Monday, 16 November 2020

Refusal to own our fear, generates an 'alien' will

Entertainment by farce, masks over entrainment by force.

Where does our willingness to align in coercive denial of human being arise and find support?

Te power behind the throne is 'thinking' globally and active locally, such that vertical hierarchy subverts any horizontal integration of consciousness and community.

So you only have the life allotted you under regulations, which recondition to replace human being with programming.

Is there a power behind the throne or is there a willing sacrifice of human being to a god of the wish for such power? 

Fear, when set as our reality by our reaction, becomes the terrain that shapes our thought to generate our response. This operates a machine thinking, running as IF alive.

Fear, set in such actions, will only fade from non use.

Masking over protects the fear, as a way to persist in its action unknowing - and at the hand of others or conditions outside my sphere of responsibility.

Guilt and fear are thus got rid of by masking over and casting or projecting out to the narratives for the justification and protection of the mask (the protects the fear). This process persists as further masking to protect the invested narratives (that protect the mask that protects the fear).

Psychology recognises 'psychological defences'. The mind is set in conflicts of self-evasion that can use psychology to sanctify and persist in it!

Human being is not a noun, nor mind you, is mind.

Objecting to reality makes an object reality to which we can subject our sense of self.

The more we fight it the tighter the net.

Fear and control operate both sides of a coin that generated false currency.

As if what is feared will happen IS happening.

As if what was thus experienced, (as if really happening), will happen again.

And so must be ruled out of experience by limiting thought and behaviour,

so as to give priority to such control as our protection, under 'moral' justifications by which to offset or mitigate loss of love and pain of isolation to social reinforcement set against a sense of self-dissonance, self-betrayal or sin - which must be ongoing got rid of onto others and world from a bubble of judgmental exceptionalism.

But we never really escape our consequences by scapegoating others or world as the evil to be eradicated or conformed, so much as manage toxic consequence under a world of self-evasive masking.

That reaction can set a mind in error falsely, is to become one who knows not what they do - because a fundamental error cascaded through all that follows.

The recognition of this simple fact offers release. But the original error is hidden under layers of defences that are the territory of particular fears, locked down in guilt and masked over, and cast out so as to 'never be relived again!'.

But not only does this not work, it works to persist a world of only seeming escape to a deeper reinforcement in error with every invested 'solution'.

Refusal to own our fear generates an 'alien' will.

Alienation from our being under a false sense of protective control that then feeds blindly on our lives because we made it in blindness of a sense of lack-driven need.

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