Monday, 29 June 2020

Rage against the Zombie\

Vernon Cole

The fearful, mask in props of alignment to a 'protection racket'. But they only see the protection and are fodder for the racket.
If you are less fearful, you are privileged to be in the opportunity of extending a blessing to those who deprive themselves of blessing by withholding its extension.
But the pre-emptive defence of the fearful seeks to deny communication, and mask the denial in narrative claiming moral justification. However, you have the capacity to see past the masking presentation to another freedom - like yourself - regardless the current choices being made. If we react in the same energetic pattern as they are, then we resent them for not conforming to our rules, terms, demands and conditions and thus 'justifying' our judgement of their unworthiness of love's awareness now - from an unquestioning moral sense of self-righteousness. The thing is, even if we are right with regard to the lack of true basis for their fears, we are not loving or honouring of their being to override their freedom by telling them they are wrong, and so need to find ways to support their capacity to re-evaluate their current or active choices in terms of their results. This then reinforces or strengthens the same in us - and grows a consciousness of compassion and discernment that is NOT a mask of sympathy or condescension pretending virtue as a means of manipulating or using others to offset our own sense of self-lack.
Self-lack is when we withhold our blessing - and the unselfconscious nature of joy or wholeness of being is to shine. When we mask over our light, we no longer meet relationships or synchronicities of resonant exchange.
Rage is also associated with temper tantrums. The terrible twos is the stage where most of us learn that our persona is not the centre of the Universe - at least in terms of socially acceptable behaviours - but there is a core self will that we all have that so deeply WANTS life to support or conform to its invested identity as to be shattered and betrayed when it becomes clear that this is simply not what life is or does - or how life works. Fear (of pain) of loss of Face is so deeply humiliating that many will choose death as their 'saviour' rather than suffer such a fate openly to the light of exposure. In this way a death cult operates the cover story for deeper fears and shames that can never be undone, resolved or healed because they represent the dread and terror of truth FEARED - and structure a split mind of the re-tooling of fear and conflict as substitute for the Creative (for our lives together). Fear and control are thus two sides of one false currency - as is denied and denier.
The mind of ingenuity is the capacity to protect the separation or 'split' from exposure - and for this is must generate darkness or the discarded and unwatched mind.
Fear of truth is the same as fear of Is. It makes no sense or nonsense - and uses nonsense as a reference point by which to frame and judge truth as its own image.
'Truth will out' is the flip side to 'illusions or idols must fall', We are still re-enacting the Fall - as if it were a new way of seeing and creating that has somehow usurped (and broken) truth - such that All the king’s horses and all the king’s men are desperately seeking to put it all back together before your Father gets Home. It's a Prodigal nightmare that casts reality as vindictive and malign from the belief we ran off with a false inheritance - that has failed us and our judgement of failure also convicts us of guilt that renders us unworthy of our place in the heart of life. And so we judge ourself and world in ever meaner misery as the basis for maintaing 'control' against the light that would damn us. But the light gently shines on the mind that damns itself, as the Re-Minder of the freedom to Come out and Play. Relationship is Creative. The exchange of creative relationship for systemic rules is the choice for death - even if the rules present themselves as the Voice for guidance and protection. A simple check in the heart will reveal the underlying impulse or active purpose. If it is denying your life it will lock you down and set you in a  mask for ITS control, in YOUR name.


We call it cognitive dissonance these days.
The mind has the capacity to identify falsely - and defend its bubble of reality against direct or true presence. (what is).
We all have a share in this mind and its world or we would not be here - and in some sense lockstep in mutually reinforcing agreements, belief and definitions.
I see 'Fear' calling unto its own, who think their power of protection calls them, and so they answer.
But regardless any 'religious' identifications - love is who and what we are - despite all fears and despite all the hates and evils that denied fear, begets.
So I see a fundamental Choice as the nature of these 'times', as to revealing the choice for fear for what it truly is, does and costs.
If you still WANT it - then truth cannot FORCE itself upon you and remain true.
You have the capacity to invest identity where you accept it.
But if we want a self-isolating reality, locked down in density of fear, threat and conflict monopoly as conflict management - we have to find others to lockstep with.
But to rest in truth requires NOTHING of us, but recognition and release of illusions as illusions.
The freedom to be who you are is lost or limited to the freedom to be what you think or image yourself to be. Once we take an image of reality and run off with it, we have the basis for 'skin in the game'. There is a way of growing and living deep attachments AND of releasing them to a greater love, but it is masked over and ruled out by fear given power. The fear is thus LOCKED IN! - not out!

While Gates acts out from a profound cognitive dissonance, most everyone here can be so easily induced to join in hate as a groupthink of lockstepped minds. Indulging private or group 'mythology' will set up a bubble of self-righteous identity. 
Witnessing truly is very different from 'spreading' anything over or on anyone.
I appreciate Vernon Coleman's witnessing. I remain a free companion and am not a blank check/cheque for anyone's hate agenda - even if set against 'hate agenda'.
If all that remains is a binary polarisation of the accusation of sin in another, then do your deserve each other?
If you choose the sword, you set the measure of your receiving. But you can choose anew - as a change of heart.
Can you find your heart - now - as you read this?
Then you can extend to the hearts of others without a word.

@Jen V The idea of 'destroying evil' is the appeal for seeing and attacking guilt in the Other. It is this 'script' that runs the Gated agenda.
A true communication allows a shift to a new perspective from which everyone literally walks forth as a new mind and world.
Evil is protected as the 'other' so that virtue can be signalled as the basis to make war holy (sic).


 Barry Hercules  He is one of millions who accept and propagate the belief that overpopulation is the major threat of humankind - which is also degraded to the status of a virus or cancer on the Earth. As the population is not going to democratically agree to a genetics agenda that effectively tools or discards them to someone else's ideal all democratic function of communication, transparency and accountability has to be degraded and replaced. The tool for effecting this is hate fuelled grievance set in moral superiority over others. The fear is used to set up the polarising identities in hate. We hate to be awake, and seek operating systems of unconscious escape that such that' wherever we want to go today' will be provided without any fundamental moral responsibility to address our core integrity and align there 'just because'. And so we have systems of manipulated guilt by which to coerce compliance to the system dictates OR ELSE!

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