Wednesday 4 November 2020

We destroy our economy for no benefit? 

From our point of view no benefit and only degradation and destruction.

But there is a point of view that actively grips and enacts this agenda regardless any extension of reason or relationship as fellow human beings.

Whether that view is rational to its own priorities and predicates is not to say it it Sane.

It's fundamental means is fear and deceit, and so I suggest it is an effect of fear and deceit.

But my point is that many keep thinking that there is no perceived or desired benefit in this whole mess. R Kennedy Jr made a very short video for the need to call on and align in science as the defence against fear, and manipulative deceits in which the net gain in wealth for a number of key players during the 'pandemic' is shown on screen. But it's far more than wealth. It is leverage over the indebted, the fearful, the ambitious  and the needy.

A corrupted science, a corrupted media and a corrupted political system, all seem to bring science, journalism or politics into disrepute - towards ditching them completely for a technocracy of  a corporately driven State. We have perhaps arrived at such a state.

Much of what we thought was true has been used to deceive us, but we also for the most part wanted to sleepwalk along managed tramlines into systems in which we are not required to think - in the connected and sane sense of the meaning of taking thought and making decisions.

The perceived benefit of a population of tooled compliance to those who see us as assets, tools or threat and burden is a no-brainer. It is also heartless or dissociated as a financial and corporate entity set in laws that make human outcomes impossible. Systemic evils are heavily defended as too big to fail and so the evil is protected from any real threat by change that distributes pain to the people. Protection became a racket under which we pay by compliance to mitigate our exposure to a top-down pain - largely masked in complex manipulations that serve vested interests and SEEM to mask or mitigate our fears.

Redemption is the trading in of the false for the true. Nothing true is threatened by a process of true re-evaluation, but fears rising from invested identity will block the willingness to transparency and truth at every turn. So bringing our fears INTO our curriculum is the honesty to our current willingness, and a capacity to grow in willingness. I see an urgency to connect with such a willingness in place of being run by fear unseen. But within our willingness is the need to bring our full attention present and feel our way as a restoring of the basis from which to think, speak and act sanely.

I have read that on arrival at a triage situation, arriving paramedics have learned (the hard way), to take a time first to calm and centre - so as to act from a capacity to discern and prioritise who can in fact most likely be saved and who cannot - but would take away from helping those who can. Fools rush in because we 'see' and react to what we 'think' we see, until we can check the thinking with what is actually here. Then having invested in such identifications and actions (and consequences), we are liable to seek justification and cover story at cost of a true learning experience. A fundamental error, given cover story becomes a systemic evil. We know this, but the hate of evil outcome set in rage and vengeance, works against uncovering anything but blame driven narratives. And so it has come to this.

#2:  On an 'Immune system'

Homeostasis is a concept of balancing the conditions for life amidst change and challenge.
The pathogen theory assigns agency to toxic or imbalancing or undermining of function.
In the event of being poisoned by another's intent or negligence - human agency comes into play, but otherwise, the body IS the condition of supporting your life now - regardless your narrative experience of it. And yet our psychic-emotional feedback programs or conditions the body as part of its terrain while thinking to be some sort of controller.

I will go and read the article. I followed a reference to Langerhans cells recently - probably from a post here - We don't need antibacterial hand 'washing'. It's built in.

Fear's defences work to undermine our natural immunity from within.
The masking defences, lock the fear IN.
This goes all the way back to 'fig-leaf thinking' in attempt to cover a sense of self-lack.

That may be too short and too radical to be understood.
But we effectively become the personal mask or defence in place of a wholeness of being.
And project fear as threat as the basis for buying time for the 'system' or strategy of coping with which we have become identified against a life feared, demonised and largely ruled or filtered out.

The belief in corona death by contagion operated the reactions that made is narrative seem justified - which brought and continue to bring consequences of self-reinforcement to the belief.

Likewise a belief in self-lack can seek comfort in foods that become a reinforcement to evade emotional discomfort - quite apart from the denatured and even toxic nature of some of the foods being marketed to such an identity profile.

The body and the life is our condition right now, and is worthy of appreciation and gratitude - not fear, demonisation and pre-emptive 'treatments'. A true presence can expand as the qualities of life - and discern a balanced response to any situation. Running on fear given priority, is always driven, tyrannous or compulsive. We can learn to tell the difference.

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