Monday 28 December 2020

The Tipping Point

The role of fear, stress, shock, trauma, and strain in disease is not discountable - and yet our aversion to reliving or raw exposure to such experience operates as a reflexive distancing, and narrative masking, so as to be comforted in a diagnosis and action plan as a prop and focus for thinking and feeling, for that purpose alone - when the alternative is unthinkable.

Th tipping point is a popular motif in the minds of those who want to change the world by changing the minds of others. The piling up of Fear and Guilt campaign narratives that has been crowned with a corona virus - is the summoning or invocation of the 'devil' of our fears, guilts and hate. The swamp is draining to reveal the beast and it cannot be separated from the underlying fears and the defences erected to lid over and mask out to a world of distances - which is rapidly shrinking - for where is there to flee to start a new world now?

If a manipulative desperation invokes fear for the purpose of control, and thinks to escape as the wielder of the stick, then I see it as being no less deceived and controlled by an 'alien will' that cares nothing for its tools. There is no love in it, but only manipulation of the image and form of love's seeming.

There is another way of looking at this, and that is to see what is coming to awareness as a process of healing, re-education, reintegration and the undoing of self-illusion to a greater appreciation of presence and participation in life.

Perhaps the addict syndrome will serve, for until the addict bottoms out, they are set in the  intent and attempt to evade deeper conflict via the patterns of addiction that 'save' them from facing their fear in truth. Every kind of substitute and displacement of self-betrayal may play out with obviously distressing result and yet until a tipping point is reached, the mind will do and say anything to maintain its evasion, as an action that has no context of consciousness or choice until the bubble pops to the recognition of connecting, as the context of being rather than as a self-lack seeking to GET itself in external associations that then become the habit patterns of survival set against a horror that has no name - and yet becomes the nightmare of contagion to a world of dreams that was set in lack driven need rather than needs recognised in their movement of fulfilment.

the Unconscious is stuffed with terrors of suppressed and denied experience, and yet consider any moment or flow of moment of unselfconscious joy. Or indeed consider the children or the lilies of the field. The fear that Life is evil, hateful and malign is what we have made in error and reacted to as real by recoil to lockdown in denial and projection as a masking escape or cover story in which to make time as delay, or for the recognition and reintegration to the timeless - for time is a function of mind, and to lose our sense of connection is to be out of sync with All That Is. As a split off sense of dissociation given worth and value as a guide and protector, in a realm of power struggle as replaced a lost awareness of power at rest in wholeness of expression.

While we cannot heal another who is not freely willing to as yet accept it, we can and must create and extend the conditions for healing, rather than feed and reinforce the addictive patterns - which is the art and discernment of getting out of the way of a healing that rises from Relationship itself, and not from out take or 'get' on the relationship as we may habitually be triggered to perceive and react.

Perhaps the most insidious obstacle to peace is where our sympathies operate to 'love the victim' as a means to get rid of our own fears onto them, by diagnosing them as weak, poor and helpless, so as to extend 'care and concern' from a patronising condescension that is all about making the 'carer' feel better about themself and demanding the victim hold the needs of the 'carers' as part of an already distressing or challenging experience.

'We are all in this together' says the one who expects you to carry their shit and eat it as an act of gaining 'virtue'.

Yet with Jesus, I see that they 'know not what they do' - in the same sense an addict cannot truly reclaim their life from addiction. They are embodying a mindless habit even if embodying ingenuity of evasive defences. But the meeting of limitation and check is a legitimate experience for lawlessness. And so whatever form our communication of NO! takes, is a refusal to join in lawlessness that undermines our very integrity - nor in truth serves others. reclaiming our life from addictive habits is choosing not to persist in them, invest in them or give usefulness of meaning to them. Futility persisted in is simply the denying of the mind to a looping in nothing real. Perhaps this is the 'consciousness' that transhuman machine-thinking seeks to 'upload' to A.I and cheat death.

Who identifies in image and form dies to image and form, and even the little they hath is taken away by the realm of flux and change. No thing is a thing in itself but is of the Whole.

Wholeness does not leave its Expressions, but our own expression of thought and feeling can seem to leave, lose and be cast out, locked down and compelled.

Reversing the reversal of thought is awakening true responsibility from the mind-deceit of blame, shame and denial - that SEEMED to work for a time but delivered us to captive dependencies running as internalised and invisible structure.


Certificate of vaccination ID

But so what?

What's in a name?



To the magician everything is in the name,

but to the Creative Responsibility of knowing what you do, everything is in the true word of your heart.

If you look to the mind for meaning you find meany and conflicted meanings in which you can become lost or misguided.

If you look to the word that is written on your heart, your mind will align in serving its revealing.

That manipulations seek to redefine and redirect the mind, is also part of entrancing the passive reception to a pushed agenda. You do not have to turn to that channel or even stay in the room. yet everything in that room is set to keep you looking there for who you are. More channels appear but are they fronts for a blocked Channel?

Is the Miracle of Life looking through your mind even as a trickle of a sense that something is happening? But has no time to notice what!

What is actually happening that is being called covid?

Is your name being called?

You do not have to answer the phone because it rings.


Why give attention to a breakdown of communication - unless to discern the devices and patterns of its occurrence?

There is only one truth or God is a truism. The context of which may be taking truth to serve a vanity.

But arguing truth is to kill it for the sake of the presumed right to have the final judgement.

Witnessing to truth is of a different order.

Points of view may be translated to points of You - where You are the underlying context for the experience of relationships of alignment or dissonance.

You are beyond image and form and not contained IN a world of formed imaginations accepted and given as Reality Itself.

If you don't find welcome at this time, shake of the dust from your sandals and leave with a blessing. The Holy Spirit reveals one Will in place of conflicted wills set in programmed identities.

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