Sunday 1 November 2020

Communication is the Nature of Life

(Lost context)


 Thankyou for your companionship.

The communication of information within the biome of all life and in specific species  as within an organism is for me the nature of life. The means for this are many and synchronous - ie not a linear central control system! One of these modes is through exosomes - which may be the broken fragments of cellular material that carry information from their experience. This allows a communication - which may be via bacterial, or particulate medium, to operate. The receptivity to any update' may respond in any number of ways. Not so different from sending packets of information over the web that contain executables that are only activated under specific conditions. This model for me allows a communication that is in itself life supporting and not pathogenic - particularly relating to changes and challenges to life such as toxic conditions and perhaps trauma that is laid down or stored in the body.

Virus as pathogen is assigning our human mind to a viral packet.

Has anyone accounted for how 'a bit of code' can hijack a living cell in order to then replicate itself? Bill Gates could offer an answer but he knows it isn't the virus that 'does' it but the crafted exploit to a systemic back-door. A breakdown of integrity to conditions of disorder is part of imbalance - without which balance could not be found and lived.

The equilibrium - is always in motion and so is not static and so is always moving to and from balance and the idea of homeostasis is similar. So all kinds of conditions are activated and then deactivated and many of these operate millions of times per second. The issues that arise under toxic and unsupported or malnutritive conditions, are where function is compromised or blocked so as to fail to complete. But I don't separate out parts of such function and call them pathogenic just because they are found at the scene of the 'crime'.

I wrote not so much to tell you anything you don't already know but as the willingness to trust to writing where I am at that includes the idea of communication, but within a field or resonance and relevance.

Shooting the messenger is the liability of any defended model when a greater perspective knocks on the door.

I just watched a Dr Fuellmich - a lawyer who with others is on the case. He and others like him may move toward the direction you are hoping for.

I desire to see the use of fraud and deceit, checked and blocked from further destruction, via mind-capture, as the prerequisite for anything else.

We will see.

Belief in masking cover story is very deep set. No one can begin to release what they are not aware of running under, and are predicated to defend it as their life. When what is toxic rises up from denial or encapsulation to be released, we experience it as reliving ancient trauma and reiterate whatever it costs to get the lid back on - as a kind of mind-capture or mind-control from a sense of conflict that invokes such control as the means to limit intolerable pain, fear, guilt.  In that sense we are all like 'shaped charges'. I don't call for sympathy, but uncovering our own and coming through it in any sense opens a recognition and compassion for life. Love of life and humanity supports us through the unthinkable. Not for who we seem to be, but for who and what we truly are.

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