Sunday 25 October 2020

Why we live in the Covid Cult

 Following orders is a mask for evading personal responsibility - where taking up such responsibility would open conflict with the culture of social control that is otherwise invisible.

The giving of priority to 'science' or experts or those whose job it is to know and to give orders, is the giving of power, for what is given first place sets all else in its frame as the terms or conditions to be fitted to or complied with and made accountable to.

Fear is unresolved conflict, and the masking of fear is both its denial in oneself, and its projection away from the self, such that a sense of personal survival depends upon protecting the masking defence from exposure (as a means to hide denied fear in), while actively supporting and aligning in the attack or program of compliance to 'deny' the scapegoated 'other' - be that persons, identified groups, ideologies or viruses. The key factor is the diversion and dumping of guilt to the association of guilt onto those NOT protecting the masked identity or crusade, as the necessary sacrifice to the idol of the masking power.
The necessity of 'survival' in such terms is that someone ELSE has to pay, and the weaponised masking works both fight and flight to evade responsibility under the belief there will be hell to pay for anyone stepping out of line or SHOULD BE!

What underlies all the above is that we are already running within cultures of social control that are otherwise invisible excepting the underlying fear - or separation trauma - break through the masking or any rational sense of identity to claim priority and effectively possess or capture and control the mind until the mask is restated. 

The mind as 'continuity manager' operates all the time as the maintaining of a sense of self in time, and yet the 'separation trauma' of fear that has never been resolved, reintegrated and released, is an archetypal patterning of abandonment, rejection, and betrayal that effectively holds our focus in the learned and shared sense of self and world.

I am suggesting that the world as we have learned, acquired and developed it, is NOT 'outside' and away from us, but a masking over and diversion from a core separation fallacy - given priority, as a sense of masking off to a private disconnect that is then driven to reconnect and regain what was lost to conflict in external terms.

The temporary success in masking off from fear is the self and world of possession and control in its own terms - or rather in terms of a collective culture of tacit social masking agreements that hold the themes of identity set over and against fear. Living WITHIN fear unawares, is then the prize by which which others pay or are sacrificed so as to justify the mask of possession and control as a PRIVATE and personal agenda. Masked off from open acknowledgement and acceptance.

This is sketching a split mind of levels and compartments set against itself as a means to protect the split - or conflict from the process of resolving - which is initiated by  acknowledgement in place of active denial. Curiosity of a desire for knowledge as the basis for peace and release of conflict, rather than narrative control under tyrannous or fear driven compulsion.

The forms of truth or associated with it qualities or virtues can be and must be masked in - so as to seem to pass off as valid. As a kind of passport to social acceptance within mutually enforced masking conditions. The masking identity is our social persona.

But all the above predicates on conflict unresolved and engaged in as a means to persist in what we get out of it. Beneath all masking is simply truth that Is. The extension, reflection and sharing in truth is prior to the interjection of any attempt to possess and control as a personal private or masked agenda. And is Always prior to such a masking over - and so is un-coverable to the willingness to know and be known in truth - or exactly as we are - rather than to get or become or mask in what we are not for what we think we want or need to become in order to find acceptance, validity, atonement, restoration or redemption.

The Covid Theme is a re-iteration of an ancient Script and may be to arrive at our starting place to know it for the first time. Because our 'Separation trauma' of a conflicting disconnect from our very being - is prioritised as the Past that Made us (and life) what it is - or 'through a glass darkly'. That there is another way to SEE is absent from a narrative dictate of emotional reactivity running as a 'machine mind' of conditioned reactions that has all the power of the mind - but set within its own predicates and parameters, so as to wind up in a 'Prodigal' wasteland.

None can truly see a conflict from within the conflict, but they see ways to protect their investments as the framing of their 'answer'. Invested identity as a form of consent is initiated by emotional reactions - persisted in and protected as ourselves. The fear of 'virus' has grown mindshare over millennia - but the joining of fear of hidden toxins to fear of contagion in one fear, resonates to an original fear that WE are toxic to the heart of love and must be denied, cast out and kept forever separate. The part of us that is cast out is armoured to survive and yet suffers pain, loss and death as the only 'reality' we know. The controller and the controlled is 'judgement'.

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