Tuesday 29 December 2020

Are you doing time?


What do you use time for?

A masked off dissociation steals time from the Timeless which becomes a locked down and masked world of judgement.

Are you doing time?

or having the time of your life?

It is possible to assign 'time' to vibrational cycles of quartz crystals or the cycles of an analogue Cosmos - but time is Consciousness. And Consciousness is the capacity of knowing. What would you know? 

To know Self Relation is the gift of sharing in Creation.

You are known in giving and receiving.

To love your brother as yourself is to remember God.

No time is needed for this Instant to Be, but time is invoked and created to distance from the pathological mind of fear, pain and guilt of loss by which love and life turned to treachery, fear become the guide, and guilt invoked to protect lockdown against Infinity feared.

The mind in fear seeks limitation, sacrifice and denial as the cost of maintaining or persisting a separate self-sense against Communication itself. Thus everything else is subordinated to the survival of a separate self sense. Truth is sacrificed to war. Love is sacrificed to a golem seeking autonomy. Power is sacrificed to death set over life. Life given to illusion.

None of this is at all obvious to a mind set in grievance, and driven to judge and attack in the same measure as it was made. An unwillingness to see, insists on seeing something 'else', though life is everywhere and all about.

The mind we had made normal, is deconstructing to reveal what lies beneath. 'Normal' is a matter of living choices creating new paths - or - of defaults reset to every tighter limitation, sacrifice and loss of conscious participation.

But to be dispossessed of consciousness of pain is not to be happy.

Feedback is the fruit by which to know.

Pain is not what or where it seems.

Wanting to be something and someone or somewhere else is to want against our own will.

This can split the mind to assign pain and conflict to a 'something else' and to invest in being a 'something else' as a 'solution that characteristically sets the problem into a form that cannot be resolved - but that the problem goes forth and multiplies itself.

The world that you give is what you give to your relational being.

Giving judgement, teaches it, and learns it.

But what if we are utterly wrong about our self?

And therefore about the world that rises to meet, reinforce and support such a self?

Thinking is never idle. The thought that we invoke attract and repeat through the day, makes the day we give the living world. The here and now world of our experience.

The closest to Timelessness that our mind can approach.

For in direct experience, what we took to be self is transparent, but not destroyed.

Functional alignment is unblocked life.

Their is fear in control and limitation. To merely fight against limitation is to make fear real. The more we try to escape, the more entangled. Any attempt to escape an unreal situation  gives reality to the original mis-indentification.

If we are entangled in a fight with our own shadow - projected out onto each other, we are set in futility. A contagion of thoughts runs the mind that wants them.

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