Wednesday 30 December 2020

Look beneath the social masking that was normalised as the world we lived before 


The image that came to my mind this morning is of the suspect who is held in custody and being questioned in relation to crime, but whose story repudiates known facts, while constantly sending investigations off in to the long grass of contested facts AS IF these are pivotal or necessary to the alibi.

In short an intentional deceit that is being held at all costs and is constantly out manoeuvring and even framing the investigation.

Of course it is the other way around in some sense if the prisoner is us, and the crime is a Big Lie in which to hide and cover for a whole pack of lies that are no longer sustainable.

There is very little in the lockdownsceptics as yet that looks beneath the social masking that was normalised as the world we lived before, and it is difficult to introduce a perspective ON the thinking of the world that is not immediately interpreted through the filters OF such a 'world' - that generally parse everything for threat or supply and reinforcement to its already running narrative identity. (Old wine bottles).

This includes private gratification in entertainment, for we are storytellers all, and can forget truth for our stake or investment in a 'good story' (engaging attention to the forgetting of a greater context).

Indeed the Big Lie offers a renewal or refining of one's 'narrative identity' in the frame of where you identify in relation to 'covid'. Allow that the 'Narrative' is not the same as reality. And the narrative embodies archetypes of an already invested identity - but that it can be held to question as unsubstantiated at every level, while being seen to mutate or morph to serve an agenda, not just of persisting as a believed reality-response but for the purpose that that serves - which may of course include world-shapers of the will and the means to engineer social, political and economic change, but are part of the system they (or we) think to create and wield.

Virology is part of the reality that it thinks to define and control. The ability to find what we are looking from is the ability to put it there and support its discovery.

The beliefs that are given acceptance, investment and aggressive protection are serving a purpose that embraces the manipulators AND the manipulated. (Fool me twice...).

Control and fear work both sides of the same coin.

The polarised and polarising play of 'identities' set against each other drives an undermining and deconstruction of Consciousness under the core narrative definitions and beliefs that 'divide and rule', a distanced and locked down sense of separation as safety or salvation and survival - masking against a greater fear or indeed terror or horror, that induces denial, to freeze the will - as control set over evil or guilt - that then must be cast out or projected to 'Other' and to 'world' as an Othered World or externalised representation in which a Self-alienated sense of struggle and becoming lives out the world of fragmented and lacking self in search of a denied or deprived sense of wholenss sought Externally.

The nature of control in the sense I am using is a substitution or usurpation for command - which I am using as a sense of wholeness in aligned decision. When we release conflicts within ourself, it is to an acceptance of aligned will, through the movement of which we know our selves whole - and give such a communication of integrity.

Hiding our conflict from ourself may temporarily fool our own mind - and seek and find reinforcement in others who cluster as a mutually reinforcement FOR hiding it by 'solving it externally' by changing others and world. But it cannot actually substitute for living presence and communication, but only assert persuasive presentations that resort to coercion and deceit without moral inhibition when the narrative justifications make lying or denying the lives of others morally necessary against a greater evil than can be openly disclosed.

And so the Noble Lie of the 'rulers' is mainstreamed to the ruled as the narratives by which to hold a social cohesion. Or indeed to 'ruled' demand unconsciousness of their 'leaders' as the 'world' in which to evade their innate responsibility for the expression and unfolding of their being.

In this sense a 'ruling class' that CANNOT sustain control is driven by the fear on which it depends for the right or function OF control. The result is a subsuming to systemic machine thinking as a 'control-system' to substitute for, and replace life.

There is no love in it and it cannot work for living - no matter what further ingenuity is applied to externally replace an inner responsibility evasion.

The meaning of the word of love - along with the true meaning and worth of anything - is lost to a corrupted derivative currency of thought.

That thinking can 'separate or distance', lock-down, mask over and lock in, a sense of lack disconnection and incompletion - that then drives its subject as an experience of conflict requiring inhibiting controls that become rules of habit - or 'normals'.

Habits are subconscious pathways of association and response that operate automatically. The freedom to re-evaluate such programmed perception-responses, is that they run as your choice - unrecognised. And not wanting to know is also a choice - unrecognised.

An unwatched mind is given to whatever happens to take it as reaction. But where you choose to give your energy and attention is up to you - as your inalienable right - even in a choice to alienate your self from Who You Are.

But I am the one who lives the consequence of my thought. I can project anger onto 'Them' or to a 'Sleeple' version of 'us', but it doesn't actually leave me and reside in its projected recipients. They are parts of me cast out and denied (denied and cast out).

And yes they are also other living beings who are their own process or journey of unfolding experience.

Lifting the 'lockdown' is not merely a physical matter of the life 'as' the body, but a result of awakening responsibility - despite or regardless the intensification of inducement to deny and forsake our true will - by coercion or deceit.

Moving past the 'polarised and polarising bubble' of fear as control is opening to a greater Communication - or indeed to existence AS Communication.

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