Sunday, 21 June 2020

Electrical weather and vitality

Electric Seasons and Vitality - A Hypothesis

Electrical effect in and on the body and the biome are increasing in some news as a result of negative assignments to human caused exposures.
But in any larger view I include the body seeking homeostasis as a core functional response to a changing environment.
Sunlight is associated with vitamin D - a hormone that is hugely implicit to immune function - ie resilience to stresses and toxicity often associated with viral response as if virus was the primary cause. S.Seneff's work on sulphates metabolised as a result of sunlight is also in my mind.
Pollack's work on the increasing voltage from light (particularly NIR) on EZ water also must play a role.
Note that accumulated toxicities may be stored in short and longer term workaround if there is not the facility for a full regeneration, and so late winter to early spring would correspond with depletion of resources and or the initiating of a new influx or cycle as a priming and perhaps pruning - for those who are what we call immuno-depressed, or immune-dysfunctional are often brought to death by the onset of respiratory infection - on top of a range of other 'co-morbidities'.

My hunch is that changes are where reconfiguring or rebalancing of a system can involve what we interpret as episodes of sickness - and perhaps compound by our general medical interventions.

Cosmological influences are in fact the origin of the term 'influenza' and so our forebears - with no germ theory - had or made associations with comets and confluences that I suggest have past instances but also triggered fearful echoes of association, along with the identity-protective superstitions - of whatever measures are thought, wished or believed to be effective.

Fred Hoyle associated inbound germs as a cosmic phenomena - though if this were inbound toxins - and the biological response to the toxics was believed contagious then fearfully denying and casting out the sick would conflict with tending them and compound sickness with denial and isolation. (NB: Contagion in the pre germ theory would be the nature of an accursed fate, divine retribution or divine affliction - ie psychic that manifests as physic).

Hoyle and another mathematician also did significant research into the epidemiology of 'flu' contagion and deduced meteorological cause as the means or 'transmission'. IF a virus is a packet of information that can run on other bodies and replicate according to coded instructions or executables, then such protein covered RNA simply do not hold their genetic or structural integrity in UV light. This fact may also factor into seasonal and weather variations.

We don't hesitate to associate 'mood' with weather - and often couch weather forecasts in emotional terms, this is not the only factor but there is a LOT more nuance to 'weather' than a few icons on a forecast or a range of sunlight, cloud, wind and rain. So much so that I feel a synchronicity rather than causation - with the latter being more our personal (or collective) reactions to energy shifts and changes that are felt and not just conceptualised. The realm of 'qualities of being' cannot be easily or generally quantified - and yet my sense of Cause and Event is exactly the translation of energetic qualities of a 'Field-effect' to the particulars of interference patterns and 'pinches' we take as self-existing objects.

NOTE: I put 'flu' rather than flu - because statistics for flu are not the result of definite viral testing - or even definitely isolated cause (of death) - but are a general presumption of a process that - when fatal - often leads to pneumonia - whatever the  associated viruses are associated as the respiratory disease. I am also aware that there are other - and to me more plausible - explanations for 'flu' than the mainstream model - which is offers extreme leverage for funding and growing such leverage - along with cover stories for pollution etc. Seasonal conditions come into play for pollution - especially where the land formation holds pockets of bad air that becomes effectively stagnant.

In terms of adapting to environmental and environmental changes - rather than presuming weakness, lack of immunity and susceptibility to real or imagined threats, I see core resonance of the being as a significant image for health. Toxic debts are then all and any baggage or clutter that interferes with clear reception, participation and response within a living currency.  At the level of our physical expression, I see our biome of bacterial and virological and fungal expression as fundamental life support. As a collective psychic or narrative identity running upon this largely invisible realm, we have become anti-biotic or biocidal - as I see it in fear of life as change - and thus in fear set as control by contraction, denial, limitation.

The idea of 'bio-fields' is generally of an underlying energetic of inform-ational patterning that I see as the interface of qualitative information to quanta that express as form and structure of coherent domains within a whole - necessarily including 'chaos' of imbalance - without which balance could not self-recognise as the gyre of constancy within change and the establishing of cycles within cycles of expansion and compression.
Looking at the seasons in those terms is to me very fruitful and indeed the compression cycle is that of seeding from the harvest of the period of growth experience that is brought to compression. A lot of our thinking is concepts seeking validation - with All the king’s horses and all the king’s men - trying to put the puzzle together again. But what if the fragmented mind of its own riddle is a Saturnian false flag? That is an interpretation of a broken and lost imaged perfection, as a breakdown of Communication - to an override of narrative (mythic) assertions, seeking and finding the 'evidences' for the protection of narrative identities - rather than opening to innocent perception - as an idea and practice that science and art share in common. I sense we are in a time of Great Compression - and see this as a call to release conflicts to align in accepting who we truly are. For we outsource or dump collective conflicts as ongoing workarounds of inability, unreadiness or refusal to change - and are then driven by crisis that cannot be addressed while they are set in evasive deceits.  This pattern is pervasive as a world in which “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health,  Lawyers destroy justice,  Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom,  Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality" (Michael Ellner).
But this suggests looking through the wrong end of the instrument, rather than requiring Apocalyptic Leverage to impact or coerce others into 'waking up' to yet another narrative control

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