Thursday 10 September 2020

The trap was laid long before the spring was released

The trap has been long laid before the spring was released.

All the previous iterations and drills that went before passed your notice.

But as Adam Curtis pointed out - when the power of dreams is no longer available as a carrot, then the only stick of leverage to the manipulative deceit is the power of nightmares, by which to maintain its supply of 'existence' from your willing allegiance.

The wishful selling of freedom for a dream of self-specialness or enhancement is the 'positive' lure. It works upon or seeks to leverage a sense of self-lack in shame or grievance.

Once brought into dependency under a seeming sense of self-inflation, the ability to choke the supply operates as control of the captive mindshare. This can often be run in such a way as to seem to be happenstance, misfortune or hapless mistakes - so as to keep the controller hidden by diversion or painted benignly as the protector from further such ills.

Monopolism ruthlessly seeks and gains control of supply - along with setting up false dependencies invested with real assets and lives. It does so through a myriad of 'fronting' faces. Most especially capturing and effectively running those set up to protect us from abuse of power, so as to deliver us TO what it is fronted as saving us FROM - and in such a way as to reinforce the need for always more funding, more sacrifice, and more dependency. Monopolism seems to be conflict, by which to divide and rule.

I look deeper than the current iteration to the patterns it represents.

The very 'world' we think to 'live' in is framed in beliefs and definitions that can be called our 'narrative' - for narrative is our meaning structure or identification and relationship with ourselves, each other and world. Very few question their experience unless and until they meet incongruity or incoherence they cannot weave into their identity.

In my observation, narrative identity is already a 'masking persona' with personal and social interactions and reinforcements. Masking over truth is an expression of self-conflict or self-lack - or simply self-image, which can also be called self-consciousness as distinct from a gift of self-awareness that is of itself unselfconscious - or uninhibited flow or flowering we call joy in being.

The development of the self-consciousness or ego is an overlay of augmented reality or indeed substitution for reality in which a split off part thinks it is the survivor of a broken whole and must defend against total loss while seeking to regain power or possession of what it no longer commands and so is set to seek as 'control' This 'pattern' is an empty ghost or addictive dependency to leverage over experience no longer recognised as a result of 'splitting off' and locking down in fear-as-control seeking a sense of independent autonomy, under lack or loss of sovereign will - which in the sense I call it is ABSENT coercion, as the free alignment in who we truly recognise and accept ourselves to be.

A true appreciation of itself shines or extends its nature as the basis for a recognition of others in their own freedom of being. Joy in being is the truly 'common purpose' - not groupthink! But under 'separation trauma', a masking narrative seeks reinforcement for without reinforcement the mask has no basis of allegiance or support.

I also note that to a split mind of fear and division, the movement of fulfilment that is of the nature of being in expression (life) operates as the movement of reintegration and healing - as an underlying potential and indeed promise to any willingness of true alignment in it.

How are we so deceived but that we have been long deceived but are only now recognising a profound error.

I know a loving couple who were driving abroad at night and became deeply embroiled in a pressure cooker of argument when becoming lost in a provincial city and regardless who interpreted the map or what instructions were taken, kept going round in circles. I don't recall how they escaped that city - but the complete 'escape' was in recognising they had both been trying to use a map of the wrong city. Laughter replaced every kind of personal resentment, blame and struggle to be right.

The active emotional storm of the current situation far exceeds 'Mr Gold's' capacity to control - but while the reinforcement for the experience is supported, that is being 'lived'.

We support narrative identities by emotional investment regardless of whether it is sympathetic, antipathetic or apathetic.

Owning our feelings, is also feeling them fully, and this also reveals the underlying beliefs that they encapsulate as learned meanings. Feelings are not autonomous realities - but operate AS such by our acceptance and use of them for the conditions that trigger them.

Feeling - as a potential and dimension of knowing, is Open. This is what we have forgotten and why we cannot access our true inherence of being from a point of active defence of a false or mistaken inheritance.

The parasite class - along with its societal support, has painted itself into a corner from which there is no escape and so it climbs into a computer model - in reiteration of its starting place.

'As Is' - Alway Is.

'As If', seems to be, or to define being. And in seeming, shifts and changes and becomes, such that identity is given to reflections of no true substance, and the resulting conflict interpreted as guilt, which is pushed away from self and masked over so as to persist 'as if' in ways that protect its 'self' from fear of pain of loss.

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