Wednesday 2 September 2020

A Just Perception 

Eyes Open said:

Believe me. I wish quarantines, social distancing, mandatory face masks, mass unemployment, destroyed economy and cancelled medical treatments were just a ‘perception’.

I didn't say 'just a perception' - but that is what you choose to perceive I said.

I actually intended something worthy of sharing.

You took a meaning - and the meaning that you are running with isn't 'just' your perception - it is the result of your current state of mind with regard to what I wrote. In which I was calling attention to a specific assumption on your part that you have evaded by seeking to amplify my point to make it appear extreme and ridiculous.

The mask of a mind set under dictate to face OUT, is by definition blind to that which directs it - and yet what we see OUT in the world, is through the filters of our mind and can reveal what was hidden to a capacity to release our filtering judgements and invite a different perception-response and total experience. This applies unconditionally - but why not start with the moment we find ourselves in?

You might note that the 'psychopathic' element - or those of a cognitive dissonance are completely unwilling, or unable, to look within and question their perceived reality.

The masking mind seeks to escape itself from its fear by seeing something else. The mask is then adapted to its perceptions and the perceptions to the need to defend the mask against disclosure.

The generation of cover stories against disclosure or sideshow diversions and false trails is all part of the mask.

You don't know what you are looking at unless you know who and what you are. Currently you are taking your identity JUST from your perception-response to a compression cycle that in my opinion is inevitable change, that the masking mind of control seeks to position itself to limit consciousness so as to save face and maintain 'control'. 

The other word in your reply that runs up a flag for me is 'wish'.

Wishing is the basis for a dissociative breakdown of the integrity of the mind. For it has no action component. What you are actively willing may be masked by wishing - so as to believe you either have become your wish or are being denied and deprived it. Willing is active decision and the loss of willingness to a mind of judgements and filtering distortions is its 'capture' in a world gained at cost of a whole Souled alignment.

Another way of looking at this is priority. If your wishing is given priority it becomes the substitute for your true desire and you can struggle, suffer and die in it out of stubborn refusal to question the conflict to uncover what your true priority is in response to anything - including your list of conditions.

We cannot re-evaluate choices we are unaware of making - and we experience everything by our response TO it. If fear is your guidance then fear shows you what to see and brings back all the proofs you need. How else could you see this? That is better to uncover as a true question, curiosity or desire.

If you willed to test your conceptions and perceptions to discern whether they are just, you would align the conditions in which to see not just a world - but the whole that includes your contributions and recognises those of others with yours as the 'More of what is going on' than surface appearances and fearful imaginations running ungrounded.

Writing out is extremely longhand and crude in its necessary limitations. Discrimination and discernment are of a qualitative instant that can hold huge potentials for integrative alignment of thought, word and act.

And no you haven't just missed it - unless you set up a negative synchronicity of mistimed and misaligned frustration by which to justify why you don't really want to open from a self-isolation to a love that extends by nature - but as a wholeness - not as a  partial selection that gives attributes to get rid of them.

What is the logical conclusion of self-conflict but paralysis, powerlessness, depletion, debt and death? I mean WHO in their right mind would think to 'win'. While you perceive your brother as enemy - you can hate and kill your 'sins' on him. 'Cancelling' your debts by denial of the rights of another. How can this not pile up even more debt under illusions of getting vengeance for a self vindication?

Is any self illusion just an illusion while it is actively invested with emotional force of attachment? (Or anti-emotional but loveless rationality?).

We are having the time of our lives!

Time can waste and well as be wasted.

But can also give way to a timelessness that is our true Inherence. This is always also a gift of perspective.

We get caught up in our own spin.

Unconflicted being can be opened to in any way that works for you and the mind cannot come in and control or corrupt it. It has to wait outside. If Wholeness were Mind it would be one without a second - and so unable to conceive of coercive or coerced or separate from any and all its Thought.

If you can invoke fear, you can also call on love - regardless what fear says. But if we merely wish for love we are deceiving ourselves in the attempt to weave love into a mask of fear so as to seem to have it. 

Only love is wholly willing to embrace what is so as to allow freedom of movement for that which was 'stuck'.

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