Friday 11 September 2020

A Human Alliance

When J Corbyn stood out against the back drop of a cynical and corporately captured political class - he shone a quality of humanity that set most else off by contrast. It wasn't his ideas or policies so much as his sense of the privilege and duty of representation to ordinary people that wasn't just lip service, but willing to stand against considerable persecution of character by a mainstream lockstep in smear.

I was heartened to see human qualities openly demonstrated in a realm of studied and trained deceit and evasion that can of course be seen as the development of a survival instinct within the parameters of likewise developing conditions - not least of which are the shift of power away from any real political process to cartels of financial and corporate power that effectively owns or captures anything that would hold its power in check or to account - including for the most part, apparent opposition.

J Corbyn's revealed to many the nature of the mainstream media as 'fronts' for a single (not a common) purpose, and the nature of the resort to get rid of him in public political terms was itself somewhat revealing of the hidden powers that shape our 'narratives, set our regulatory strictures and contrive to condition the herd to lose any residual immunity to a mind-control that amazingly many still do not recognise to be operating.

But I started this post in the intent to say a human cross party and indeed neo party alliance (trans party cannot be used now) - is what I wanted to see. (Not a rebranded Labour party).

There are inhuman and antihuman elements to the development of our thought, technology and its social and economic application that are NOT progress or progressive, NOR conservative or conserving, but mask in any seeming virtue by any device so as to prevail over and undermine all else.

The subversion of a love of nature and vision for a more convivial world by funnelling (a primarily corporate-led) environmental guilt and toxicity into 'carbon guilt' that like covid - buys and bullies the 'science' to push a self-hating anti-human agenda that WANTS to see destruction of the human race - who are now commonly accepted to be a cancer or virus on the planet and must therefore sacrifice, be sacrificed and give their own up to a society of sacrifice to the god of guilt.

This is no different in principle to the global 'biosecurity' state set over humans as vectors of contagious infection. The underlying themes are guilt, hate and vengeance, operating through fear masked in fake virtue, clung to as the only 'protection' from terror that cannot be brought to light or articulated - and so it is flagged to enemies and threats and viruses and asteroids (cue for the aliens) - while our measures of control, defence or protection actually DO the damage and destruction to ourselves that no external enemy would be able to do.

What it is to be human does include the capacity to become captured or caught in our own thinking so as to be deceived in the following of a false profit under false premise, such as to effectively deliver ourselves unto evil. But only to the point of willingness to persist in the lie once we can no longer mask it as if true and believe it.

This is no different in principle to the global 'biosecurity' state set over humans as vectors of contagious infection. The underlying themes are guilt, hate and vengeance, operating through fear masked in fake virtue, clung to as the only 'protection' from terror that cannot be brought to light or articulated - and so it is flagged to enemies and threats and viruses and asteroids (cue for the aliens) - while our measures of control, defence or protection actually DO the damage and destruction to ourselves that no external enemy would be able to do.

What it is to be human does include the capacity to become captured or caught in our own thinking so as to be deceived in the following of a false profit under false premise, such as to effectively deliver ourselves unto evil. But only to the point of willingness to persist in the lie once we can no longer mask it as if true and believe it.

It may be that those who are most called or driven to manipulate others are providing an experiential education unwittingly for those willing to recognise and release their part in it rather than play victim over and over again. Which is the desire to regain and give expression to a core humanity that is of a practical love of willingness to accept and engage with what is - as it is - rather than mask in the forms or correctnesses of 'love' as if to claim the right to enforce what 'should be' from a private agenda seeking control by guile.

A Human Alliance does not set others as anti-human if it focuses on the ideas and issues instead of being baited and drawn into the mire of personal smearing, pejorative and polarising of identity that paralyses any truly conscious awareness for finding cultural expression - such that madness misrules by consent. For despite what we say we hate, we give consent at a level of energy, attention and reaction that most of us are masked off from and think to be our freedom - excepting it doesn't know more than a fleeting fantasy of some personal gratification within a sense of self and world that has only the freedoms granted by permission of set conditions.

I don't wholly accept the term 'alliance' because it suggests allying against. But the 'human family' is the underlying quality to be uncovered - even in conflict. However family is of a kind - even if a broken family constellation holds the trauma of great pain of unkindness. The pattern of broken love and life, sets us in conflict not just with each other but within ourselves. These two are of each other and both are expressing our relationship with our being.

Insanity is where loss of coherency with our being sets the call for Sanity as a recognisable and willing priority.

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