decrees that the surroundings and circumstances of man shall be more condusive to deception than to Truth." - The Kolbrin, Wisdom Of The Ages, Truth.
“Nevertheless, to strive for Truth must be one of the main aims of life. Therefore, Earth, the wise instructress, teaches man the nature of deceit and places it all about him, that he may observe its ways and learn to distinguish its illusions. It is in the nature of a game wherein man tries to discover what is reality, so far with little success. For the road to Truth lies through the thick forests of illusion and across the wide wastelands of deceit.” – The Kolbrin

We are born into this world alone - could be restated as we are born of Oneness to a conceit of aloneness. The concept of self imaged, is a symbol and form of a Field in Expression that we each and together run with as independent facts, or things born of thinks - held in place by an intensity of love set in fear.
But yes, what we believe, we perceive, and are then defined and conditioned by as framing or causing our being. Nothing could be further from truth - excepting what we accept into our hearts is given power to run as our mind.
The introduction of self-doubt was the gap through which self-conflict, self-judgement and self hating damnation operates a shadow or denial agenda. To be certain, is not to overcome doubt by force, but to align wholly in trust of being truly moved.


Motersickle Bum
we now must decide if we want to live on our knees or die fighting for freedom.


@Motersickle Bum Or simply live from a true heart instead of fucked up mind. No need to frame it in hate of tyranny - though I understand the feeling!

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