Friday 30 October 2020

Life the Cosmos and Viral Expression

 What you give attention to is your freedom. The noise and the signal are BOTH information, but of different orders and the art of discernment is current, active and present - and not a systemic habit that serves only what you think you want to find (that way lies danger).

The idea of Panspermia still posits Life as organisms rather than as self-organising energy patterns that underlie and support what we regard as 'separate wholes' or lives - as expression of an Indivisible Whole - like D Bohm's ideas.
But the idea of viral expression as an adaptive and survival response to toxins would correlate with space dust - which arrives on earth consistently and persistently as a matter of course and which  contains organic molecules and toxic compounds - as this dust is also within the domain of ionised or charged plasma it is also affected by Solar electrical conditions that have a capacitance or inductive correlation with our earth's electro-magnetic boundary. I also correlate such fluctuations with volcanic and seismic activity - the former of which can also spew toxins to our atmosphere.
The idea that viruses operate a warning and possible adaptive response for new environmental challenge would be very similar to what has been discovered operating through the roots and bacterial-fungal medium that connects trees. The Idea of the Bacterial and fungal Biome as part of an adaptive communication and response system or indeed 'immune response' as a biosphere.
This links in principle with another poster's recent comment on Langerhans cells - and in general with the sense of Life as a Field of active Intelligence rather than created or evolved separate organisms or species - which are a specific selective perception from the whole.

However, the point raise that if all Life is Life - then 'alien' simply means a relationship unrecognised or denied at the level of our current identification.

Plasma Cosmology scales at all levels and operates differently through different mediums, and in particular for life as we know it - through water - which is not just the cycle we know on Earth but a principle component of the waters above (space dust or plasma - that I have it as comprising about 99% of the physical Universe). The operation of frequencies and resonances opens a much more complex realm than objects and impact of a Newtonian clockwork mechanism. It holds a new vision of Consciousness as Integral - but... not as we know it Jim.
What we take to be consciousness is a masking over and filtering limited 'set' of perceptions.
However, I feel to inspire a sense that unmasking of what we thought to know, need not be a death but a portal to a greater perspective - once we attune to Life, instead of the 'control frequency'.

I liked the - The Year of Disguises by Roger Koops article that was posted here.
He made the point that focusing on human to human transmission was in error. It is an ancient pattern to seek something to blame and attack or limit when we fear being violated by a Life we do not understand (because we are trying to possess and control it).

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