Tuesday 8 December 2020

Recognise the 'act in play' and withdraw consent


1. Abnegating responsibility for our own will because we 'want it to end now' is one of the intentions of the re-conditioning process - that 'the virus' openly intended for us from the outset of captivity under fear. So this is a great opportunity Laura, to recognise the 'act in play' and withdraw consent.
2. the use of weaponised language is a key to capturing and framing the mind as a form of invisible possession. 'Conspiracy theorist' is one such term. 'Anti vaxxer' is another. As soon as we recognise these terms are used to deny communication, stop using them as currency of being complicit in their use as currency.
It is pathological to become lost to paranoia and cynicism, such as to see threat and mal-intent in everything.
3. Because the last point in 2, holds true does not make 'Pollyanna' virtuous. For the wish to deny and mask over our own feared, guilted or hated  aspects of our mind and world, sets the permission slip for them to run in the background as an ingeniously masked self-interest set under narratives of self justification - that take the right from the wrong or evils of others - so 'we must be the good guys - right? Wrong. There is a proclivity for self illusion in our heart and mind that will feed a false sense of special or protected identity that cannot recognise the life and worth of others - outside what we get from the 'relationship'. This is not a relationship any more than propaganda is an extending of communication. But insofar as we enter or open relationship we are responsible for what we bring TO the relationship. So the social narrative identity in everything these days, has it all backwards. But is becoming obviously so. Love is the willingness to be with what is as the desire to recognise truth here. Not to fight and thus become entangled in baited lies that effectively exclude a simple true witnessing of the presence of truth in all or any of its inherent and unselfconscious virtues. the need to be right against a wrong is the result of listening to the 'Wormtongue' as if our own thoughts.
Looking on the horror of evils is the breaking of the spell of a negative fixation or fascination - so as to look past what the terror symbols conceal. A Catholic may have some sense of how deep can be the self hatred of sin. If this is seen as a hateful or malevolent mind, to stamp out, eradicate or vaccinate against, then love's true Holiness is forbidden, denied, cast as dead or put out of such a world, perhaps to another or Socially Distanced and locked out. Looking on fear is disturbing, but the disturbance can be re-cognised as the true prayer of need, rather than the bargaining of a mind of self and Self evasion. Bringing our fear to Light is the willingness to heal. the ability is in the truth that reveals - not in virtue signalling or pre-emptive moral strikes.
4. The use of the Media to incept a false reality is the kingmaker for 'Lord Covid'.
Anything close to or overlapping the current times, is for all manner of reasons unable to be an honest or true account under the best of intentions. But how can there be honourable intention to the making of 'history' even as pop-edu-porn - when those who are alive are not free to represent their portrayal OR are in consent to the purposes to which the media is intended to perform?
Goebbels could make a good film too no doubt. How much do we want a self gratifying narrative in place of a just account? the tool for speaking to what cannot be said is the Fool, and the coded representation. 1984 was originally entitled 1948 by Orwell. The Publisher would not agree. Push it further away to make a place or a framework to reflect what is going on, if the situation is not open to listening and speaking in the heart. (I hear that Jimmy was airbrushed from the new normal).
5. Or More4 - listening to personal opinions on a surrogate fiction that does not draw insights as to its underlying relevance is mitigated by the freedom to move the slider to the next topic. the only way deceits operate is by ongoing emotional investment.
6, the Left is effectively the hijacking and mutating of a human solidarity by a mind of malice. The Right is hijacked by a mind of possession and control. A whole body is a symbiotic cooperation of a wholeness in all its parts. Not coercive. The projection of a fear and control mindset of chaos pathogenic intent is a way of killing the Messenger. Jesus' parable of the tenant farmers killing the messengers of the 'absent Master' applies. Conservation of all that is good, beautiful and true is most ensured by aligning in the source and nature of its expression.
7. I notice I wrote with Laura - but my heart is open to you both.  To James; We tried 'To the lake'. I felt the strain of contrivance and the groupthink of casting. Of course plot lines can be used to reveal spoilers of predictive programming - and perhaps the intention to reveal us to ourselves is not a terrorism of the mind, but an awaking of the casting director to our own freedom of meanings accepted and extended or projected to our field of Relations, (our world). We much loved the Russian movie 'Attraction' - (dont let Dub ya spoil the film!).

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