Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Virus as a Global Racket

I feel that mind-captured many under a pathogenic-fear, support and feed a global protection racket, but finding the way to bring this into an integrative awareness is an art as well as a science. Because the belief is heavily defended AS a protection - unless already being brought into question.

We meet an actuality and we also meet a conflict of narratives modelling our life in our world. Something truly ‘happens’ but we have invested and defended narratives of ‘what happened’ that determine how we perceive and react to any situation.

So I note the false flag of pandemic diversion and cover story as the pretext from which a defence ‘lockdowns’ us, as a siege of ‘infection’ awaiting biotechnical saviours.

I am currently reading virus mania by Torsten Engelbrecht / Claus Köhnlein
It is extremely relevant to both the medical and corporate context of which covid is an other iteration. It is the reaction that is ‘novel’.

I also highly recommend Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts.
They are both clear and readable and supported by documented fact.

While a false flag can be set up to sow fear - it can also be assigned to cover for negative effects by causes that powerful interests seek to hide. 
I hold toxicity, malnutrition and poverty as the underlying vectors generally being hidden by 'infectious diseases'. The toxic debts that pile up are not just in banker’s portfolios.

The article above - which as commenters say reiterates what has been known for weeks, restates or updates and confirms the lack of substance for the hugely disproportionate reaction under a lockstepped media created hysteria by which to induce compliant support for a coup via the medical industrial complex operating through various fronts that include captured regulators - including our 'political class'.

So regardless whether those who died with or from a novel conceit, or from various contributory factors that were assigned to a novel infection, (that has no necessary clinical symptoms - and so can be mutated to include almost anything) - the fact is that shutting down the Economy and denying human rights has been and is being done under COVER of a medical emergency that is in the region of 99% reaction and 1% actual.

The self-destructive nature of this ongoing 'lockdown' is only just being given some acknowledgement - with the realisation that even if it were to end tomorrow, the negative consequences are much bigger than our piecemeal imaginations currently appreciate. 

That this is part of breaking down to build a 'new and better world control system' is simply Orwellian doublespeak - yet my sense is it has huge support via a guilted population seeking 'virtue' under the ruse bringing down 'the evil system' while actually consolidating it as the replacement of human beings - including themselves.

This diversion and dumping of guilt and consequence - ‘away’ - is the survival instinct of a covid story that is to be reinforced by building on and deriving from its premise - hence the 4th Reich of a bio-tech 'revolution'.
And hence the relevance of a re-education on the actual history of virology rather than running on pharmaceutically trained foundations.

Boris primed biotech as the new direction with his UN speech. The future is being engineered by the tools of the ability to 'control the present' - as the continuation of a past made in fear, seeking control. Yet masking as a ‘paramount concern for your safety’, but only to a collective sacrifice. The 'individual' has been redacted to a hermetically sealed elitism at the top of a pyramid scheme. Hard coded AS the demand for collective sacrifice as the support for a virtual fantasy or ideal OF controlling life rather than its unfolding its own fulfilment.

But our individuality is the unique gift or extension of presence to our relations. This cannot be quantifed and codified without sacrifice of the living whole.

Living cells, as the biology of life are symbiotic. The self-isolating attack mode is a reiteration of trauma. I do not invoke ‘trauma’ for victim sympathy - but to an honesty or transparency of being that a narrative dissociation is invoked to cover over.

Opaque or transparent depends on your current perspective. A perceived need to hide or maintain a lie by which to profit or survive, seeks opacity by ingenuity of deceits. A creative movement or desire aligns transparency by seeking fulfilment.

But fear-driven control or systemic protection running as denied and hidden conflicts of interest, is not a workable or creative life, culture or basis for civilisation or social coherence. But actually hijacks its host under false premises - as a parasitic black op - running on our own mind - under cover.

Can our mind be hijacked by its own thinking?
Functionally no, but as a narrative experience - obviously and evidently.

A virus cannot hijack its host cell. We assign our own thinking to a natural communication by association - and want it Out There where it can be denied, attacked and defended against magically - while being compounded and multiplied mechanically.

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