Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Unpugging from 'We' set against 'They'


By the nature of the polarity of the pronoun 'They' is inferred 'We'.
I seek to wean myself from using 'They' as a presumptive 'We' - who - if 'They' are the bad guys, make us the good guys - right? Wrong.
Virtue signalling focuses on the error or evil seen in others or flagged to externals in a masking ploy that infers and reinforces a hollow within - into which everything the mask is supposed to protect against,grows secretly in the dark, protected and defended - by a 'we' that joins in hate - as IF to become more loving or aligned and associated with love.

This is so invisibly active as our 'normalised' consciousness that it runs as unconscious or subconscious automatic habit reaction.
But beneath the surface of the masking narrative identity - set in grievance and fear of pain of loss - AND its protected, denied and false-flagged underbelly of hidden or unfaced fears - is the virtue of our true existence and the qualities of the truth of OUR being - because WE are expressions of a Relational 'Field' or wholeness of being that can only be 'Humpty-Dumptied' by the breakdown of communication of 'Separation trauma' by which our fear and reaction set the mind as the overruling and substitution for the heart - which redefines the heart with its own attributes.
The underlying pattern of projecting lack as the framework of Meaning through which to seek or be driven is entirely overlooked in the drama of invested identity in 'getting' for a self-lack - and insofar as such possession and control finds means of reinforcement and support - protecting and persisting against reliving fear of pain of loss - or of having what we took, taken back. For by taking against the will, is a mind-wilfulness set in mask over a motivation treasured - and feared. here is the allow of love and hate that characterises everything processed through the mind of a masking separateness set in self-limiting lockdown.
But the wish and the forms and the masking in good intentions do not heal or restore wholeness now - but persist in some attempt to put Humpty together again - as diversion to facing or owning our life, now. Not as the sum total of denials and fears and entanglements of overwhelm, but as the honesty of addressing the evils of the day therof and the moment at hand.
Where is our own primary field or virtue of self-responsibility to wholeness? - Of which we are integral or we would not exist, and know our existence!
So identifying what is truly mine and what does not, is in some simple sense recognising the mask, so as to release investment, allow transparency, and accept a recognisable more aligned expression of self and world as the current gift of giving and receiving as a consciousness - rather than the reactive assertion of a getting that works as active 'forgetting'of dissociations that operate cognitive dissonance as a fear of contagion.
So there is a means to pull the plug, by recognising you choose to plug into 'Them' as a seeking of 'We' reinforcement as a sense of lack driven to fulfil itself externally.
The experience of wholeness is not 'gotten' so much as unselfconsciously shared. The cup that runneth over is a fullness that cannot BUT shine or communicate in ways that the surface mind is unaware of and not getting in the way of.
The rush to warn and wake and call everyone to war, or defence, or any fear-defined agenda can work contagion as a cry or call for help that the sympathies of others then attune to and seem to 'catch' as the seeded fear - cast out as 'WE MUST! Or ELSE! feeds and funds all the king's horses and all the king's men to persist a futility of engineering wholeness from a fragmented perspective - even if that fragment should consolidate under fear to operate 99% - or indeed sacrifice the 99% for the 'survival of possession and control' as '1%'.
Self limitation is a backwards way of creating experience and identifying within it. There is nothing wrong with holding a focus that aligns us with who we truly are, but we generate dissonance when we align in who we sre NOT - as a result of fearing what we have become or might be.
Facing fears is the way of no longer feeding them in the dark. But the mind of fear's evasion and denial cannot do what it is predicated to dis-allow (not without generating psychotic dissociations from the attempt to kill or deny itself).
But owning or noticing fear and its attendant or derivative judgements and reactions allows an opening and alignment to a love that we do not manufacture or mask in - but are revealed and recognise ourself and others and world in - with no thought of 'love' because in the expression of our being we do not have to manually manage it.
Where I have unfinished 'business' I find interactions with others and world that I can accept as a re-education, rehabilitation and reintegration within a wholeness of being that cannot really be learned or taught from the mind of possession and control, and yet is revealed through the willingness to notice and flow with, rather than grasp and lock-down. And so anything I have said, can and will be parsed by a command and control mindset for service to its protocols, But the cup that overflows is already sharing purpose of 'a different drum'.

(As that last term came up just as I thought to have concluded I refer a book of the same name - but specifically the section at the end of it with the tool-set on Pseudo-community, Chaos, Emptiness, and Community, as recognisable facets of  masking in life, conflict and exhaustion, release of narrative demands and expectations, and already connected silence of being as a shared recognition of inner and outer as one. While presented here as a linear unfolding, the mind can and does flip in and out of all kinds of variation of such themes - not least because when we experience joy, it can come in as the wish not to lose it, or to 'understand it' so as to 'give it to others' or 'get a better handle on life or world'.

If 'They' are plugged into me - or us - is it not where fear and guilt operate division. Did Humpty Fall?  Was Humpty pushed? Was it a false flag? Our experience of separation is very real for us - but always shifting and changing. Allowing the experience from a willingness to be it rather than possess or control it, opens the perspective of embrace or compassion - right where we are. This is the 'vertical dimension' that a flatland of narrative driven shifting surface realities seems to cover or frame. It is also the simple restorative of spontaneous alignment when narratives are given TO wholeness rather than seeking to fit life as an expression of wholeness, into narrative dictates. 

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