Tuesday 29 December 2020

Simon Says


 Lockdowns work.

Chinese authorities proved it.

A cowed population is herded from natural immunity to state dictate.

The media works.

People think they are thinking their own thoughts.

Cock ups work.

The breakdown of trust in social institutions opens the way for acceptance of their replacement.

All because 'Simon Says'.

Where do you assign authority?

What is first in your heart?

Fear seeks protection.

As control.

The contagion is thinking, given authority to frame all else in its predicates.

Simon has a Big Stick of state enforcers.

Simon has Mob support.

Simon will protect the virus and every other pretext to herd the cowed.

Cows can be milked, slaughtered and eaten or designated 'mad' and piled into mass graves or biofuel factories. Cows may be replaced genetically as biomass.

Corporate capture has been underway since mass production and its supplies effectively monopolised as a means to manipulate and capture its 'markets' as mindshare.

Pulling off the covers to reveal the state of dependencies beneath residual illusions is not a 'conspiracy' but an open and active decision of force majeure.

While those behind the multiple fronts and captive agencies are not public, but use puppets and handlers, the recognition of the power being orchestrated is not an intellectual feat.

Simon Says.

Where you give your attention is where you give priority, as worthiness or value to live and be and share in.

The belief that Simon is the Lord Protector is the voice for fear.

The voice for love is not set in hate of fear, but to open the channel one has to stop giving the mind to fear-driven and fear-framed thinking.

You can still clunk-click every trip and practice the green cross code, but not because Jimmy Saville said so.

Regardless anyone else, you are being played, conditioned and reset in an image of fear as conflict and risk avoidance, set in normalised self-limitation and sacrifice.

It may come as 'an offer you cant refuse', but if you read it as an offer and consider in your heart, you can choose from your own terms, rather than in the framed experience.

Jesus did not stuff his disciples with ideological bollox, but inspire the trust in the Holy Spirit of discerning within the moment and the situation at hand. The mind of modelling out trends and predictions is the mind that will 'kill itself' to avoid catastrophe set in fears running the program.

Stickers with 'Simon Says" can be imagined every time you see or hear some bollox, as a means to pause mental and emotional reaction and be still an instant as the heart.

You don't need to know more than you do not WANT it.

Don't feed the mind you don't want - or rather grow and nurture that which you DO want.

We are in life together, but have conflicted identifications.

Happy New Year to all.

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