Monday 26 October 2020

The very idea of 'control' is a masking over fear

I think the very idea of control is a mask over fear – in everyone.

If fear is a conflicted state in which the ‘Master’ seems absent, the tenant farmers attempt to manage within a sense of threat of chaos, to effectively usurp the ‘Master’, and as a sense of control, deny the messengers of the ‘Master’.

If mastery is seen not as control over, but one with, then the ‘Master’ is the capacity for unified decision – or the Heart’ of free willing alignment. You don’t need control excepting to maintain a situation that is unnatural to you.

That our psychic structure is replicated in our world is the means by which to recognise the lens through which we ‘see’.

The long term plan is to delay the inevitable, or in most simple and immediate terms the persistence of a sense of possession and control set over and against the fear of dispossession and loss of face – or control. That this masks over and denies, is the pattern that goes forth to multiply as masking illusions set and made by denials that automatically project or cast out our experience in terms of keeping such fear hidden, by surrounding it with terrors.

If you were surrounded by people who would attack you for openly speaking your truth, you might align in a secret society, which may then grow a self-specialness over and against those deemed ignorant – and presume a right to rule or simply wield it from a perspective beyond masking virtues and emotionally invested illusions.

My sense is that judgement cuts the mind into pieces, that are then set against each other and their own healing or wholeness. Hating our denial was how we made them. That they seek to regain the light they are denied makes them seem to be attacking, denying or seeking retribution – which with persistent denial, they will. (And we do).

I am choosing to use the word power as a word for the power of life, and control for the sense of power over life – along with subjection in our own terms.

The use of words can and does spell our mind and our world.
By our own acceptance or consent – even if under habits that come down through generations over the centuries.


  1. - My comments from a few days ago seem to have disappeared.

    I hope you mind me asking but I thought Google Blogger and Blogspot Search was discontinued. - And worse Shadow-banned. As are mine.

    But you don’t care. That’s why you keep deleting my comments.

  2. I haven't seen anything except this exact comment 3 times - and only noticed them today 10 Dec 2020


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